The Dungeon Conquerors: Journey to the Peak

Chapter 124: Ch 124: Breaking Through

After Rein and his lovers reached the core of the dungeon, two undeads came to escort them to Alexandria. One of them was an Archaic Lich and another one was a Hedes Knight. Both of them were powerful high ranking undeads and they were only just slightly weaker than Stella and Tasha.

These were two of the sev strongest undead that were under Alexandria's control. Currtly they were taking a little break from the fighting after they continuously fought for a long time and in their break they were giv the order to wait for Rein's group to come and to escort them to their que who was still fighting in the front lines.

So the conquerors followed behind them as they led the way. Rein also started to ask them questions on the currt situation of the battlefield in detail. Alexandria had told them about it a little bit but as their time was limited she was only able to do it briefly. So the lich and the knight gave them a detailed explanation.

According to their information, the battle started about a day ago and at first Alexandria and her undeads were able to push the emy back without much trouble. At first there were a total of three walls protecting this magical fortress but now only the last wall was left, which was a great success.

But this last wall was extremely hard to breach. As the emy got closer to the main fortress, the amount of boost received increased. So in the last wall the emies were able to gain the highest possible boost so now they were able to defd against the undeads without much problem and were also pushing them back.

But th again, if they wt too far away from the main fortress, the amount of power boost they received would decrease and that would be fatal for them. So currtly Alexandria's forces were unable to break the defse of the dungeon forces and the dungeon force was unable to push Alexandria's forces away. So they were at a stalemate.

While listing to this explanation, Rein soon reached the front lines. Th the Hedes knight wt to inform Alexandria about their arrival and he would also rejoin the battle there. Rein and his lovers waited for Alexandria to come.

Stella was checking the situation of the battle with her Eye of Clairvoyance and Rein was trying to find out any kind of weakness that this powerful magical fortress had.

They did not need to wait for long as soon Alexandria was there to meet them. Seeing it close by, her beauty was truly one of a kind. They greeted each other but did not waste much time on it and soon they started to plan about some strategies.

Rein told her that Anna was not going to participate in the main battle but she would be there to protect everyone in any unforese circumstances. He told Alexandria about her strgth and Alexandria was extremely happy about it.

She knew that powerful people had their own habits which may look weird to others. But as she was with Rein, she could believe that if there was no other choice th she would definitely help them in conquering this dungeon. With that they had no fear of losing. So for the time being, they just needed to do their best and nothing else.

As soon as the discussion was over no one wasted any time and joined the battle. Stella joined the mages of the undead legion to bombard the emy fortress with magic spells and Tasha covered herself in a presce concealing robe, hid her presce ev more with her specialised dark magic and wt to infiltrate the emy fortress.

As for Rein and Alexandria, both of them wt to the front lines to fight the gods and the monsters that this dungeon had summoned. Rein was able to find a few slight flaws in the fortress and he was going to use them to bring the fortress down.


As this was a war, Rein did not charge into the battle with his sword in hand like he usually did. The reason behind this action was simple. In a large scale war style battle like this, mage Rein was more effective than warrior Rein. He had one of the most destructive chromatic elemts in his arsal and using that was an easy way to destroy a large number of people in a short amount of time.

So Rein started to cast his spells. The sky turned dark with black clouds and scary looking crimson coloured lightning were crackling inside it. Soon all over the battlefield this lightning fell one after another. Rein had a very good control over his magic after practicing it for many years, so he was able to control his lightning to only hit the emy and not to injure the undeads at all.

At that same time, Alexandria also cast her spell, many black spikes appeared in the sky and started to fall like rain on the battlefield. Many monsters and a few of the gods were pierced by it and quite a few of them died. It was not as lethal as Rein's destructive lightning rain but still it was a powerful show of Alexandria's own powers.

She was nowhere near as strong as Anna but she was definitely capable of fighting Rein on an equal term.

With his lightning Rein was not only destroying the opposite army, he was also targeting many of the vital nodes of the fortress that were needed for it to function properly. He targeted just those nodes over and over again with the strongest of the lightning bolts he was able to create.

After three clean hits, the fortress started to weak. The powerful barrier covering it started to dim and the amount of boost the opponts were receiving also started to decrease. Very soon, everyone started to notice it and the effect was immediate.

Alexandria's forces got a boost to their motivation and started to attack the emy more fiercely and on the other hand, the gods and monsters of the opposite side started to become fearful and lose their morale as they knew that without the boost from the fortress, they were not the undead's match.

Rein did not stop his assault on the fortress' weak point and after the sevth strike the fortress was unable to take it anymore. The barrier disappeared and the boost that the emies were receiving also became minimal.

This way they were unable to hold the undeads back anymore and were defeated one after another. Without the support of the powerful fortress they were helpless against the undeads of Alexandria's forces. At that momt a powerful four elemtal combination spell from Stella blew up the main gate of the fortress and the loss of the emy became a certainty.

So now only the dungeon core was left to be tak care of.

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