The Devil's Harem

Chapter 44 - Jessica, The Big BooBs And Pea Brain CEO

Chapter - 44

After everyone who was a nuisance had left, Jessica gestured for Karen to continue. Getting the green light from Jessica, Karen, in turn, gestured for Alex to come forward.

Alex stood up, and with the USB in hand, walked up to the presentation screen. He plugged in the USB and was ready to go when commanded.

Seeing that the unpleasant man who was staring at her throughout the meeting was with Karen, Jessica was surprised. She bent a bit towards Karen, who was sitting beside her and whispered, "Who is he?"

"You don't remember him?" Karen was surprised by Jessica's inquiry, "You were the one who passed him during the interview a few days back. He is interning in my department," Karen told Jessica.

Now Jessica knew why she felt that Alex's face looked a bit familiar.

"So, is he the one who is going to do the presentation?" Jessica asked, certainly not believing in Alex's credibility.

"He was the one who came up with most of the ideas in our meeting. So I thought it would be good to have him give the presentation," Karen did not shy away from giving the credit to Alex where it was due.

Though Jessica did not believe in Alex, she had complete faith in Karen. Nodding in understanding, Jessica turned towards Alex, who was waiting for them to give the green signal, and gestured for him to begin.

"Ladies..." Alex began, then turned towards Daniel, "and Gentleman. I am here on behalf of the PR department and Karen, our chief, to present to you..." Alex had a pretty confident beginning, but he was cut short by Jessica.

"Who are you?" Jessica asked.

"Excuse me?" Alex was taken aback by this surprise question, completely irrelevant to what he was talking about.

"Who are you trying to tell us, what we should do and what not?" Jessica was more blunt and rude this time.

Alex had no clue how to answer that. The first part of Jessica's words felt like she wanted him to introduce herself, but the latter part felt like she wanted to know his authority. Helpless and confused, Alex could only turn towards Karen. He was waiting for some kind of rescue from her. When Karen saw Alex looking at her with pleading eyes, she was hesitant at first but then tried to intervene and save her subordinate.

"Jessica..." Karen bent forward and whispered to Jessica, but Jessica stopped her from just the show of her palm. Nothing more could be said. Jessica was not in the mood to let Alex go easy.

"Why are you standing there tongue-tied? Are you dumb? You were not a minute ago. Say something," Jessica embarrassed Alex yet again.

Now, this was enough for Alex. He was not going to take all this shit open mouth. He threw the laser pointer he had in his hand and walked straight towards Jessica. He jumped up the table, and kicking everything in his way, he dashed forwards, and within moments he was in front of her. Jessica was taken aback and scared by Alex sudden arrival in front of her. She tried to leave her chair, but Alex grabbed her by her shoulders and pushed her back into her seat.

"Listen to me, you big boob pea brain woman. Don't you know who I am? Last night you were crying your lungs out, 'Oh, Yesss, daddy... I am a bad girl... Punish me, daddy... Punish me... Spank that big thicc ass of mine, please... I promise to behave, daddy... Just spank me.' Huh? Don't you remember?" Alex said, imitating a women's voice.

"You..." Jessica was appalled by Alex's behaviour. She was left speechless by the vulgarity he showed in front of everyone. She had difficulty trying to hold herself, her breathing became erratic, but she could do nothing but point her finger at him. Even Karen on the side was looking at Alex with her mouth wide open. She tried to say something a couple of times, but all she could let out was a gasp.

"What you... you... you?" Alex said, pointing his finger at Jessica, almost poking her eyes, "Do you think I want to be here in front of an arrogant prick like you? I would rather drop Karen at her home, have a meal with Margaret or have a sensual night with Susan than be here. Do you understand me?" Alex looked at Jessica straight in her eyes, "Do you?"

"Are you even listening?" Jessica asked, "Are you listening... Earth to nobody..." Jessica's voice began to fade, and Alex could feel the echo.

"What?" Soon scenes began to fade, and Alex was again standing by the presentation board, acting silly. Everyone was looking at him, whispering among themselves. Alex's eyes turned straight to Karen, who was also looking at him. When their eyes met, Karen gestured for Alex to calm down, and without wasting any time, she whispered something to Jessica.

This time Jessica didn't stop Karen after she was done hearing her, she didn't pursue the matter anymore and just asked Alex to carry on with his presentation.

For the next half an hour, Alex presented in front of all the ladies and the only other gentleman in the room. He was nervous in the beginning, but he soon got the hang of it and finished his presentation smoothly. The room fell into complete silence as soon as Alex stopped. No one uttered a single word and were glancing towards Jessica for her to say something.

After pondering over it for a while, Jessica finally opened her mouth to say, "We will go with this. Karen, you will be the project head and will have a free hand. If you need anything from anyone here, don't need to ask. Just order them," Jessica said as she pointed towards the other department heads.

The other department hands began to applaud for Jessica, while Shabnim, the head of the 'Editing department,' scoffed in frustration.

Announcing this, under the applauds of all the people in the room, Jessica stormed out of the meeting room, followed by her secretary.
After Jessica left, all the department heads became more relaxed. One by one, all of them except for the obvious one came forward to congratulate Karen. After what felt like an eternity, she was finally able to get out of the crowd.

Leaving everyone behind, Karen walked straight to Alex, who was standing on one side, waiting for her.

"You sure turned out to be a lucky charm for me," Karen said as she lightly smacked Alex's arm. The two of them walked out of the hall together. Karen didn't ask what happened before. She thought Alex felt nervous because it was his first time in front of so many people, especially from the higher echelon of the company.

"So why don't you reward me," though, still a little bit pissed both by himself and Susan, Alex didn't let it show on his face.

"Say, what do you want? This chief of yours is feeling great today," Karen said. This project placed a heavier burden on her than anything else. It was not something about recognition or promotion, it was more than that for her, as well as Jessica.

"Anything?" Alex asked with a wicked smile on his innocent-looking face. Though he looked innocent, from that sensual encounter with Susan, he had grown more daring.

"Yup, you sure can," Though she felt a bit strange seeing Alex smile like that, the way her day was going, she agreed without giving it much thought.

"Why don't we have a role reversal?" Alex asked.

"Role reversal? You want to be my boss?" Karen asked, not understanding what he was getting to.

"No, not your boss. Why don't we reenact the scene from yesterday night? Only the owners of lips and cheeks will change," Alex said, backing off a little. He was afraid of how she will react, but he still tried his luck.

"Do you really want that?" But contrary to his expectations, Karen was still calm after hearing him. Even the response was not something he expected.

"Of course, I won't go around joking over something this big," getting some confidence in himself, Alex straightened up a bit.

"Then close your eyes". Karen said with a smile.

"Here? In the middle of the corridor?" Alex asked. He just could not believe his ears. There was no way any girl, especially Karen, would agree to it so easy.

"You don't want it? Then later, don't complain that I reneged on my promise. I offered," Karen said and walked away. Since she was the star of today's meeting, the others in the meeting let her and Alex go way ahead of them. Soon Karen was standing in front of the elevators, waiting to go down.

"Wait---wait---wait---It's not that I don't want it. It's just that I feel shy!" Alex said as he caught up with her and stood in front of her.

"Pfft... What are you feeling shy about?" Karen could not hold her laugh, hearing his reasoning. She, as a woman, married at that was offering to give him a kiss right in the middle of the building under countless eyes, and he was the one feeling shy.

"Okay, let’s do it. I will just close my eyes, and you kiss me here," Alex said, pointing at his right cheek.

Alex closed his eyes and waited for a soft touch, but instead, he felt pain on his forehead. He opened his eyes only to see Karen smirking. Instead of the kiss, he got a flick to his forehead.

"This is your payback for yesterday. Next time, don't get ahead of yourself 'KI....'". Karen was about to call him kid but held herself back at the right moment.

"You--- cheater, swindler, fraud. We are not done. I will surely get back at you," Alex complained.

"Did you say something, Mr Rutherford?" Karen asked with a demeanour of a boss.

"Nothing, chief. How can this humble, good for nothing employee of yours say something to you? I was at fault yesterday, and I deserved that flick," Alex said with a resentful tone.

"That's like a gentleman. Owning up your mistakes," Karen said as she patted Alex.


And with that, the elevator was also here.

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