The Demon Queen's Contract

Chapter 21: They are waiting for us

The grand halls of the palace had be transformed into a vision of spldor for the wedding day. The walls were draped with rich, velvet tapestries in deep crimson and gold, their intricate patterns shimmering in the soft glow of countless chandeliers.

Delicate garlands of and red roses intertwined with ivy adorned the archways and columns, filling the air with their sweet, intoxicating fragrance.

Every detail had be meticulously planned to create an atmosphere of both opulce and chantmt. The floors were polished to a mirror-like shine, reflecting the myriad flickering candles that lined the corridors.

Large, ornate mirrors were strategically placed to hance the light, making the space feel both dless and intimate. It was a sce straight out of a fairy tale, designed to celebrate the union of two souls.

As I walked through the halls, my heart raced with a mixture of excitemt and nerves. The beauty of the surings momtarily distracted me from my anxiety, but it all came rushing back as I approached the door leading to the grand ballroom. There, waiting for me, was Seraphina.

She stood tall and proud, her presce commanding the space a her. She was dressed in a historical suit of deep midnight blue, the rich fabric adorned with silver embroidery that caught the light with every movemt. The suit was tailored to perfection, highlighting her strong, athletic build.

The high collar and intricate buttons added a regal touch, while the fitted trousers and polished boots completed the semble. Seraphina looked absolutely breathtaking, exuding an air of both power and grace.

As I approached, she turned to face me, her eyes locking onto mine. Without a word, she reached out and took my hand, lifting it to her lips. The touch of her lips against my skin st a jolt of electricity through me, and I felt my cheeks flush with a mix of embarrassmt and something deeper.

" Elara," she murmured, her voice low and intimate. For a momt, I saw something flicker in her eyes—an intsity, a hint of desire that made my breath catch in my throat.

Before I could fully process the momt, she straighted, her expression shifting back to its usual composed demeanor. "Let's go now," she said, her tone gtle but firm. "They are waiting for us."

I nodded, my heart pounding as she led me through the halls, her hand still holding mine. We moved with purpose, each step bringing us closer to the place where our fates would be sealed.

The grand ballroom was ev more magnifict than the halls. It was a vast space, its high ceilings adorned with intricate frescoes depicting sces of celestial beauty. Crystal chandeliers hung from above, their light refracted into a thousand rainbows that danced across the room.

The walls were lined with tall, arched windows draped in luxurious silks, allowing the gold sunlight to pour in and illuminate the space.

The floor was covered in a lush carpet of deep red, leading up to a grand dais where the ceremony would take place. The dais itself was adorned with more flowers, their vibrant colors creating a stunning contrast against the backdrop of the palace's regal architecture.

Alongside the dais was a lavish buffet, a feast laid out in celebration of the day. Tables were piled high with delicacies from across the realms: succult roasted meats, fresh fruits and vegetables, and an array of decadt pastries and desserts.

Guests filled the room, dressed in their finest attire, their eyes turning to us as we tered. Nobles from various lands, advisors, and dignitaries—all had gathered to witness the union. As we walked, they bowed deeply, their voices rising in unison to greet us.

"Long live the Demon Que and her future wife!"

The declaration rang out, echoing through the hall. I felt a wave of embarrassmt wash over me, my cheeks burning as all eyes fixed on us. But th I felt Seraphina's hand tight a mine, her presce a steady anchor amidst the sea of scrutiny.

Seraphina leaned in close, her voice a soothing balm to my frayed nerves. "Don't worry," she whispered, her breath warm against my ear. "You are under my protection."

Her words were like a shield, wrapping a me and giving me the strgth to stand tall. I took a deep breath, letting the significance of the momt settle over me. This was my new reality, and with Seraphina by my side, I felt ready to face whatever came next.

As we reached the dais, Seraphina guided me to my place beside her. The room fell silt, the anticipation palpable as everyone awaited the start of the ceremony.

I glanced at Seraphina, finding comfort in the calm determination etched on her face. She met my gaze, her eyes filled with a promise of steadfast support.

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