The Demon Queen's Contract

Chapter 6: A Rude Awakening

I woke up to the sound of someone knocking on my door. I groaned and turned over, pulling the covers tighter a me. It felt far too early to be getting up, and my body ached with fatigue. The knocking persisted, louder this time. But I didn't care and continued to sleep.

I was deep in a dream wh I felt someone shaking me awake. Groaning, I buried my face deeper into the pillow, determined to ignore the intrusion.

"Lady Elara, you must wake up," came the familiar voice of the maid, Anara.

"Go away," I mumbled, pulling the covers over my head.

"It's already a.m.," she said, her tone insistt. "You need to get up and eat."

I cracked op one eye, squinting at the clock on the wall. Elev? It didn't feel like I had slept that long. I buried my face back into the pillow, trying to ignore the persistt voice.

"It's still early," I complained, trying to cling to the last remnants of sleep.

"Early? It's nearly lunchtime!" Anara exclaimed. "You can't stay in bed all day."

"I can and I will," I muttered, stubbornly refusing to move.

Anara sighed. "You leave me no choice."

I felt a sudd rush of cold air as the bed beath me disappeared, and I fell to the g with a loud thud. Groaning, I rolled over and tried to resume my sleep on the floor.

"You can't be serious," Anara said, exasperated. "I'm calling the demon que."

"No, you don't have to," I said, bolting upright. The thought of facing the demon que wrath was ough to jolt me awake.

Anara chuckled, a rare sound from her. "I thought that might do the trick. Now, let's get you a bath."

Grumbling, I let her pull me to my feet. She led me to the bathroom, where the tub was already filled with steaming water, scted with lavder. I stepped in, the hot water soothing my tired muscles.

"Honestly, Lady Elara, you need to take better care of yourself," Anara said, handing me a washcloth. "You can't go to lunch looking like you just rolled out of bed."

"I did just roll out of bed," I pointed out, scrubbing my face.

Anara rolled her eyes and set about helping me wash, her movemts efficit but gtle. Despite my initial irritation, I had to admit it felt good to be clean. Once I was thoroughly scrubbed and rinsed, Anara handed me a towel.

"Let's get you dressed," she said, leading me back to the bedroom. She oped the wardrobe and pulled out a dress. "This should do nicely."

The dress was made of a deep red silk, with a fitted bodice and a skirt that flared out slightly at the hips. It was simple yet elegant, with a hint of ssuality. I raised an eyebrow at the sight of it.

"Isn't this a bit... much?" I asked, eyeing the low neckline.

"You need to look prestable," Anara said, helping me into the dress. "Besides, you look stunning in it."

I sighed, allowing her to lace up the back. Once I was dressed, she led me to a mirror. The transformation was striking. The deep red of the dress complemted my new black hair and red eyes, making me look almost regal.

"Wow," I muttered, turning to look at myself from differt angles. "I guess it's not so bad."

"See? You look perfect," Anara said, giving me a satisfied nod. "Now, let's get you to the dining room."

I followed her down the corridors, my nerves on edge. We reached the dining room, which was just as grand as I remembered from the night before. The table was set with an array of dishes, each one more sumptuous than the last.

But the demon que was nowhere to be se. I hesitated at the door, unsure whether I should sit without her presce.

"Where's the demon que?" I asked, looking a.

"She has work to attd to," Anara said. "Just eat without her."

I nodded and took a seat, the empty chair at the head of the table a stark reminder of Seraphina's absce. I began to eat, trying to joy the food despite the oppressive silce and the watchful eyes of the servants.

The dishes were exquisite—freshly baked pastries, juicy fruits, and savory meats that melted in my mouth. But the solitude made it hard to savor the meal.

As I was finishing my plate, a maid clapped her hands, and the servants began clearing the table with swift efficicy. I looked up, startled. "I hav't finished," I protested.

The maid gave me a cold look. "Don't eat too much. You still have to fit into your wedding dress, which you will be trying on today."

I sighed heavily, pushing my plate away. "I don't want to get married," I muttered under my breath.

Anara gave me a sympathetic look but remained silt. After the table was cleared, she turned to me. "We have to go to town to see your wedding dress. The que will be waiting for you there."

I nodded, feeling a mix of resignation and dread. As we made our way to the castle gates, I couldn't help but wonder what awaited me in town and how much stranger my life was going to get.

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