The Dungeon Conquerors: Journey to the Peak

Chapter 10: Ch 10: Freeing the Captives

Rein was unfazed by the worshipful expression of the beastkins and other non-human races. He knew that he was quite a strong person, so being worshipped was not strange.

And especially beastkins were normally very muscle brained race, so seeing his powers, it was inevitable that they would worship him.

He calmly came back and asked everyone about their condition. After getting a concentrated treatment from him, all the previously injured people were more or less alright. That was a relief for Rein and his lovers.

But now, they needed to think of a way to carry such a large number of beastkins out of the city secretly. But before that Rein decided to get all the information from that Viscount Agil or something.

Tasha was better at interrogation Rein as she was a former assassin. So Rein left the interrogation of the noble to her. Instead he decided to practice his own interrogation skills a bit on the adventurer.

A platinum rank adventurer was quite a big shot specially for this city, so handing him over to the guild alive would be more profitable than just killing him.

After just half an hour, Tasha came back to report. She had managed to get all the information from that noble in this short amount of time. It was truly impressive. On the other hand, Rein was not even halfway through his session.

So Tasha and Stella waited for Rein to finish, which happened after one more hour or so. Then they went to the captive to let them know about the situation too.

Rein was the first to speak up. According to the adventurer, he was not from this city. Actually he was working in the capital just a few months before. But there he met this viscount Abil and got interested in his proposal to help him in slave trading.

This adventurer named Kyle was quite a greedy person, so when he heard that he could earn a ton of money, he immediately agreed.

Even though this nation was a bit discriminatory toward non human races, slavery was still banned here. Their neighbouring nation of Hejour was a part of the harmony alliance, so if this nation dared to make non-human slavery official, they would face the retaliation from the Harmony Alliance.

The Harmony Alliance was one of the strongest powers of the continent. Many countries of various races supported it including many human nations. This alliance was also the reason why discrimination was almost non-existent here.

So as slavery was not official and was actually a crime according to the law, this viscount was doing it illegally in the black market. He was the person in charge of this city of Hetharna which was very close to the border of the neighbouring nation.

So he secretly crossed the border to attack small non human settlements and capture them as slaves. As this activity was very dangerous, viscount Abil invited Kyle, a platinum rank strong adventurer to join him.

The information Tasha managed to grab was more or less the same just more detailed. So she did not repeat the same thing back again.

Rein then asked the captives what they wanted to do. In answer most of them expressed their wish to go back to their villages, which was understandable. Only four individuals refused as according to them, they had no place to go back to.


Now Rein, Stella and Tasha needed to think of a way to let the captives out of the city without creating any fuss. After thinking about it for some time, they decided to use the easiest process which was teleportation.

It was super easy for Rein to teleport himself and a few more people to anywhere he wanted. But when the number of people was super high it became a bit troublesome.

But obviously Tasha and her dark elemental teleportation was there to solve the problem.

Dark was already an element very compatible with space and Tasha had a chromatic affinity for dark which was Black Dark and it increased the space compatibility even more alongside making her dark magic more deadly. So it was not a hard work for her at all.

Tasha cast a large scale teleportation magic to make the large group of captive disappear and Rein followed behind them with his own teleportation magic. Tasha and Stella then took the fainted adventurer and the four remaining non human girls and left that underground cellar.

Viscount Agil was already dead.

Rein was going to escort the freed captives to their villages while in the meantime, Stella and Tasha would book a lodging for the four girls to spend the night and they would meet up with Lulu. Rein would try to return before dawn.

But if he could not, then the girls would be spending the night together chatting with each other to deepen their bonds as fellow sisters.

Night was a dangerous time for anyone to travel as monsters and other beasts were very active at this moment of time. But for that exact reason this was also the best time for the beastkins to return to their villages.

In the night time, no normal person would be out so the chance of them being discovered in an enemy nation was very low. On the other hand they did not need to fear any beasts or monsters as Rein was with them.

So they travelled at full speed and were able to reach the first village of the beastkins very soon. Rein did not greet anyone or enter the village as he was in a hurry and immediately took the group toward their next destination.

To return all the captives back to their villages, Rein had to visit 3 beastkin villages and a dwarf village. It took quite some time and it was already dawn. Even after trying so hard, he was unable to return back before dawn.

So finally Rein went back to the city of Hetharna using teleportation to meet his lovers in a bit of a gloomy mood.

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