The Demon Queen's Contract

Chapter 27: Get away from my wife

I dusted myself off and got back into position, feeling a mix of excitemt and determination. Nyx was a challging instructor, but her praise fueled my resolve to keep improving.

"Alright, Elara," Nyx said, resuming her stance. "Let's work on your footwork. Being able to move quickly and efficitly is just as important as knowing how to throw a punch."

She demonstrated a series of quick steps and pivots, her movemts fluid and precise. "Watch my feet," she instructed. "You need to stay light on your toes and be ready to shift your weight at any momt."

I mimicked her movemts, at first clumsily but gradually finding my rhythm. Nyx moved a me, correcting my posture and offering tips. "Keep your knees slightly bt. That way, you're always ready to spring into action. Good, now try pivoting to the right."

I followed her instructions, pivoting on my right foot while keeping my balance. Nyx nodded in approval. "Nice. Now add a jab with your left hand as you pivot."

I practiced the maneuver, feeling more confidt with each repetition. Nyx watched closely, offering couragemt and corrections. "Excellt, Elara. You're picking this up quickly."

We moved on to more complex combinations, mixing punches, kicks, and defsive moves. Nyx was reltless, pushing me to move faster and hit harder. "Keep your guard up," she reminded me as she delivered a swift kick to my side. I managed to block it just in time, but the force still made me stumble.

"Again," she commanded. "This time, counter with a punch to my midsection."

I nodded, determined to get it right. Nyx attacked, and I blocked her kick, immediately following up with a punch. It connected, and she grinned. "That's it! Now, let's add a dodge. I want you to avoid my next strike and th counterattack."

The training grew more intse, with Nyx testing my limits and pushing me to improve. My muscles ached, and sweat dripped down my face, but I felt exhilarated. Each successful move, each blocked strike, fueled my determination.

"You're doing great, Elara," Nyx said, her tone couraging. "But remember, it's not just about brute strgth. You need to anticipate your oppont's moves. Watch their body language and be ready to react."

We sparred continuously, the pace increasing with each . Nyx's attacks became more aggressive, and I had to dig deep to keep up. Despite the intsity, I found myself learning quickly. My reflexes sharped, and my movemts became more instinctive.

"You're a fast learner," Nyx remarked as we paused for a brief momt. "But let's see how you handle grappling."

She lunged at me, her hands reaching for my shoulders. I tried to dodge, but she was too quick. Her grip was firm, and she used her momtum to throw me to the mat. I landed with a thud, the breath knocked out of me.

"Don't worry," Nyx said, her tone almost teasing. "This is all part of the training. Now, let's work on getting out of a hold."

She demonstrated a series of techniques to break free from various grapples and holds. I practiced each one, my body responding to her instructions with growing precision. Nyx was patit but demanding, pushing me to improve with each attempt.

After what felt like hours of grueling practice, Nyx and I stood facing each other once more. "Alright, Elara. Let's see if you can take me down," she challged, a glint of anticipation in her eyes.

I took a deep breath and squared my shoulders. "I'm ready," I said, determination fueling my every move.

Nyx moved first, her attacks swift and calculated. I dodged and countered, our bodies moving in a dance of combat. She aimed a punch at my head, but I ducked and swept her legs from under her. She stumbled, but quickly regained her balance, her eyes gleaming with approval.

"Good," she said. "But don't get cocky."

She attacked again, and this time I managed to grab her arm and twist, using her momtum to flip her onto the mat. Nyx landed with a grunt, but her expression was one of satisfaction. "You're getting better, Elara. Now, let's see how you handle this."

She sprang to her feet and came at me with rewed intsity. Our sparring grew more intse, each move a test of skill and durance. I felt my body moving with a precision and fluidity that surprised ev me. Despite the exhaustion, I found myself joying the challge.

Just as I managed to land another successful hit, Nyx grabbed my arm and used my own momtum to throw me to the g. She pinned me down, her body pressing against mine. I struggled to break free, but she was too strong.

"You're strong, Elara," Nyx said, her voice low and intse. "But there's always room for improvemt."

I looked up at her, panting heavily. "I won't give up," I replied, my voice determined.

At that momt, the door to the training room slammed op. Seraphina stood there, her eyes blazing with anger. "Get away from my wife," she commanded, her voice cold and macing.

Nyx immediately released me and stood up, stepping back with her hands raised in a gesture of submission. "My Que," she said, bowing her head respectfully. "We were just training."

Seraphina's gaze shifted from Nyx to me, her expression softing slightly. "Are you alright, Elara?" she asked, her tone still edged with concern.

I nodded, struggling to my feet. "I'm fine, Seraphina. Nyx was just teaching me."

Seraphina's eyes narrowed as she looked back at Nyx. "I trust you were not too gtle with her," she said, her voice dangerously low.

Nyx shook her head. "No, my Que. Elara is a quick learner. She did well."

Seraphina stepped closer, her presce commanding. "Good," she said curtly. "But remember, Nyx, she is not just any studt. She is my wife."

Nyx bowed again. "Of course, my Que. I will keep that in mind."

Seraphina's gaze softed as she looked at me. "Come, Elara," she said, holding out her hand. "Let's get you cleaned up."

I took her hand, feeling a wave of relief wash over me. As we left the training room, I couldn't help but glance back at Nyx. She stood there, her expression unreadable, but I could see a flicker of respect in her eyes.

The training had be intse, but I had learned a lot about my own capabilities. I felt a newfound sse of confidce and strgth. And though Seraphina's protective nature had tak me by surprise, it also filled me with a sse of security. I was ready to face whatever challges lay ahead.

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