The End Of The World's Poisonous Mom And Monster Baby

Chapter 177 - Volume 2 Chapter 71 When things come to a head

Chapter 177 Volume 2 Chapter 71 When things come to a head

Like thieves, a group of superhumans creeped along the corner of a wall into an empty store, then sighed with relief and sat down to rest.

The leader took some compressed biscuits with water and gave them to everyone. While eating, he asked the only girl on the team: “What is the task completion rate now?”

The girl calculated and then said bitterly: “Close to 70%.”

Someone surprisingly said: “We have already been in this S city for more than a week. Why is the task completion rate still so low?”

Another person echoed, “That’s right, I remember it was 60% three days ago! Xiao Jing, did you calculate it wrong?”

The girl named Xiao Jing burst into tears at the time: “It’s really not me who made the mistake. Just these two days, we have been robbed too much.”

When it came to this, everyone was silent. After a long time, only one person scolded: “Mother f*cker, where did those group of perverts come from? Do they want to let people live? Just as we encircled those zombies, they would suddenly come out like magic then take all the crystals away.”

“Okay, what can you say when your skills can’t compare to them? Start working.” After a quick rest, the leader stood up and said, “Let’s complete the mission early and return to the base quickly.”

The group of people left the temporary rest place and continued fighting zombies. Their luck wasn’t bad.immediately after leaving the place, they encountered a group of zombies around rank two or three. However, there were quite a few.

“Get ready.” The leader raised his hand and approached quietly, followed by a group of excited superhumans. Visually inspecting, this wave had around thirty to forty zombies. If they annihilated them, their task completion rate should increase to one hundred percent.

A group of people hurried over and activated their abilities, preparing for a beautiful killing. But before they could even start, suddenly a man and a woman descended from the sky. The woman’s muscles looked very strong and the speed of the man was fast, almost showing afterimages.

As soon as the two entered the zombie swarm, they became two meat grinders. They were killing madly. After the two of them, there was a man who looked very heroic and serious. When he raised his hand, a rain of thunderbolts enveloped the zombies. If their ranks were low, they would directly turn into ashes, leaving only the shiny crystal among the ashes. While the higher ranked ones would become muddled, emitting a weird smell.

Soon, the group of zombies were cleaned up by these three people. After the woman who looked like a diamond Barbie collected all the crystal nuclei, she waved her hand: “After cleaning up, let’s go to the next location, go.”

The three people were like the wind. Hurriedly going from one place to the next. The rest of the group stared dumbfoundedly at their backs.

For a long while, Xiao Jing couldn’t help but curse: “It’s this again, it’s them, f*ck!”

On the other side, Shao Qing took Shao Tong and Yan Qiyue. Carrying Xiao Baozi, they had just finished their killing spree, a small group of zombies led by a zombie of rank 4 was cleaned up by them.

As soon as they entered S City, Shao Qing grouped them into smaller teams. Gu Siblings and Yan Hanqing were responsible for walking around and killing roaming zombies.

Shao Qing took Shao Tong and Yan Qiyue. They were responsible for cleaning fixed zombies, such as the ones at large shopping malls, schools and other places where zombies are densely populated.

As for Er Dai, S City was where he grew up and was raised. When he came back, he was like a slippery fish. He went everywhere to find those high-level zombies. If he could kill them, he would. If he couldn’t fight them, he would call his friends to help.

In short, life was extraordinary.

Every afternoon, the whole team would gather at the designated location and then pile up the obtained crystal nuclei together. After checking, they would calculate the contribution value.

“There are now 1,008 rank 2 zombie crystal nuclei, 532 rank 3 zombie crystal nuclei, and 41 rank 4 zombie crystal nuclei.” Gu Panpan said to Shao Qing after the calculation: “According to the contribution value algorithm, we now have enough contribution value for five people.”

The staff had given them the contribution value and the conversion ratio for the crystal cores. It was completely dishonest. If this was a random squad, even after several months, they probably wouldn’t be able to pool enough crystals.

It is a pity that they have encountered a group of strange superhumans. The worst was Xiao Baozi and he was already a rank 3 superhuman.

A group of rank 4 superhumans, plus Shao Qing, a rank 5 unnatural existence,they were basically zombie harvesters.

“Wait another day. If by tomorrow we don’t have enough nucleus needed, then we can gather a wave or find a place where zombies are dense, and do a clean-up.” Shao Qing gritted her teeth coldly.

She originally had a good impression of S City. After all, S City was the place where she had lived for a long time, and it was also the place where she got to know Gu Panpan and the rest.

But this move by the base has wiped out all her goodwill. Now she just wanted to leave the survivor base in S City and leave this place completely.

Besides that, there was no second thought.

After finding a safe place, after a night of sleep, the group of people separated again. Shao Qing carried Xiao Baozi and took Shao Tong and Yan Qiyue to the next destination.

She wanted to go to a large market far away from the city center this time. There were long pedestrian streets. After the end of the world, zombies were very mobile. There were a lot of zombies living there. In addition, there were many shifting/ fluid zombies active here.

If they can sweep the entire market, it is likely that their task will be completed.

However, the difficulty was very large, especially when there are a large number of zombies on the opposite side. As soon as the entrance was passed, Shao Qing found that there were not many zombies walking on the street and most of the stores were open.

After all, it was daytime and those zombies did not come out. Most of them went into hiding, waiting for the night to come.

Shao Qing was not prepared to wait. This was because when night comes, the strength of those zombies will increase a little and they like to wander. The numbers were quite huge, and it will be troublesome to clean up when the time comes.

The bad thing about daytime is that they have to go through each room to find them. Looking through shop after shop, they looked behind the curtain, under the shelf, etc.

In short, you can find zombies in all kinds of strange places, which is quite interesting.

Shao Qing led her friends to kill the zombies everywhere. She was killing zombies so fast that it would scare people. As soon as the vines drilled out, they would string the zombies like a candied gourd.

Soon, zombies popped out on their own.

Shao Qing and them just needed to walk around to harvest a lot of zombies. “At this speed, maybe tomorrow won’t be enough.” Shao Qing sighed.

Yan Qiyue had to comfort her: “It’s okay to be late one or two days. It’s normal for it to be a bit more troublesome to get away from a base.”

After a short break, Shao Qing killed more zombies. After fighting for a while, she suddenly heard two sharp sounds calling them.

The group of people said nothing and left behind the zombies that they were fighting and ran in the direction of Er Dai’s sound.

Fortunately, Er Dai didn’t like being too far away from Shao Qing, so he kept wandering nearby. After hearing the sound, Shao Qing and the others quickly rushed over.

Er Dai couldn’t endure the siege against him. It was two zombies, two identical zombies that were besieging him. These two zombies wore some shabby school uniforms, one left one right, attacking Er Dai.

They looked exactly the same. The only difference was that one had a left eye that was reddish and one had a right eye that was reddish.

When they were still alive, they were probably twins.

Probably because they were twins, the two of them were very tacit. The cooperation was expressive, and the combined strength was stronger than Er Dai. Er Dai was approaching a crisis.

Shao Qing saw that Er Dai was injured from afar. Her eyes turned red and two vine whips came out from the ground. Using it as a boost, her entire body flew out like a cannonball and into the battle circle. This startled the two zombies.

These two zombies, in this vicinity, were the overlords. Leading a group of younger brothers, they lived very casually.

When Er Dai appeared, they had thought another powerful zombie had invaded their territory. He had to leave or be killed.

Thus the zombie group was determined to kill Er Dai. The two hid within a zombie group and waited until Er Dai was distracted by the ordinary zombies, then one left and one right jumped out.

Two of them caught Er Dai off guard and dug out two pieces of his flesh. One of them almost tore off his arm, but he quickly asked for help.

As soon as Shao Qing landed on the ground, the vines in her hands acted as if they were alive. It drilled out and entangled one of the zombies at once.

Pulling the zombie directly to her side, the other zombie was startled and quickly jumped out to prevent himself from being caught by Shao Qing.

Shao Qing reached out her hand and inserted her five fingers into the zombies head as if it were tofu and easily retrieved the crystal nuclei inside.

Probably stimulated by the death of his brother, the zombie screamed and prepared to run away.

A gentleman’s revenge is never too late, let alone for a zombie?

So, how could Shao Qing let it go? Immediately, a vine was thrown and caught up.

Then the poor zombie was easily dragged back by Shao Qing. She opened his head, and dug out the crystal nucleus.

Er Dai was not hurt badly. His face was scratched and he looked very pitiful. As soon as he saw Shao Qing coming, he rushed over directly and hung onto Shao Qing.

Shao Qing hurried to catch Er Dai, holding his soft buttocks. Then she said: “The feelings not bad.” She gave it a gentle squeeze.

Yan Qiyue next to her immediately coughed twice to remind Shao Qing, but Shao Qing didn’t realize anything. She held Er Dai’s little as* and rubbed the place where Er Dai was injured. She gave the two senior zombie crystal cores to Er Dai to have him absorb it.

Er Dai was not pretentious at all. After he kissed Shao Qing, he took the two zombie crystal nuclei and absorbed them on the spot. The speed of his recovery was fast.

The wounds on his body were healing at a rate visible to the naked eye. Especially where there were scars on the body, even the scars had disappeared.

Moreover, after absorbing the pair of crystal nuclei, Er Dai’s whole body had an aura building up as if he was trying to break through, climbing up bit by bit.

When he reached the peak, there was a short pause, and then with a bang, he became the last person to become rank 4 on their team.

Er Dai was the latest to break through. The earliest was Shao Qing who had already reached rank five. The other people were already ranked four early on. Only Er Dai stayed at rank three.

This time, he finally caught up with the group.

After rising to the fourth rank, Er Dai did not stop. His aura was still increasing. Due to the thick accumulation of power, he was most likely breaking through until he reached the intermediate stages of rank 4.

Er Dai opened his eyes and looked at Shao Qing with red eyes. Shao Qing could see that Er Dai had sharp teeth between his lips and his long nails were constantly moving, indicating that he was getting fretful.

Er Dai’s condition seemed a bit wrong. Shao Qing frowned and stepped forward to grab Er Dai’s wrist and then sent strength to Er Dai.

When the power entered Er Dai’s body, it started to explore around.

Shao Qing found that the energy in Er Dai’s body was particularly irritable. The irritability reached a point where it was very unstable and seemed to want to explode immediately.

“How could this be?” Shao Qing froze: “Wasn’t his break through successful?”

Yan Qiyue also walked over and probed Er Dai’s force, but Yan Qiyue’s power hadn’t penetrated Er Dai yet when it was quickly repelled by Er Dai.

He did not believe it wouldn’t work, and tried again, but it was still like this.

Yan Qiyue called Shao Tong over. Shao Tong was like Yan Qiyue, her power could not enter Er Dai’s body.

Only Shao Qing’s power was not rejected. It seemed like Shao Qing’s power and Er Dai’s power were of the same king.

Shao Qing’s power was unimpeded in Er Dai’s body, but even so, Shao Qing could not find the reason for Er Dai’s irritable behaviour.

It was okay before the break through, how did breaking through to the 4th rank turn like this? Something wasn’t right.

Shao Qing couldn’t help but think of a long time ago, when she and Er Dai had ... cough that time. Shao Qing extended her hand decisively and touched down there.

Shao Qing: ......

Could it be that everytime Er Dai breaks through in the future, he will become the same as an ordinary man for a while? How could this be, hehe

Er Dai widened his eyes and took the initiative to stand up. He rubbed against Shao Qing’s hand, his eyes were confused and he looked particularly innocent.

Then he was pressed down by Shao Qing.

“Er Dai’s situation is very wrong right now.” Shao Qing said with a headache: “Let’s find a safer place first.”

“Okay.” Yan Qiyue frowned, trying to carry Er Dai, but Er Dai refused. He insisted on sticking to Shao Qing, unwilling to let others touch him.

Shao Qing had to let Shao Tong hold Xiao Baozi and then she carried Er Dai on her back to find a safe place. While carrying Er Dai, Shao Qing could even feel Er Dai poking at her.

There were these kinds of men. Normally, they would be weak, but during special circumstances, hehe.

Be a beast.

For example, Er Dai.

Shao Qing had a terrible headache now. Having a relationship with a man wasn’t a big deal, it’ll be like finding a dad for Xiao Baozi.

But what if she had relationships with several men?

That time with Er Dai, it was for the purpose of saving Er Dai. She had to do it. Er Dai also doesn’t understand much, so after that situation, Er Dai didn’t cry and wanted her to be responsible.

What about Yan Qiyue and Yan Hanqing? All three men had an improper relationship with her. Could she comfort herself and act as if nothing happened?

Now that Er Dai’s situation is wrong, does she have to use her body again?

Shao Qing was very resistant and very hesitant in her heart. She did not like this. Although she was willing, she had to do it because of the special circumstances.

She even suspected that everytime Er Dai increased a rank, it would be like this. So did she have to devote herself every time?

Moreover, Yan Qiyue was next to her. Would she have to do it in front of Yan Qiyue, a man who had a relationship with her?

She couldn’t do it ...

Until she found a safe place to put Er Dai down, Shao Qing was immersed in her own thoughts. Her whole body exuded an unpleasant, even sad atmosphere.

Er Dai was actually very clever, especially in the matter of guessing Shao Qing’s thoughts. Although he does not understand Shao Qing’s ideas, he is very clear about what Shao Qing is afraid of.

So as soon as they found a safe place, he got off Shao Qing’s back and he consciously found a corner, shrinking into a ball, holding his knees, motionless.

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