The Crazy Villain Regains His Sanity

Chapter 410

Episode 410

“I wonder if what I just heard is true.”

“You heard correctly. I meant it. Headbreaker you have to kill me.”

The saint said with a serious expression. The tone was very urgent, perhaps because they did not know when God would return.

I reached out to her.

He passed by the startled saint, punched the air, and then used force to push away the energy surrounding the saint.

I felt strong resistance, but when I pushed hard, it started to push away.

Those are the energies of a self-proclaimed god subjugating a saint. Because of the distance, they were pushed aside for a while, but since they have already been combined as one, they will soon be put back together.

“How did this happen….”

“I bought myself some time. So, just say what you want to say.”


“Kill you?”

“yes that’s right.”

There was no wavering in his straight eyes towards me.

I respect people with strong beliefs. Dahyun Jeong and Franz were examples.

But why?

The sight of the saint was accompanied by discomfort.


“I am the best means for God to influence this world. “The more I serve God, the faster God’s influence will grow.”

“Isn’t that what you live for?”

This saint was the one who talked ad nauseam about dedicating everything to God.

“It’s time to take back that statement.”


I waited quietly until the bitterly smiling saintess continued.

“I have believed that God will save humanity from suffering from monsters. He gave us a lot and gave us courage.”

The saint herself said that she was able to rise from the abyss of despair because she was chosen by God.

“Then I came into contact with his true nature.”

It gave a shock that shattered the world that had formed the saint.

“God has no intention of saving mankind. Even though they are in constant pain, suffering and screaming, they are given just one ray of help to keep them from letting go of everything. So what he wanted was to make you sacrifice everything for him so that you could find him. “In the end, there was no salvation or liberation anywhere.”

“God is a divine beast.”

“i know. But does it matter?”

“It’s not important?”

“If you can save us, if you can help us, I am willing to treat you as a god, even if you are a monster and not a god. “Headbreaker, I don’t know who is as strong as you, but no weak person can refuse a hand that extends help to the weak.”

The saint said this thinking I would neither know nor understand, but I understood.

There was a time when I, too, craved power without being able to unlock my abilities. Even though I recognized that the method of opening up blood feeding and copying gifts by consuming blood could be problematic, I ignored it and chased after my power.

The result was a hematoma. For the saint, her faith is completely denied.

“Are you willing to throw away your life because your faith has been denied?”

“My life is okay. “It’s just because I’m convinced that my death will be the biggest disruption to his plans.”

“Then you can just die yourself.”

“Does it look like I’m allowed that freedom?”

It sounded like it meant that even if you could avoid God’s attention for a while, you couldn’t take action.

“What would I have done if I had stopped God from getting to me?”

“I wanted to convey my thoughts as quickly as possible.”

“But what if I fail to deliver?”

“I was planning to pounce. “Then you wouldn’t have killed me?”

[She is seriously thinking of throwing away her life.]

Even if it wasn’t Yongyong’s words, I could tell that the saint’s words were sincere.

“I refuse.”


“Because it’s more helpful to me that you’re alive.”

“What do you mean! Headbreaker! You are underestimating my worth! I can most faithfully represent God’s will! My presence will accelerate the expansion of his influence, which will accelerate the pace of humanity’s subjugation… Ugh!”

I grabbed the saint’s neck. The blue-eyed guy was struggling and looking at me with an absurd look.

“You are overestimating your worth.”

The saint is just one of the many chess pieces that the self-proclaimed god can move.

Even if you kill a saint, it will only be a bit inconvenient for a while, but it is not difficult to appoint a new saint who will faithfully carry out the intention.

More than anything.

“You are nothing. “Maybe the reason you want to die is because you are controlled by God.”

This is the conclusion I came to.

“It doesn’t make sense.”

“Why don’t you think that even your thoughts can be controlled?”


“Killing you here could explode your antipathy toward me and further expand God’s influence. Even I, who am not good at reading the situation, can guess.”

The saintess, who escaped my hand, was out of breath and had an expression of disbelief.

“Tell your master when he comes. “The days of doing crappy tricks won’t last long.”

There was nothing more to listen to the saint’s sophistry, so he left the place.


* *

After coming out, I talked to Yongyong about the self-proclaimed god.

I needed confirmation of my hypothesis.

“What do you think?”

[It’s a story with plenty of potential. It is difficult to directly influence the consciousness, but if you inject long-term influence, you can inject the unconscious.] “

Then you must have noticed that the saintess was having doubts about herself.”

[If you were so lax that you didn’t notice, you wouldn’t have gotten to where you are now.]

“At least you’re not at the level of being deceived by humans.”

However, there were questions about other areas besides the saint’s plan.

“Then is it also a deception that the saint said she saw the true nature of God?”

[No, that is most likely true.]

“A little more detail.”

[God must have chosen a saint as a human being to use as his hands and feet. It can be expressed in many ways, but the saint is a puppet who carries out the will of God.]

Yongyong asserted that there is no meaning more or less than that.

[But if you want to use your own hands and feet, you need to give it away.]

“What the saintess understood is that these are things that God must inevitably endure.”

[That’s right.]

Then it all makes sense. The saint, who had figured out the true nature of the self-proclaimed god, would have tried to come up with a plan and tried to ruin the plan by burning his existence.

But even that was an evil plan from a self-proclaimed god.

“A true puppet.”

[He looked quite shocked.]

“That is none of my business.”

The saint may have thought that she made her own judgment and decision, but even that was just a trick.

[For something like that, it seems quite appealing, doesn’t it?]

“Because it’s not a bad method.”

It is also true that if a saint dies, the activities of the self-proclaimed god will be affected. In light of this, it can be hypothesized that a self-proclaimed god would have no choice but to have one saint.

In that case, continuing to have a puppet that doubts itself would be a blow to the guy.

[Then what are you going to do?]

“I’m trying to think of a good way.”

[Which one?]

“I’m still thinking about it. “If you watch and think about it, something good will come to mind.”

[Is God’s image improving in real time due to the saint?]

“Because even if we force it, we can’t stop it.”

It seemed like all I had to do was find a way to tickle my brain.


* *

“I don’t like God, but I think the saint is really nice.”

Yunhee’s words were exactly explaining the situation that was going on these days.

The existence of God, who suddenly appeared one day, instilled doubt in many people. In particular, people who did not believe in the existence of God or doubted God’s intentions did not easily sympathize.

However, even those people were favorable towards the existence of the saint. The saint, who is a superhuman in her own right and has done countless good deeds, boasted a high level of favorability from the public because she also created a good image in the media.

As these saints began their missionary activities in earnest, the number of people turning to self-proclaimed God was increasing.

Even though I was watching, I had no choice but to take a hit.

“If that guy called God had acted like a saint, I would have believed him too.”

“Is the saint trustworthy?”

“Why is it not good?”

“That’s not it.”

“Then why do you say that? Just by looking at it, it looks real. In fact, no scandal has ever occurred. “Even though I don’t like God, I have a high affinity for saints.”

Even if the media promotes dislike of God, it cannot do that to saints. In a way, it was the saint’s presence in the sanctuary that was greater than that of God.

“It’s not good news.”

“Is there no solution for that?”

“There was one way.”

“What? “You’re not going to mess with a saint or anything like that, are you?”


“it’s crazy? Even if it’s true for other people, it’s not for a saint! Then, even those who sympathize with you will turn their backs!”

Yoonhee was scared and screamed.

“That’s why I didn’t use my hands.”

“Don’t even think about it! “You can never do something like that!”

“Don’t worry, other people have already said the same thing.”

“But I’m glad there are so many smart people around me. I almost got into big trouble. Phew!”

In fact, everyone around her was desperately opposed to doing anything to the saint. The main reason was that if she became a martyr, my image would deteriorate uncontrollably.

So, should we just keep watching like this?

Of course I didn’t intend to do that.

Because a good image of a saint is a great weapon for a self-proclaimed god.

“Wait, that’s a good image?”

What if the saint cannot give a good image?

As I continued my thoughts, I came face to face with Yunhee’s murderous gaze.

“What are you thinking?”

“No, it’s nothing.”

“Do not lie! I’m sure you were thinking something! “It’s clearly a terrible idea that will turn the world upside down!”

Yunhee persistently questioned me, but I remained ignorant until the end.

But it was true that I had a good idea.


* *

Although she said that she would never visit again, I paid no attention and visited the saint’s residence.

“Have you changed your mind?”

The saint, who was alone in her residence, welcomed me without changing her expression at all despite my sudden visit.

“Were you waiting?”

“I thought I might have come up with another way.”

“That’s right.”

“So what did you bring? “I don’t mind killing me.”

Even if I say that in front of God, it won’t change my mind.

“You have a good image.”

“Is that the problem?”

“It’s a problem. Because God’s image is improving because of you.”

But what happens when the image of a saint can no longer be improved?

“You can’t do that yourself.”

“What on earth method would you… Hike!”

When I came closer and grabbed her by the collar, she got scared. Unlike just a few days ago when I was determined, I was now filled with fear.

“For some reason, it seems like God can only have one saint.”


“One of the reasons why the image of a saint is good is because of her beautiful appearance.”

Good looks are one of the factors that attract favor from both men and women.

What if the saint was ugly? What if it’s a disgusting face just to look at?

Still, will people really like it?

That’s exactly the conclusion I came to.

“I will take away your beauty.”

“Oh no! “Just that! Just kill me!”

The expression on the face of the saint, who had been determined enough to risk her life, shook uncontrollably.

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