The Dungeon Conquerors: Journey to the Peak

Chapter 115: Ch 115: Yueming Wasteland

After clearing the Pureland Sanctuary, the conquerors got access to the last high level difficulty area called the Divine Kunlun Mountain. But that was not the area they were going to challenge next. Rein decided to go with the order in which his team had unlocked the high level difficulty area and so the first area to be cleared was Yueming Wasteland in his list.

So they all went out of the dungeon and chose the Yueming Wasteland as the teleportation location in the entrance portal of the dungeon. Now it was finally time for the main exploration to start.


After coming to the Yueming Wasteland, what greeted the conquerors was an endless expanse with nothing in sight. The whole place had a dark and desolate atmosphere. The ground here was barren and dust was flying everywhere with the wind. The ground was also grey and it looked like as if the whole area was filled with ashes.

Rein already knew that the high level difficulty areas were overwhelmingly bigger in size than the mid level difficulty areas but after witnessing how big it actually was even Rein was speechless.

Even Stella was unable to see the whole floor with her Eye of Clairvoyance. So this floor at least had a radius of a few hundred kilometres which was quite insane for a dungeon. Just crossing this large area would take several days if not weeks and if the monsters attacked them continuously this time would only increase.

After doing a little investigation with her Eye of Clairvoyance, Stella told them that the area where they appeared was located at the very edge of this area and according to her judgment, the boss chamber should be located at the very edge in the opposite direction.

When they appeared on the floor, the. The clearing condition for this floor also appeared inside their minds. To clear this floor they needed to defeat the boss of this floor who was at the green grade and alongside that they also needed to kill at least 10 monsters of all the species living in this area.

This did not sound like a hard thing to do but it mostly depended on how many monsters a species had. If any one of the species only had a total of ten members then they needed to wipe them all out. So in that case even if one member ran away, it would become a big hassle.

So even though Rein wanted to speed things up, he did not rush and took measured steps to clear this floor. The strength of the monsters were not a threat to them, so they mainly focused on scouting everything properly and to search for monsters.

It actually took a whole day of travel for Stella to find the end of this floor with her Eye of Clairvoyance. That would make this floor to have a radius of about 500 kilometres which was truly insane. She also saw a super large monster there and judged it to be the boss of this area.

They were already making a list which included all the monsters that could be found on this floor. There were quite a few insect type ones but as they came in large groups, there was enough of them for the conquerors to kill.

But there were a few monsters who lived alone in the wasteland. Those were the troublesome ones. Rein knew that this area at least had 10 of these as without that the dungeon would not be able to give this challenge as the clearing condition but even he and Stella were having a hard time regarding this matter.

After two more days they were finally done with investigating the whole area. It turned out that there were not one but three species of monsters who had only ten members for their race and if Rein had taken hasty actions then there was a very high chance that some of them would have been able to run away after sensing the danger.

But with Rein's caution and Stella hard work, they were able to kill 10 members of every species of monster living in this area. There were a total of 331 species of monsters living here and among them 295 of them were insect types.

Among the others, mammal, lizard and even fish type monsters were included in the list. There was a large black lake in a part of this area and that lake had quite a few rare and unique monsters on this floor.

While this investigation and exploration was happening, Rein was thinking about what was the connection between this area and a god. From what he was able to feel for the last few days, there were no gods sleeping in this area.

From his experience in the mid level difficulty areas, Rein had expected the high level difficulty area to have several such sleeping gods. So he was extremely surprised when that was not the case. Even after thinking about it for two days and doing some investigation, he was still not sure how a god would appear here.

But he did not think too much about it as after defeating the boss of this floor, it would become clear. If a god did not appear then they would just clear the area without any problem and if a god appeared then it would be even better as Rein would be able to gain more knowledge about the dungeon. With this thought in mind, he went to challenge the boss with his lovers.


The boss of his floor was a monster called bahemut. It was extremely large, as large as a mountain. It was at least one thousand meters tall and two or three kilometres wide. It was one of the biggest monsters that Rein had seen. It was even bigger than the dragon that he fought in his last dungeon.

Even then it was not a very powerful monster. The super large body did give it some advantages but at the same time it also had quite a few big disadvantages. One of which was its extremely slow movement speed.

It was also not a very defensive monster. As its body was mostly made off of regular rocks it was very easy to damage it. The only big advantage that this monster had was its stupidly big health pool.

It was Tasha who took the lead in dealing with this monster. Stella and Rein both had powerful area of effect attacks that would be able to deal a lot of damage to this big monster. Their dps was very high. On the other hand Tasha was not really an expert in dealing with this type of monster. So she was using this chance to gain some experience.

As for Anna, she was just way too strong to worry about these types of things.

Tasha tried quite a few types of attacks and finally after an hour or so she was able to defeat it. But still Tasha was extremely dissatisfied with herself as after testing a few things out on this monster, she was able to understand how insanely lacking she actually was when it came to dps.


As soon as the boss was defeated, the whole floor started to shake. Then a panel appeared before all of them. On that panel something was written.

"Due to the defeat of the guardian of this floor, the seal on the gods had been released and the gods who were responsible for turning this place into a wasteland had showed up. Please do your best to defeat them and to get good rewards."

Seeing this Rein, Stella and Tasha got ready for battle.

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