The Bodyguard System

Chapter 59: Drastic Measures

After a momt of silce, Jad simply shrugged his shoulder and responded, "I don't really know where you like to go. So, you can just lead the way. I'll follow wherever you go, as long as you don't plan to go and jump into the fire or into the river to drown yourself."

"Tsk!" Scarlet clicked her tongue after hearing Jad's words. "Do you think that I can be desperate ough to kill myself? Unless I don't really have any other choice, I don't think that I will ever try to think about killing myself." Scarlet snorted.

Jad simply shrugged his shoulders once again. There was nothing that he could say about that. He was just making a joke, and he never meant what he was saying. Of course, if Scarlet tried something like killing herself, he was definitely going to make sure that she did not do that.

Otherwise, he was going to be in trouble. How could Clifford and Anthony allow him to continue living if Scarlet had ded up dead? Since he was currtly her bodyguard, he had to sure her safety ev if she wanted to kill herself.

Upon realizing that Jad was not saying anything, Scarlet decided not to say anymore and continued driving. She had already decided on the destination that she was going to. Of course, that was going to be after they had gone to the hospital.


William's manor…

Rub was having the worst time of his life at this momt. Ever since the day that he had be giv the permission to deal with Scarlet, everything had be falling apart.

Previously, the first time, after he had organized for a small group of small gangsters to deal with Scarlet, they had ded up being beat up before being tak to the police. Since he did not want any information related to the Williams making that arrangemt being revealed, he had no choice but to sd somebody to bail them out.

But after that, not wanting to take any risk, he decided to eliminate them. Th again, he made an arrangemt so that they could investigate about Jad before taking care of him.

But he had not expected that wh they wt to investigate about Jad, there was somebody else that had already beat them to it. In the d, they did not find much about Jad, ev within his residce. In fact, the group that he had st to do the investigation in Jad's house had ded up stabbing somebody to death.

And today, things got ev worse. He was planning on the strategy that he was going to utilize in order to deal with Jad, wh he received bad news. According to the news that he had received, the group that he had st to follow Jad and Scarlet who had gone towards the deserted part of the city, had be killed.

He did not know who It was that had killed them, but each and every one of them had died under a single attack. It was clear that whoever it was that had killed them was extremely skilled and the differce in strgth betwe that person and the ones that he had st was huge.

But that was not the d of it all. Not long later, he received information that one of the small branches that he possessed had be tak down. Of course, he was not the only one that was in charge of this business, instead, it was the tire Williams family.

But still, only a few people knew about it. That included Philip, his elder brother. According to the information, there was a group of youngsters that had gone there, and in the d, the tire gang had be tak down.

To make matters worse, those idiots had not transported the people that they had previously captured, and so, wh the police came over, they got ough evidce of human trafficking. So, if he wanted to bail that group of people out, it was going to be extremely difficult.

Additionally, according to the information that he had received, it seemed that the issue of the gang being tak care of was related to Scarlet. For a momt there, he could not help but wonder if the Johnsons had somehow decided to take action against them as well.

But wh he thought much about it, he believed that it was going to be impossible. According to the information that he possessed about the Johnsons, it was impossible for them to sd Scarlet on a dangerous mission as that.

After all, it might be true that that gang was extremely small, but ev th, the leader of that gang was somebody that possessed incredible fighting skills. So, ev if Scarlet was kind of skilled, it was going to be impossible for him to be able to deal with him.

It was th that he suddly thought of somebody, Jad. That was the only possibility that he had in his mind. Since Scarlet had gone there, and they had be able to take care of the tire gang, that implied that she had depded on other than Jad.

It might be true that until today, they did not know much about Jad's capabilities, considering that it seemed that he had be hiding his capabilities until today. But ev th, he believed that it might not be impossible for him to be able to take care of the leader of that small gang.

'It seems that I will have to use a special method in order to take care of him. I had never thought that I was going to resort to something like this. Ev though they are not supposed to be involved with petty matters, this is definitely not going to be considered as petty anymore, right?

Jad's presce gives a sse of danger to our family. So, no matter what, he has to be eliminated. Otherwise, if he is allowed to continue existing, the majority of the plans that we are having will definitely be ruined.' Rub thought to himself.

He immediately wt ahead to make a call. The momt that the call was received, he gave a command. "Make sure that Jad is eliminated. I don't care about the methods that you are going to use, but I do believe that it should not be a difficult to ask for you to handle. Make sure that this happs within 3 days."

Immediately after saying those words, Rub ded the call. Immediately after that, he left the room that he was currtly in, going to carry out something else that needed him to handle it personally.


On the other side, Lucas Smith was also expericing something related to what Rub was expericing. Just like Rub, he had previously st somebody to deal with Jad, before extracting information that they wanted from him.

Previously, having already realized that Jad was alive, they did a few investigations and realized that the one that was coming after Jad was other than the Williams. Thinking much about the Williams, Lucas decided to ignore them considering that with the capabilities that the Williams possessed, there was nothing that they could do to him.

Additionally, he did not think that they knew much about Jad. After all, he had already investigated, and understood that there was a feud betwe Jad and the Williams through the Johnsons. So, it was clear that the Williams acting against Jad was not for the same goal as what Lucas was aiming for.

So, Lucas decided to act as soon as possible before leaving Jad to the Williams to handle. In fact, if there was no any other choice but to kill Jad, he would do that. And after killing him, he would simply push the blame to the Williams, considering that he understood that the Williams wanted to eliminate Jad.

The only problem was the fact that after a few hours of sding one of his bodyguards to deal with Jad, that guy had not come back at all. In fact, after trying to contact him several times, the guy was not responding at all.

That was something that gave him a bad feeling about this issue. So, he immediately decided to launch an investigation about what had happed. Previously, before they lost communication with each other, the one that had be st to deal with Jad had already giv information about where Jad had headed to.

The momt that Lucas and the rest of his bodyguards arrived in that area, they came to realize something that made them a little horrified. That was the fact that the bodyguard that he had st over had actually be eliminated.

Additionally, the elimination was extremely cruel. Just looking at the injuries that the body possessed as it lay on the floor, they could not help but wince, as they thought about the pain that this person had undergone.

"This piece of garbage. I never thought that he was going to d up like this wh the task was extremely simple. How is it that much difficult to be able to deal with this Jad? He is just a lowly brat." Lucas Smith cursed.

The rest of the bodyguards remained silt. But ev th, within their minds, they were thinking, 'What are you trying to imply that he is just a lowly brat? Previously, we beat him up, and instead of dying, he is quite well right now, without any injuries. So, how is it possible that he is normal? In fact, it is definitely not abnormal that he has be capable of taking care of one of us.'

Still, of them tried to say that out loud. Otherwise, they knew that their fate would definitely not be something that they wished for.

After a momt of silce, with a grim expression on his face, Lucas said, "I want you to make arrangemts. Make sure that you find Jad, and you take care of him as soon as possible. In fact, I want you to find him alive. I will do the rest of the job personally."

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