The Crown Prince That Sells Medicine

Chapter 530

The Crown Prince That Sells Medicine Chapter 530

Episode 530 Accelerated self-death induction method (2)

Totot! Tot!

Black K-flavored spikes danced.

Additional punctures were made to the side of the tumor.

The tumor’s eyes widened.

My mouth dropped open.

It hurt so much.

A person who was born under a great and evil will. It’s been several months since the host’s body rebelled, refused apoptosis, and grew in size.

Just a little more and the great work will be accomplished. That the goal will be achieved. That he would become the cornerstone of a new world. I had a dream.

But I had no idea that pain like this existed in the world.


A scream erupted spontaneously.

But no sound came out.

It was natural.

Although it has a mouth, it does not have vocal or respiratory organs. That’s why you can’t make a sound in the first place.


So I silently shouted and swore. It was directed at the abominable human being who had caused him such terrible pain.

But the human’s reaction was so dull. He must have understood this silent swearing. However, only the sound of laughter was still flowing from inside the armor.

It was as if he had expected this kind of reaction from this side.

“okay. It’s going to hurt. That hurts so much. I wonder if a real person can endure this kind of pain, but what happens to me if I endure all this? Is it possible to break free from the shackles of humanity? Or maybe I will evolve into an ultra super pervert who enjoys this kind of pain in the future. “I think about all kinds of things, so that’s it.”

Rachiel smiled broadly.

A tumor that trembles all over the body after being stabbed by a black K-flavored thorn. I couldn’t help but laugh as I looked up at the tumor that was letting out a silent shout in real time because of the pain.

I was happy.

Because the tumor looks like it’s suffering? no. I finally became convinced that the surgical method I had designed was being performed very successfully. I feel relieved. Little by little, I began to see hope that Damian might be able to overcome lung cancer without major aftereffects.

So I smiled with my mouth.

In my heart, I became even more nervous.

Reminds me of the adage that the most dangerous moment is when things seem to be going well. I took out three more black K-flavored spikes. I made up my mind and stabbed them all into the side of the tumor.

Tot! Toto Dot!

A tumor bombarded with a total of six black K-flavored spikes!


The tumor’s eyes rolled over with pain beyond their limits. My whole body fell as if I was jumping around in place.

I wanted to shout out loud for my mother who didn’t even exist. However, it was even more unfair because I couldn’t make sounds because I didn’t have a vocal organ.

In this way, the tumor unknowingly achieved the condition of the hidden compensation mode triggered by the black K-taste thorn.

Don’t immediately cry and look for your mom because of the pain.

The results were enormous.

Ding dong!

[The target lung tumor that received your K-taste thorn touch has overcome hellish pain.] [

The true K-taste effect is applied to him.]

[The K-taste thorn effect is activated.]

[The lung tumor’s Metabolism rapidly accelerates to ‘8282 mode’.] The

long-awaited message appeared before Rakiel’s eyes. At the same time, dramatic changes occurred in the tumor’s metabolism.



The tumor was shocked.

Suddenly, out of nowhere, the pain stopped.

But at the end of the pain, an unfamiliar sensation that I had never felt before came rushing in like a tidal wave. I took a deep breath without realizing it. My vision blurred for a moment.

It feels as if some secret absolute has dropped a drop of clear lymph fluid into the world before my eyes. The rippling ripples and spreading lymph subtly distorted the corner of my vision.

It was from then on.

In all the cancer cells in the tumor, the mitochondria inside the cells started going crazy!

thud! thud! thud! Kukukukuk! Thump thump! thud! thud!



I couldn’t control it. The mitochondria in the cancer cells ran wild, stepping on the accelerator like a racer competing in an F1 competition. Traffic signal? ignored.

Discouragement of lysosomes in cellular tissue? I completely ignored it. I only run. Running again. Because that’s a free spirit! He shouted and ran towards the corner.

Thump thump! Kung kuk kung! thud! thud! Thump thump thump thump!

The roar of the cell nucleus! Sensual tap dance of Semang surrounding the core! The rough endoplasmic reticulum took off. Peroxisome performed a bungee jump. It fell into the Golgi apparatus and broke apart.

The smooth endoplasmic reticulum shouted Good Morning Hell Gate and set the microtubules on fire. The central core unraveled its DNA and let out a 7-octave shout.

So, all the microscopic structures in the cancer cells lost control and ran wild!


The tumor’s mouth opened wide.

It was my first time feeling this way.

I couldn’t stop this rampage.

But strangely enough, I didn’t feel bad. No, it was closer to ecstasy. The cell membrane spontaneously became fluffy.

A strange and boundless confidence surged through me. I felt like I could accomplish anything now.

Oh my goodness, such vitality!


The tumor was engrossed in a feeling of elation I didn’t know existed. I looked down at Rachiel. I felt like I should laugh at that person even more.

Stupid human being.

They may have tried to harass this side, but that doesn’t work out as they want. This great body is said to be able to quickly overcome even momentary pain. So give up now and quit. It was the moment when the tumor was about to shout in its characteristic silence.



Suddenly, an unfamiliar and ominous sound came from the mitochondria. And then a sudden sensation hit the tumor like a tidal wave. That new sensation was… extreme hunger.

thud! thud? thud! thud! thud! thud?


Mitochondria, which were running wild, began to demand nutrition. I’m hungry. I need nutrients. I miss glucose. Please give me oxygen. Scratching the cell membrane. I anxiously tapped the cell nucleus.

Actually, it was natural.

Because of the sudden acceleration of metabolism 8282 mode, all the cells in the cancer tissue became activated like crazy. This is because your metabolism literally becomes incredibly fast and you quickly use up your stored energy.

Of course, under normal circumstances, this would not have been much of a problem. The tumor thought that it was still like that.

So it was. The tumor closed its eyes as usual. And it began to suck nutrients from the surrounding normal tissues, as if robbing them.

But… it didn’t work out as expected?



Now that I think about it, all the blood vessels that connected it to the host were cut. It was even blocked due to the intense heat. Thanks to that… no nutrients came in!


The nuclei of the cancer cells that made up the tumor all collapsed. Belated realization. An eerie premonition.

It was then.

“okay. You must have been so excited. Why wouldn’t you do that? I’ve been through it. A strange sense of liberation and elation that comes after extreme pain. A sense of transcendence brought about by rapidly activated body sensations. “For a moment, you even feel like you have become a god or something transcendent.”


A human looking up at us. Did you say Rachiel? A story that sounded soft and somehow more vicious came out of his helmet.

“So when you first go through 8282 mode, you start going crazy without even realizing it. I guess you could say that I enjoy that feeling purely. Well, that’s also natural. The first time you experience something is always the freshest, right? The most exciting. I understand. “I was like that too.”


“Besides, you got hit with six black K-flavored spikes. That feeling of elation must have been six times greater. So you’ll be more excited. You must have had more fun using up the energy stored in your cells. So… you’re probably hungry by now. is not it?”



The cell nucleus exploded again.

Goosebumps appeared on the cell membrane.

Rachiel continued.

“But what should I do? I knew this would happen so I cut out all the blood vessels in advance. So the nutrients aren’t coming in? Can’t you even inhale oxygen? But… the acceleration of metabolism still doesn’t end, does it?”



It really is!

So, please tell me how!

What should I do?

The tumor muttered its mouth, letting out silent screams and pleas.

A sneer appeared on Rachiel’s lips.

“The method is a mess. What to do in this situation? “Is there such a thing?”


“Besides, what can I do? I got hit with six black K-flavored spikes, so the duration of 8282 mode is six times longer? “Is it still far from over?”


“Oh, is that all over now? “Then wait a minute?”

Tot! Thodot! Tot! Tot! Tot! Tot!

“This time there are seven rooms. “I have a lot of thorns.”



Rachiel stabbed 7 additional black K-flavored thorns and smiled. And then he unfolded the remaining dozens of thorns.

The tumor’s eyes, seeing this, were filled with astonishment, fear, and despair. Soon, I was engulfed in a new, seven-fold pain.

However, the tumor, unable to make any sound for a while, unable to scream or find its mother, successfully overcame(?) the pain of the black K-flavored thorn against its will. And without fail, it entered 8282 mode.



A runaway of cells showing incredible acceleration once again!

But now the sensation was not welcome. Rather, it was gloomy. I wanted to dry out the cancer cells that made up me.

Don’t do this. Everyone please calm down. We’re hungry now. I can’t even breathe. Even blood vessels are cut off, so nutrients and oxygen cannot be supplied. I’m feeling tired.

But… if everyone goes on a rampage like this without any hesitation…!

“okay. “Then I’ll give you food.”


It was a moment when despair overtook the cancer cells.

The human Rachiel, who had been looking in this direction the whole time, raised his radioactive sword. And then he suddenly pushed it into the open mouth. No, I stabbed it.


The red, Cherenkov effect taste of uranium-235 that fills your mouth in an instant!

Beat the buzzer… Beat the buzzer! Damn it!

It happened in an instant.

Cancer cells only inhale a lot of radiation instead of the nutrients and oxygen they so desperately need! The moist surface of the tumor began to dry out.

The bouncy volume suddenly shrunk. Hundreds of wrinkles appeared on his once plump face. The sparse black hair was bleached white.

In other words, the tumor’s DNA bonds were brutally shattered and broken.

The tumor aged quickly.


Open mouth.

The front teeth, which were neatly aligned, fell out. My tongue became dry. All the remaining hair fell out. The eyes lost focus. My eyes became cloudy like a mackerel that had been caught for 10 days.

That was the end of it.


Finally, due to the dilemma of rapidly accelerated metabolism and cut off nutritional supply, the tumor, unable to withstand the rapid bombardment of radiation, fell forward and collapsed.

It was a moment when the accelerated cell apoptosis induction method that Rakiel had prepared and planned with great care achieved an unprecedented success.

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