The Bootlicking Antagonist Only Wants to Survive, but the Female Lead Refuses to Follow the Usual Plot

Chapter 42: The Determination of the Goddess

Chapter 42: The Determination of the Goddess

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Leng Tianhao left, and Lu Chengwen picked up the phone: "Li Meiqin! Change it, and transfer the money directly to Leng Qingqiu's private account. No need, just listen to me."

After hanging up the phone, Lu Chengwen was so angry that he slammed his boss's desk:

"What the hell, outstanding entrepreneur! What the hell, one of the four major families! Dog! Leng  Tianhao, you are just a money-minded dog! Leng Qingqiu is beautiful and capable. With such a daughter, you should cherish, love, and protect her... Damn it, you'ly disgusting!"

Sitting there, panting, he said, "Leng Qingqiu absolutely can't bear this stimulus... Are you trying to plot against me? Now, I'll give a hundred billion directly to Leng Qingqiu. Do you want to kick her out? Without her, you have no money. Let's see how you play! Want to compete with me? If you weren't Leng Qingqiu's father, I'd kick your balls back into your bladder!"

After venting his anger, Lu Chengwen lay weakly on the boss's chair, staring blankly at the ceiling.

His mind was a mess.

At this moment, a figure flashed out from behind the door.

Leng Qingqiu's face was tear-streaked as she looked at Lu Chengwen expressionlessly.

Lu Chengwen instinctively turned his head and saw Leng Qingqiu, immediately springing up from his chair as if electrified.

"Qing Qing Qing Qing... Qingqiu? What are you doing here? How... long have you been here?"

"I heard everything."

Lu Chengwen was dumbfounded.

【Damn it! Isn't this a disaster? She must be very sad, right? Who wouldn't be sad about this kind of thing?】

【It's over, she must hate me and her dad to death. Hating me doesn't matter, anyway, I can bear hatred, but... how will she face her dad in the future?】

"Qingqiu, you... listen tally... there are some things..."

"You don't need to say anything. It's useless to say anything about this kind of thing."

Lu Chengwen couldlly say anything either.

This kind of conversation, once Leng Qingqiu heard it, there was no way to end it nicely!

Even if he was eloquent, even if he was like Zhuge Liang who could debate with a group of scholars, he probably wouldn't be able to say anything pleasing.

Lu Chengwen looked guilty: "I-I'm sorry."

Leng Qingqiu didn't speak, just looked at Lu Chengwen, tears streaming down her face.

Lu Chengwey exploded: "Zhao Gang, Jiang Shihan! Get in here!"

Zhao Gang and Jiang Shihan were both stunned. As soon as they saw the situation inside, they knew something was wrong and their faces turned pale.

"Are you guys brainless? Didn't you know to tell me in advance when Qingqiu was coming? What's the use of me keeping you guys? Pack up and get out!"

Jiang Shihan was so frightened she lost her reaction, and Zhao Gang knelt directly:

"Mr. Lu! Mr. Lu, I was wrong, please spare me this time..."

Leng Qingqiu said loudly, "It was me who forced them. If you want to scold someone, scold me!"

Lu Chengwen suddenly lost his temper.

Leng Qingqiu turned to them, "You two go out, it's none of your business anymore. Sorry, I've implicated you."

"We dare not, we dare not..."

Jiang Shihan was still confused, while Zhao Gang pulled her to hurry out.

At this time, Li Meiqin pushed the door and rushed in, seeing Leng Qingqiu standing there crying, while Lu Chengwen stood there without saying a word.

She nervously said, "Mr. Lu... for a transfer of a hundred billion level, I need you... to sign."

Lu Chengwen nodded, "Bring it."

Just as Lu Chengwen was about to sign, Leng Qingqiu slapped his hand down on the signature area, tears filling her eyes as she stared at Lu Chengwen.

Lu Chengwen looked at Leng Qingqiu, smiling bitterly, "Don't make trouble, I'll sign it, and you'll have the money, you can... continue to manage Qianfeng and lead it forward."

Leng Qingqiu looked at Lu Chengwen, "Why... don't you want to marry me?"

Lu Chengwen smiled bitterly, "I won't buy you with money, nor will I force you with money. If you don't love me, being together will only torture each other, why bother?"

Lu Chengwen slowly moved Leng Qingqiu's hand away, signed the document, and handed the pen to Li Meiqin.

Lu Chengwen's voice was incredibly gentle:

"Qingqiu, I know, I was really bad before, I'm sorry for the trouble I caused you. If time could go back, I would not let all this happen. If there's any way to remedy the harm I've done to you, I'm willing to do anything."

"This money is just a little apology to you. Take it. You're a good girl, smart, hardworking, and kind-hearted. Believe me, one day, you will meet your true love, he... he must be the blessed one, superior in every way, full of virtues. He will love you, cherish you, protect you. He will be the one you've been looking for, with him, your life will never feel lonely and lonely again, believe me, that person will appear, that day will come."

 Qingqiu took the transfer certificate that Lu Chengwen had signed and held it in her hand.

"Qingqiu, what are you doing!?"

Leng Qingqiu said, "Li Meiqin, leave."

Li Meiqin had wanted to run away long ago, and now she quickly bowed and left.

"What are you doing?" Lu Chengwen said, "You need this money."

"You're so rich, buy me."

Lu Chengwen widened his eyes, "What... are you saying?"

"I'm worth a hundred billion, aren't I? Buy me."

"I've already apologized, can't you forgive me? Please spare me, I won't dare again..."

"I'm doing this voluntarily."

Lu Chengwen was utterly depressed, "Sis, are you speaking out of anger..."

"It's not anger, I've fallen for you."

Lu Chengwen looked at Leng Qingqiu for a few seconds and burst out laughing.

"Qingqiu, you... hehe, I know you're confused now..."

"I'm not confused. A lot has happened these past few days, which made me see your true selflly like you. I genuinely want to be the young mistress of the Lu family."

Lu Chengwen looked at her, his entire face seeming paralyzed.

"Sis, you..."

Cold Qingqiu seemed determined: "I'll ask you one question, do you still like me?"

Lu Chengwen thought:

【Do I like you, my foot! Can I dare to like you?】

【What's going on, this plot isn't right! Three years, a whole three years, I

I've been hovering around you like a fly, not even as good as a dog, and you didn't even look at me properly.】

【What got into you these past two days? How did you suddenly... what should I do?】

Thinking back on the past three years, Cold Qingqiu felt embarrassed.

Indeed, she lacked understanding of Lu Chengwen and often treated him unfairly.

For an ordinary person with a sense of shame, they would have ignored her long ago, it's hard to believe thatlly spent three years with her.

Now, Leng Qingqiu couldn't recall what Lu Chengwen looked like when he hated her, but instead, whenever she thought of the past few years, it seemed like she was quite happy because of Lu Chengwen.

Recalling scenes from the past, she suddenly felt that for the past three years, she had been completely oblivious to her blessings and was filled with guilt towards Lu Chengwen.

"In the past... it was my fault, you... don't be angry with me, can't I be wrong and apologize to you?"

Lu Chengwen didn't know about Leng Qingqiu's psychological changes. In his view, Leng Qingqiu seemed to have changed in an instant, with his perception of himself making a 180-degree turn.

He couldn't understand, nor could he accept it.

"Qingqiu, is it because there have been too many things happening recently, so... you're doing this on purpose? Don't worry, I won't bother you anymore..."

"I like it when you bother me!" Leng Qingqiu hurriedly said, "Before, I was blind to the good things I had. You too. You deliberately acted so annoyingly, causing me to misunderstand you for so long."


"Anyway, I finally know what you're thinking in your heart now. I like you, sincerely."

Lu Chengwen felt his head buzzing.

"I think you're not calm anymore, thissly an impulsive effect."

"Fine, I know, you're not that interested in me anymore. It's okay, you chased after me for three years, now it's my turn to chase after you."

Lu Chengwen didn't know how to react.

Leng Qingqiu smiled, a smile that was both happy and sad, making Lu Chengwen feel a pang of sadness in his heart.

"Anyway, starting from today, you will see my changes."

Leng Qingqiu looked at the documents in his hand, "Consider this money as borrowed from you, I'll pay you back when I earn it."

Leng Qingqiu suddenly leaned close to Lu Chengwen, pecked him on the lips, then blushed and said, "I'm leaving, you... I'll contact you."

Until Leng Qingqiu left, Lu Chengwen couldn't snap out of it.

Lu Chengwen sat on the chair, like an eggplant hit by frost, not moving for a long time.

When he finally came out, Jiang Shihan at the door immediately stood up, looking nervous.

Lu Chengwen was taken aback and quickly said, "Oh, just now... it was my fault, I shouldn't have snapped at you guys."

Jiang Shihan quickly said, "I'm sorry, General Lu, please forgive me, it's my fault, I shouldn't have let people in so casually."

Lu Chengwen patted her shoulder, "Don't be silly, I was just dizzy with anger just now. Leng Qingqiu lly walk sideways into Dashing Group, she's even more awesome than me. How could you stop her? Don't overthink it, I'll give you a day off, go back and rest."

"No, no, I'm fine, I can work."

"Then stop crying, it doesn't look good." Lu Chengwen smiled.

Seeing Lu Chengwen smile, Jiang Shihan immediately felt overjoyed, "I won't dare next time."

At this moment, Zhao Gang walked in, nervously saying, "General Lu."

Lu Chengwen looked at Zhao Gang, "What's wrong?"

Zhao Gang grinned, "President Xu is here to see you."

"Xu Xuejiao?"

"Yes." Zhao Gang hurriedly said, "I intercepted her, she even scolded me. She's boasting, saying she'll embarrass you if she sees you. I followed your highest instructions, didn't give her any face at all, and now she's almost exploding with anger..."

Lu Chengwen twitched his mouth.

Thinking, this is karma!

I scolded Zhao Gang and scared this kid. To keep his job, he ended up offending Xu Xuejiao, this dark lolita.

Lu Chengwen said in frustration, "In the future when President Xu comes, you should still give her face, understand?"


Zhao Gang was almost crying. Since Lu Chengwen mentioned "the future," it meant his job was secure.

Great, I can continue to be a lackey. Great! Sob sob sob...

Lu Chengwen hurried to the rest area and as soon as he entered, he saw Xu Xuejiao's chest heaving with anger.

Lu Chengwen quickly smiled and said, "President Xu is here, forgive my oversight!"

Xu Xuejiao stood up, "Lu Chengwen, you're quite powerful!"

Lu Chengwen quickly smiled and said, "Not really, there was just a small incident earlier. I scolded Zhao Gang, and he got scared, that's why he offended you. Forgive us, forgive us."

"I'm asking you, why did you suddenly invest in the shantytown reconstruction project?"

Lu Chengwen lamented, "I... was just impulsive."

"Are you sure it will make money?"

"I'm sure it will lose money."

Xu Xuejiao widened her eyes, "Then why did you still invest with Leng Qingqiu? What conspiracy do you have with her?"

Lu Chengwen sighed inwardly.

[Where's Long Aotian? Come on, just kill me, I don't care anymore, I'm tired.]

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