The Duke’s Imposter Sister

Chapter 58 - Something Stirring (1) | Mild 19

Gris, who lost courage to face Vianut head on instead, decided to lower her head.

She could see his dark shadow lurking neatly on the corner wall, like a curious onlooker.

While taking a deep breath, she decided to raise her eyes up and instead found herself locking eyes with Vianut, the latter had his irises narrowed at her. She quickly turned her attention towards the shadows on the wall as she felt the air around them grew more tense.

Gris tried to calm herself down by thinking that she would be able to get back to her room soon if she would wait a little longer for Vianut to confirm the imprint on the left side of her body was real.

She willed herself to control her labored breathing slowly and patiently, as she always did. Then she saw the shadow tilting its head to look closer towards her chest, and Gris looked down.

His lips that she always found as perfectly shaped every time she saw him, were opened.

Ah, your highness..! Gris exclaimed in surprise just as at that moment, one of his hands reached out to grab the bottom of one of her breasts.

Your highne-ah Gris breathed heavily as Vianuts fingertips gently pressed on her peaks as if he were instinctively trying to milk them. The tip of her mounds tickled. She felt suddenly warm and there were shivers down her spine caused by a sensation she had never felt before. Her body seemed to have been broken by the influx of new sensations at that instant.

Gris held on to his shoulder and tried to maintain her balance as her knees were trembling so much that she was about to fall down. It seemed that by supporting her weight by grabbing onto Vianuts shoulder gave the latter more access to her body. Vianut suddenly bent his head lower to bite her rose buds.

Oh, no, no Gris protested and started to push against him.

Vianuts warm lips on her skin gave her shudders. The feeling was so poignant that every time his hot and wet breath touched her skin, she clung on his shoulder tighter as if afraid she would faint.

Even though she supported herself by clinging her whole weight on him, Vianut didnt wobble not even a little. He only busied himself by sucking the dark area on her mounds, holding her back and waist tight in his arms so that she would not fall. In the dark room, Gris could only hear the licking sounds his tongue made.

The skin Vianut warmed was now flushed and she was out of breath. His ministrations had caused something to tingle inside Gris, it ran from the tips of her soles and closer to the area between her thighs. The prickly sensation had begun to spread persistently all over her body as the illusion of sharing love with a man grew more powerful in her mind.

In her now blurred vision, Gris eyes looked down on her breasts and she spotted that her nipple had hardened enough to be seen through her negligee.

After he exhaled in a low voice almost a growl in her ears he dragged down her negligee with his teeth. His face, which was slightly raised, was too suggestive that she forgot what to think about. She was aghast and torn on what to do at the sight of her hard buds being exposed fully.

At that moment she was bare to him, he took a close look at her. The instant his warm mouth connected with her skin, her peaks instantly hardened.

Ah, please, please, stop, your highness Gris protested. She didnt want to feel violated and humiliated by the callous man before her.

She gave him a hard slap on the shoulder. But the more she did, the more excited he became, and his voice turned even lower as he groaned.

She could not believe the sight of the Great Duke aggressively placing her hardened peaks into his mouth. Despite the strong action, he was devouring her with surprisingly gentle strokes of his tongue.

Suddenly, Vianuts slick tongue began to rub faster against her nipples. Fire began to grow inside her as her vision grew faint. In her treacherous mind, she could almostimaginewhere and how his tongue tasted her.

Vianuts intense acts what he was doing to her sent more than a hundred words to her mind and made her lose her judgement. She started sweating heavily and Gris struggled to keep a clear mind, but at the same time, there was the need to extinguish a heat in her body.

Gris vision grew more hazy as seconds tick by that she could barely make out his figure with his head slanted towards her. Vianuts neat black hair was now disheveled, and the tip of his nose was buried in her chest, but he did not seem uncomfortable in his current state. Rather, he seemed quite content continue torturing her with his tenacious tongue on one of her buds, this time more skillfully.

She could faintly see that his eyes fluttered slowly with satisfaction

His orbs, which glittered like the mysterious Milky Way, showed an unfathomable deep gaze towards her. Like a hungry soul that had been awakened for a thirst that needed quenching.

Gris felt a strange, morbid impulse inside her. She wanted to fill the hunger in his soul until he was satisfied an unexpected need to feel whole too.

Instantly feeling frightened by her strange thoughts, Gris bit him strongly on his arm and saw the muscles on his neck tighten.

At that moment, his arms came slightly loose around her and Gris took this opportunity to run away, hiking up the negligee on her breasts as she did so. The moment she stepped out of the library she found that the hallway was empty because it was rather late in the evening. Fortunately, she was not seen by anyone and she arrived in her room without any incident.

D*mn Gris cursed after sitting in a chair. Her whole body was trembling, and only then did she realize that she had been holding the butterfly frame all the while. Gris placed the frame on the counter table and turned it face down, so as not to see it.

Her mouth was dry, and it felt like all the water had been squeezed out from her body. She poured some black tea to calm her nerves and noted that it tasted particularly bitter tonight.

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