The Demon Queen's Contract

Chapter 23: Let's go to our room

As the final notes of the waltz faded, the applause from our guests swelled to fill the grand ballroom. Seraphina and I stood at the cter of the room, our faces flushed from the dance and the intsity of the momt.

She looked at me with a warm, almost proud smile before her expression shifted back to her usual composed demeanor. Her serious attitude returned, a reminder of the regal presce she always maintained.

She gtly took my hand, guiding me back towards the thrones that had be prepared for us. The thrones were placed on an elevated platform, draped with rich, crimson velvet and adorned with gold accts that reflected the flickering candlelight. We ascded the steps and took our seats, the weight of the momt settling over us once more.

As we sat, the room began to fill with a procession of guests, each coming forward to offer their gifts and blessings. Seraphina leaned in close to me, her voice a soft murmur in my ear, providing brief introductions and con for each person who approached.

"The Duke of Ravspire," she whispered as a tall, distinguished man stepped forward. His dark hair was streaked with silver, and he carried himself with a noble air. He prested a finely crafted sword, its hilt crusted with gems.

"May this blade protect you both in times of need," he said, bowing deeply.

"Thank you, Duke Ravspire," I replied, trying to mimic Seraphina's composed tone. He nodded in acknowledgmt before stepping aside for the next guest.

A noblewoman with a kind smile and a regal bearing approached next. "Lady Hela of Silverwood," Seraphina informed me. Lady Hela held out a delicate, intricately wov tapestry depicting a sere forest sce. "May your union be as peaceful and during as the woods of Silverwood," she said, her voice warm and sincere.

I smiled, guinely touched by the gesture. "Thank you, Lady Hela. It's beautiful."

The procession continued, each guest bringing forward their gifts and offering words of blessing. There was a merchant who prested us with a chest of exotic spices, wishing us a life full of flavor and advture.

An elderly scholar gifted us a rare, ancit book, hoping it would bring wisdom and knowledge to our reign. Each interaction, though brief, felt significant, adding layers of meaning to the day.

Throughout it all, Seraphina remained a steady presce by my side, her calm confidce bolstering my own. She offered quiet couragemt, helping me navigate the introductions and respond appropriately to the well-wishers.

Her support was invaluable, and I found myself growing more comfortable with each passing momt.

Finally, the last of the guests stepped forward, and the room began to buzz with anticipation once more. It was time to cut the wedding cake. The cake was a masterpiece, a towering confection of several tiers, each one more elaborate than the last.

It was decorated with delicate sugar flowers in shades of red and , their petals so intricately crafted they seemed almost real. The cake was crowned with a pair of figurines depicting Seraphina and me, standing side by side in a pose that mirrored our own.

We approached the cake together, a silver knife in hand. The room watched in silce as we made the first cut, the knife slicing through the soft layers with ease.

The crowd erupted into applause, and we each took a small piece, feeding it to one another with a mix of ceremony and guine affection. The cake was as delicious as it was beautiful, the flavors rich and decadt.

As the guests began to joy their own slices of cake, Seraphina turned to me, her expression softed by a rare, tder smile. "You've done wonderfully today, Lady Elara."

"Thank you, Seraphina," I replied, feeling a warm glow of pride and relief. "I couldn't have done it without you."

She nodded, her gaze holding mine for a momt longer before she straighted, her demeanor becoming more formal once again. "It's time to go to our room for our wedding night," she said, her voice carrying a note of finality.

Her words st a shiver through me, a mix of anticipation and nerves. The significance of the momt was not lost on me, and I felt a flutter of anxiety at what lay ahead. But as always, Seraphina's presce was a source of comfort and strgth.

With one last look a the grand ballroom, taking in the smiling faces of our guests and the beautiful decorations, I took Seraphina's hand. Together, we descded the steps of the dais and made our way towards the doors, the applause and cheers of our guests following us as we left the room.

As we walked through the palace corridors, the reality of the day began to settle in. This was the start of a new chapter, one filled with both challges and opportunities. And though the road ahead was uncertain, I knew that with Seraphina by my side, we could face whatever came our way.

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