The Demon Queen's Contract

Chapter 26: Where did you learn to fight like this

I blinked, absorbing Seraphina's words. Self-defse lessons were the last thing I expected this morning. "Self-defse?" I repeated, my voice tinged with surprise.

Anara, who was still standing by my side, gave me an couraging smile. "Yes, Elara. It's important for you to be able to protect yourself," she said gtly.

I nodded, trying to quell the rising nerves. "I understand. Let's go," I said, standing up from the table.

Anara led me through the labyrinthine corridors of the palace once more, and we evtually arrived at a set of heavy wood doors. She pushed them op, revealing the training room.

The training room was massive, with high ceilings and walls lined with various weapons and training equipmt. The floor was covered in thick, cushioned mats, and large windows along one wall let in streams of natural light, illuminating the space.

There were several punching bags hanging from the ceiling, along with racks of weights and other fitness apparatus. In the cter of the room stood a tall, imposing figure.

The demon woman was striking. She stood at least six feet tall, her frame muscular yet feminine. Her skin had a subtle, almost iridesct she, and her long, jet-black hair was tied back in a sleek ponytail.

Her eyes were a piercing shade of amber, and they sparkled with intelligce and a hint of mischief. She wore a form-fitting black outfit that highlighted her powerful physique, making her look both formidable and, admittedly, quite attractive.

As we approached, the demon woman turned her atttion to me, a smile playing at the corners of her full lips. "Good morning," she said, her voice rich and smooth. "You must be Elara."

I nodded, feeling a bit intimidated. "Yes, I am," I replied, trying to match her confidce.

"I'm Nyx," she introduced herself, extding a hand. "I'll be your self-defse instructor."

I shook her hand, noting the strgth in her grip. "Nice to meet you, Nyx," I said.

Nyx gave me a once-over, her amber eyes appraising. "You look fit for this," she remarked. "But you'll need to change into something more suitable for training." She gestured towards a door at the far d of the room. "The backroom has some gear for you."

I nodded and headed to the backroom. Inside, I found a black combat outfit laid out for me. The outfit consisted of a form-fitting top and pants made from a flexible, breathable material. The top had long sleeves with reinforced padding on the elbows, and the pants were similarly padded at the knees.

The fabric was smooth and comfortable against my skin, allowing for ease of movemt. There was also a pair of sturdy, lightweight boots designed for agility and support.

After changing into the outfit, I gathered my hair into a high ponytail to keep it out of my face. I took a deep breath, trying to steady my nerves, and th stepped back into the training room.

Nyx looked me over again as I retered, her eyes lingering for a momt. There was something in her gaze that I couldn't quite read, but I decided to ignore it.

"Let's start with what you can do," Nyx said, motioning for me to join her in the cter of the room. "We'll begin with some basic moves and see where your skills are at."

I nodded, feeling a mix of excitemt and anxiety. Nyx squared off with me, her stance relaxed but ready. "Come at me," she instructed.

I took a deep breath and moved towards her, trying to remember the few self-defse techniques I had learned in the past. I threw a ttative punch, which Nyx easily deflected. She watched me carefully, her expression thoughtful.

"Again," she said, her voice calm.

I tried again, this time with more confidce. Nyx dodged my attack, her movemts fluid and precise. She countered with a light tap to my shoulder, signaling where she could have struck more forcefully.

"Good," she said. "Now let's see how you handle defse."

She attacked, and I instinctively dodged, my body moving almost of its own accord. I sidestepped her next strike and managed to land a light hit on her arm. Nyx's eyebrows lifted in surprise, and a small smile tugged at her lips.

"Not bad," she said. "You've got some natural skill."

I felt a surge of pride at her words. We continued sparring, and I found myself getting into the rhythm of it. Nyx was a formidable oppont, but I was able to dodge and counter her moves with increasing ease. I ev managed to land a few hits, though she always recovered quickly.

After a particularly intse exchange, Nyx stepped back, breathing a bit heavier. "You're expericed," she remarked, her eyes locking onto mine. "Where did you learn to fight like this?"

"I don't know ," I admitted, feeling a bit self-conscious under her scrutiny.

Nyx nodded, her expression serious. "Well, it's clear that you are lying to me. But let's see how you handle a real challge."

Before I could react, Nyx launched into a rapid series of attacks, her movemts a blur of shadow and grace. I raised my arms in defse, managing to block a swift jab aimed at my face.

Her strikes were reltless, a tempest of precision and power that I struggled to keep pace with. Each block was met with another strike, her fists and feet moving in a dance of destruction. I dodged a spinning kick that whistled past my ear, feeling the rush of air in its wake.

Her speed was overwhelming, each attack a testamt to her skill as a warrior. She feinted left, a move meant to deceive, and I took the bait. As I shifted my weight, she changed direction, her right fist arcing through the air and connecting with a solid thud against my side.

The force of the blow was like a hammer against cloth, and I stumbled, my footing lost. I tried to regain my balance, but Nyx was already upon me, her presce like the dark cloud of an oncoming storm.

A kick swept my legs from under me, and I crashed to the g with a grunt. The impact rattled my bones, and for a momt, the world spun in a dizzying array of colors and sounds.

As I lay there, the cold g seeping into my clothes, I struggled to catch my breath. Nyx stood over me, her silhouette framed by the moonlight, her hair a halo of silver in the darkness.

"You're good, Elara," she said, her voice carrying both approval and challge. "But you still have much to learn." Her hand extded towards me, not in aggression, but in an offer to rise.

I grasped it, feeling the strgth in her grip, and pulled myself to my feet. The fight was over, but the lesson was clear—there was a long path ahead of me.

I looked up at her, my body aching from the fall, and couldn't help but smile. "I'm ready," I said, determination filling my voice.

Nyx extded a hand to help me up, and I grasped it, pulling myself to my feet. "Good," she said. "Let's continue."

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