The Dungeon Conquerors: Journey to the Peak

Chapter 43: Ch 43: First Encounter with Celestine

Rein was only 17 years old at that time. He got caught up with an evil organisation and got busy with getting rid of them with her two lovers Stella and Tasha. While going after this organisation with a very deep root, they found themselves in a small nation called Ucarioka.

Ucarioka was not an important nation by any means. But it was quite a remote and desolate nation with most of it filled with empty grassland. For that reason, the evil organisation had found this place to be extremely suitable to act as their hidden headquarters.

But the main reason why this place was their hidden headquarters was because the big sister of the leader of this organisation was living here with an extremely valuable item which was given to her by her father.

The leader wanted to get his hands on this item for a long time, but a fate type spell cast by his father was preventing him from getting it as trying to get it by force would just destroy the item.

But he had managed to find a loophole in this security system. And that was if the sister died naturally then the effect of this spell would disappear. For that reason, the leader secretly forced his sister to be exiled in the remote countryside to face hardships.

But unexpectedly the sister started to enjoy the laid back life in the countryside and was nowhere near her death.

The leader was getting impatient with it and took a drastic step to reduce her lifestyle to be bare minimum and forced her to eat unhealthy and poisonous items by controlling the food she could get her hands on.

This plan was effective and very soon the poor sister was on her deathbed. She was taking care of a girl who was like her daughter and was also getting poisoned alongside her. The sister was extremely sad after understanding the whole situation but it was already too late.

She knew that the little girl she was taking care of was special. And just as she expected, the poison that almost killed her had no effect on her body. Even when she was dying she was unwilling for her evil brother to succeed in getting the item she was protecting for her whole life.

So, she made the very last request of her life to the girl. And it was a simple request of safekeeping an item without risking her life. The sister also told that girl about her own life and also mentioned that she was always burdened with the responsibility of protecting this item.

So, now that she was going to die, suddenly she was feeling very light and free. She was happy with her life and happier that she got a daughter like Celestine. Her name was Carmelia and she was Celestine's only family before she met Rein.


After Carmelia died that evil organisation tried its best to get the item at any cost. Many assassins and thieves attacked Celestine non-stop but all of them were killed by her inherent special ability.

Celestine was a special child. Her ability was also extremely special even among the inherent abilities. Her ability had a name given by the world itself. It was called "Three Gates of Nahaelity".

It allows her to summon three gates and each gate was stronger than the other one.

The forest gate could summon an endless horde of monsters capable of destroying even a nation. The second gate could summon intelligent weapons who could follow her orders and do anything she wanted. All those weapons were not simple weapons but instead were extremely powerful magical weapons.

But actually those two extremely powerful sounding skills were nothing but useless extra decoration. Celestine's ability was actually a seal created by the world itself. The world was supposed to face various calamities but after the forbidden war, it was in no condition to face them.

In this life and death situation, the world itself used some otherworldly energy to seal those calamities.

But those calamities were not so simple and gathered together to become something unpredictable. At that time it became something that the world was no longer capable of controlling. So it took a huge risk and combined the seal with the system of inherent special ability of the world.

But the world was unable to make only the seal a special ability so it needed to add some extra elements to make it a proper ability and that's how "Three Gates of Nahaelity" was created.

With assimilating the calamity with the world's fundamental system, the will of the world was able to permanently seal them but at a huge risk. As the person who would get the ability would be able to release the calamity to the world.

So, if an evil person got the skill, sealing it would become useless.

That's why the world itself was happy when a kind hearted person like Celestine got the skill. So much so that the world gave her the "Blessing of the World" which made Celestine something like a daughter of this world. This blessing itself did not have any powers and it was something like a status.

Using her special ability, Celestine was able to easily get rid of the assailants coming after her. But very soon, the leader of the organisation himself attacked her. He was a person whose strength was above the orichalcum rank but the summon from the two gates were almost at rank 1 at that time.

It was enough for the weaker assassin but against the leader who was a transcendental powerhouse it was not very useful.

So she got cornered very soon and her life was in danger. In that situation, she was forced to open the third and the final gate. What came out from that gate was an indescribable being with tattered wings, long and sharp nails and an indistinct body. It was a monstrosity.

As soon as it appeared, the leader of the evil organisation was immediately killed. But then when Celestine tried to dismiss this summon of her, she was unable to do so.

As the personification of world calamity, it tried to destroy everything in its vicinity and unfortunately the village where Celestine was living for the last few years was the closest settlement and her own summon was going there to destroy her home.

Just as Celestine was feeling true despair, Rein appeared before her following the trails of the evil organisation and witnessed this scene. He asked Celestine for a solution and told her to get a grip. Then he used his Eye of Truth to analyse this monstrosity to find a solution.

As soon as Rein used his Eye of Truth on it, he froze in fear. For the first time in his life, he felt like a small ant in front of a dragon. He had never seen anything stronger than this monster before him.

At that time, Rein was barely a blue grade transcendental person if he was judged by his system that he created later on and was no match for the monstrosity.

But he hardened his heart and was able to think of a solution. He found that the reason why Celestine was unable to unsummon it was because it was actively resisting that. So if Rein could hurt the monster badly enough to make it lose focus, then she might be able to unsummon it.

Rein told the plan to Celestine but she was unwilling for anyone to risk their life for her. But Rein assured her with a daring smile and promised to come back to her safely.

Tasha and Stella were currently not with him as they were destroying the evil organisation and that was a happy thing for Rein as he did not want his precious lovers to face this thing.

Rein used all his powers to boost the destructive properties of the lightning which was coating his sword. Her also covered his feet with crimson lightning that were over boosted with the speed property. Then he did an all out attack in the calamitic monstrosity.

Rein's all out attack was not strong enough to even hurt it badly but it was definitely enough to make it feel pain for the first time. It immediately focused in Rein and swept him away like an insect.

But this much was enough distraction for Celestine to be able to cancel the summoning and the monstrosity disappeared.

After that Celestine went straight to where Rein had flown to and saw an almost dead Rein and hugged him with a tear filled eyes. Rein was very badly hurt but as long as he was not dead, he was confident in getting well in a short amount of time with his skill.

He said that much to Celestine to reassure her and also asked her to not cry as it did not look good for a kind beauty like her.

Celestine sat beside Rein for one whole day as that was the amount of time Rein needed to heal up. They talked a lot at that time and soon love blossomed between them.

After getting perfectly healed, the first thing Rein did was to propose to Celestine and she accepted it immediately. And that's how Rein became the son-in-law of the world itself.

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