The Devil's Cursed Witch

Chapter 310 Food Is Important Than Life

With the result of the fight determined, the leader of the group of orcs decided to compromise. He let out a roar before gesturing at his four subordinates struggling to free themselves from the vine ropes. Understanding his demand, Erlos nodded and released the spell put on the vines. The orcs managed to easily break the vines, and the leader gestured for them to do something. The defeated orcs then glared at the direction of the elf before returning the way they came from.

After they disappeared, the remaining two orcs retreated back to the forest as well, not without making low grunting sounds towards Erlos, as if to say, 'Do not enter the forest, or else we will battle with our lives on the line...'

With the orcs gone, the tension on the young elf's shoulders immediately dissipated. He knew he could overpower these creatures, but the fact that he was responsible for the safety of another person inevitably made him nervous.

When Erlos returned his attention to Ember...he could not help but laugh. Here he was, worried about the wellbeing of the Miss, but the human girl was more worried about her snacks than her safety!

"Miss, are the snacks fine?" Erlos asked as he kneeled in front of her.

She observed the insides of the basket. "Hmm, everything looks alright. That orc was about to ruin them. So disrespectful towards the food Lady Cornelia especially prepared for me..." she grumbled.

"Hmm, you are right, Miss. Now they have given us permission to stay by the river, you can continue enjoying your snacks while I go catch us some fish--"

A familiar voice accompanied by the sound of wings interrupted him.

"You two were just attacked but still thinking about food and not about your lives."

A pair of shapeshifters landed next to them.

"Miss loved these snacks so of course we needed to protect them. And with me around, we won't be harmed so what's there to be worried about?" Erlos replied confidently, jumping back to his feet.

Ember's green eyes shone. "Morph! Mister Aureus!"

The golden eagle gave her a polite greeting, but the gray eagle was still sending judgmental looks between her and the basket of snacks she protected.

"What?" she protested when Morpheus shook his head at her. "Erlos is right. With him around, I am protected, but who will protect these snacks? You probably don't know, but Lady Cornelia said some of the ingredients used in these special treats can only be harvested once every few years. If they're destroyed, I don't know when will be the next time I get to eat them. These are treasures, and treasures must be protected! I have yet to taste all of them."

As she said that, she shot a grateful smile at Erlos. "Thank you for saving me and these snacks. I will share the tastiest one with you, Erlos. Want to try it?"

"Thank you, Miss." The young elf looked inside the basket of baked treats. "Which one is it, the tastiest one?"

Ember pulled out a bunch of cookies inside a delicate paper wrap and offered them to him. "This one. It's really tasty, the flavor bursts in your mouth on the first bite."

Erlos pulled out one, remembering he did like the taste of this treat back at Cornelia's residence. "Oh, I remember this cookie!" He then took a bite and closed his eyes in appreciation. "Eating sweets after my workout fighting those orcs is the best!  It's good that we saved these snacks, Miss!"

Morpheus and Aureus looked at the two in disbelief. They seemed to have forgotten their presence, and all their attention was on those baked goods given by the witches, acting like half-starved ghosts who had not seen food for a long time.

"I suddenly doubt if it's safe to leave these two little kids by themselves," Morpheus sighed as he shook his head. He had not expected Erlos to feel this carefree like he's on a picnic, treating the orc territory like his own backyard. Any sane person would have taken Ember away from this place. But no, this young elf was even encouraging the little female to eat more food!

Contrary to his uncle, Aureus was smiling as he looked at those two, especially Ember. She reminded him of Seren who was once starving because she burned her kitchen, and he was the one to bring her a packed meal in her tower. He still remembered how she heartily ate those meals every time though she had doubts if they were poisoned. Yet, hunger won over reason.

'This queen is just as innocent as Seren. So adorable. No wonder my uncle fell for her.'

Ember then looked at them.  "Morph, Mister Aureus, please don't stand on ceremony. Join us and have some." She was totally treating this like a picnic, seemingly already forgetting about the earlier danger she experienced.

'If it was any other female, she would still be shaking in fear or worry, probably eager to run as far as she could. No one would not have stayed in this place even for a moment. I don't know if she's courageous or if her brain has nothing in it but food.'

Morpheus simply smiled at her. "I am fine. You can have my share."

"Let him be, Miss," Erlos said and looked at Aureus while eating another cookie. "You should join us, Aureus. Once you head back to that human kingdom, you won't get another chance to enjoy these."

Aureus stepped forward and sat on the ground next to Erlos as he accepted the cookies from Ember. "I am grateful for your generosity, Your Majesty."

Ember was still unaccustomed to being addressed like that. "Uhm, Mister Aureus, can't you just call me by my name?"

"That would be rude, Your Majesty."

"Not at all."

"Still, it is disrespectful for a guest like me--who is basically a stranger--to address the partner of the King so informally."

"Is that so? I like it when someone calls me by my name and there are few who do." A sad smile appeared on her face, but it was replaced with a chuckle. "I grew up without a name. I never had a name before coming to Agartha so calling me by the name I am given makes me feel my existence is being reaffirmed? I mean, what am I even saying..."

Aureus had already heard from his uncle about how Ember came to Agartha. 'Seren is the same. She always wants people to call her by her name, but because of her high position, everyone must call her 'Her Majesty' or 'Queen'. She has no friends or peers or people who will treat her as an equal. I wish I could call her by her name but I can only remain in my beast form in front of her. How nice would it feel to call her by her name? Seren...such a lovely name befitting a lovely woman.'

Seeing him turn quiet, Ember suddenly waved her arms around. "Ah! Apologies, Mister Aureus. I am not forcing you to call my name. I apologize for making you uncomfortable."

"Ah, no, Your Majesty..." Her worrying that her simple request made him uncomfortable, together with the burning glare his uncle was throwing his way, made the young eagle cave in. "Fine."

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