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7 months ago
The world of Nyil, with its monsters, its knights and its mildly sociopathic gods. Come and see! A... Read more The world of Nyil, with its monsters, its knights and its mildly sociopathic gods. Come and see! A soul flees and a soul arrives, blessed by luck. Will she survive? Will she thrive? Will she become a calamity?After all, luck is such a fickle thing. Collapse Clever Protagonist, Golems, Dragons, LitRPG, Female protagonist, Transmigration, Gods, Misunderstandings, Multiple POV, Modern Knowledge, Magic, Playful Protagonist, Lucky Protagonist, Survival, Weak to Strong, Female Protagonist, Knights, Game Elements, Transported to Another World, R-18 Too many fancy words distastefully used and forced into every sentence, even if it takes a sentence more to revision the dialog just to fit it in. Evidently the words were used incorrectly and i even doubt they know the meaning. Too many fancy words Can we pretend that airplanes in the night sky are like shooting stars? Male protagonist or Female protagonist?? Woman so her name is bob? SpoilerThat's what the golem called her. Instead of Viv, it turned out to be bob