The Duke’s Imposter Sister

Chapter 65 - A Complicated Relationship (2)

It was weird for a prostitute to run away from a man whose arms she often embraced. Gris continued searching for a plausible reason. She had to somehow make enough excuses so that the truth about her origin would not be leaked.

You didnt give me my wage.

His voice was low as he spoke. After a very brief pause, his charming blue-eyed eyes became filled with disappointment, which then disappeared as quickly as it came.

Gris was being swayed by the complicated emotions that were gripping at her heart. Their relationship as fake siblings had been so difficult to build up, and it immediately collapsed after that incident. As the boundaries fell, the bond became obfuscated, and their relationship to one another right now was too vague to describe.

It was so confusing. In order to define a new connection with him, she had to battle with herself over sleepless nights and a racing, fluttering heart.

She wanted to clearly define their relationship again to put an end to the restlessness. Luckily, Gris knew of a way to bring their interactions back to their original state.

All they need was to find an equivalent exchange for money and s*x. Specifically, the relationship between a master and a prostitute. If she obtained a reasonable price from him, she would be able to sort out her complicated feelings and reorganize the nature of their relationship in her mind.

She could now conclude that the reason why he was trying to embrace her was not because of an amicable feeling but from a physical desire. So, she didnt have to avoid him anymore.

Please give me one gold coin.

His gaze that had been focused on the floor now fixated on her face once again. He seemed so cool when he showed a willingness to understand her. She couldnt believe it.

Gold coin?

His facial expression did not change, but he did seem angry. He bit his lower lip gently and smiled coldly.


Gris stroked the outside of her ears as a savage, scornful smile manifested on his face. At least she knew he would be grateful, because he had said that he would cover up his daily mistakes with a bunch of gold coins.

However, he softly ground his teeth as he ran a hand through his hair and frowned. He looked at her with ferocious eyes.

Thats all?

She couldnt figure out what he meant. She sighed and tried to tamp down the cold indigestion that was rising in her body.

Yes, that will be enough.

Since he couldnt appreciate the womans desperate efforts to make a big profit for herself, she thought that he might be offended. Or it was because he could not see the girls seducing him and asking love while he was so busy aiming for success?

Fortunately, Gris had no desire for success. She only longed to meet Johannes and exact her vengeance on the Taliluchi family.

Im not expecting anything more than a gold coin.

Vianut checked his pocket to see if there was anything he could give, and then he thrusted a gold coin at her. Her face seemed tired as if she wanted to sort out this relationship quickly, but for some reason, a strange emotion filled his eyes.

He seemed to be humming silently, as if implying that he wanted her to come closer and that he would forgive her as long as she proudly behaved.

Gris sluggishly dragged herself forward and slowly approached him. She looked up at his dark eyes and down at the gold coin.

Thank you, she monotonously said.

Just then, the gold coin that had been hanging at the end of his index finger suddenly fell to the floor. She felt that he had intentionally released it. Gris eyes trembled.

She believed that he dropped it on purpose because he could not tolerate her only looking intently at a mere gold coin.

Or did he think that one gold coin was too much in return for what she provided? Did this mean that he expected her to at least pick it up in a servile manner?

Your Highness

Gris felt that the sorrow in her heart was soaring inside of her.

She wanted to go back to their conversation and instead say that she would take only one gold coin to make them even. She grew vexed and afraid because she was unable to calculate the depth of contempt hidden in his expressionless face.

However, she knew she had to satisfy him first to keep herself out of his sight. So she had no choice but to pick it up with a miserable face.

Gris sorrowfully looked at the lone coin on the carpet. The moment she tried to bend her knees, he stepped on it.


His lips, shadowed by the candlelight, were viciously crooked.

You cant have whatever you want.

It was a matter of desperation. He couldnt even spare a single gold coin in exchange for desecrating an innocent womans body and mind. And now, he didnt even want to give her what she wanted. How could a man as wicked as this exist?

Countless doubts filled her mind. Was he even thinking of paying her in the first place? Did he just want to see her with a humiliated face?

Gris was nervously touching her lower lip as she tightly closed her eyes. She just wanted to give in to whatever his demands were so she could get out of this blood-drying situation already.

Your Highness, you can have whatever you want. What do you want from me?

Gris thought that at least being forward would be better than dangerously and restlessly living in uncertainty every day. She prepared her heart, but she didnt expect anything.

As if her reaction was trivial to him, he chuckled as he withdrew a purple jewelry box from his arms.

The box contained a set of earrings. Red gems the size of an index finger nail stood out at her.

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