The Bodyguard System

Chapter 57: Ruby

The lady made a call, and not long, a person came over. The lady wt ahead and instructed him to go and bring the group of people that they had locked away.

The guy looked at Jad and the others, before he left. He did not question about the reason behind that, considering that it was the lady who had instructed for the group to be locked up in the first place.

A few minutes later, Vinct and the others walked into the office. Just by looking at them, Jad and the others could not help but be a little speechless. In fact, Scarlet could not help but start chuckling.

The same could be applied to Lucas. As for the rest of the group, they made sure to sure their silce. After all, while Lucas and Scarlet could compete against Vinct in terms of backg, the same could not be said about the rest. So, they had to make sure that they did not get into Vinct's bad books. Otherwise, they would definitely experice something that they did not want to.

Vinct looked at Jad and the others. At this momt, he was slightly embarrassed, and wanted to hide away. But there was one thing that made him not to do that. That was the fact that Jad and the others looked okay, and they did not seem injured at all, other than the slight bruises that a few of them had suffered.

Of course, he was irritated by the fact that Scarlet and Lucas were laughing at him. This was completely intolerable. The thing that made him angry was the fact that while they came here, intding to take care of the group of gangsters here, they had ded up being beat, Lucas and the others had not done the same.

"What the heck are you laughing about? We agreed that we are going to compete against each other. So, why don't you tell me why you did not participate in the competition? Did you give up or what?" Vinct stated.

But his speech seemed forced, in such a way that his expression was shifting every momt that he said those words. It was clear that he was expericing some pain each and every time that he spoke.

Jad looked at Vinct. It could be said that Vinct was quite comical in appearance. Right now, Vinct's lips were swoll. Additionally, his left eye was currtly black, indicating that somebody had punched him In the eye.

His left cheek was currtly red, and indication that somebody had managed to land a hit on that side of his face. And that was what Jad could see. Still, he believed that Vinct had suffered several injuries all over his body.

After all, if he was attacked by the gangsters that were out there, they would definitely not care where they were attacking. So, since they had managed to attack the face which was one of the most protected parts of a human body during a fight, it was clear that the other parts had also suffered some degrees of damage.

Additionally, since it was a brawl that did not consider the skills that a person possessed, the gangsters would definitely attack without any skill, and the attacks that they launched could land anywhere.

"Why should I not laugh? You look extremely funny right now. Additionally, who told you that we did not complete the task? We have already dealt with the group of gangsters that we were supposed to handle. They have already be handed over to the police to be tak care of.

In fact, the task that we were supposed to handle was quite dangerous. The leader of that group of gangsters was quite strong. Moreover, it seems that that group of gangsters possesses some backg, considering that they were dealing in human trafficking." Scarlet responded with a snicker. But at the d of her statemt, there was a frown on her face, and displeasure within her voice.

Vinct blinked his eyes as he could not believe what Scarlet had said. They had already dealt with the group of gangsters that they were supposed to handle? How was that possible? After all, considering the two gangs that they were supposed to face, they were supposed to be of the same capabilities.

If they possessed the same capabilities, ev though Scarlet was stronger than him, she was definitely not strong ough to be able to deal with that large number of gangsters. So, it was clear that they were lying to him.

"You don't want to believe it? Anyway, you will know about it wh we get back. At that time, you will know that I was not kidding." Scarlet responded seriously. She never liked speaking the truth, and others thinking that she was lying to them.

Nevertheless, ev though she had not said the whole truth about the issue, considering that she did not mtion anything about Jad taking action, still, she did not lie about anything. After all, Jad was considered as part of the group, considering that he was her bodyguard.

In the d, Vinct snorted. There was nothing that he could do for the time being. Currtly, he hoped that they would be able to get out of here. That group of gangsters was completely unreasonable, such that they did not want to list to anything at all.

Previously, wh they arrived, he had be planning that they would attack with a strategy. But an idiot within the group suddly attacked one of them, considering that he did not like how arrogant the gangsters looked.

In the d, by attacking one of them, they had ded up successfully provoking the rest of the gangsters. And with that, the rest of the gangsters swarmed towards them, which led to them being beat up. And with him being stronger than the others, he was the most targeted within the group.

That was the reason why his condition was the most miserable as compared to the rest of the group. True it might be that he possessed greater capabilities as compared to the rest of the group, but ev th, since he was facing the most pressure, he faced the most damage.

With the group already here, Scarlet turned her gaze and looked at the lady in charge of this building. "So, how should we handle this matter? We can go ahead and deal with that group of gangsters down there. With that, it should be easy for you to continue running your business. But of course, that is on the basis that what you were saying before is true."

The lady on the other hand frowned after hearing that. She had be surprised the momt that Scarlet stated that they had already dealt with another group of gangsters. Did they really possess ough capabilities to be able to deal with a group of gangsters that was established?

Additionally, there was another thing that had caught her atttion. That was the fact that there was a tattooed man who was the leader of that gangster group. Until now, any leader of the gangster group that he knew and was tattooed was extremely powerful.

Ev though she was not sure if it was the same person that Scarlet was talking about, but if it was that person, th that implied that they definitely possessed quite some capabilities. Of course, she also knew the business that that group was involved in, but she did not know much about the details.

Of course, she also knew about the fact that they were involved in human trafficking. But due to the connections that they possessed, they were never arrested. In fact, they were not the main group that was in charge of the business. Instead, they were just a very tiny branch of it.

As for the leader of this chain of gangsters, she did not know. But still, they were definitely formidable, and she would never want to mess with them at any point in time if possible.

"You can forget about that group of gangsters down there. Ev if you deal with them, another group of gangsters will come over if this one is not released from the police. Additionally, it is going to cause me ev more problems, considering that they will definitely sd more powerful gangsters over, and they might ev decide to meddle with my business." The lady responded.

Of course, if possible, she would have not hesitated to take the offer that had be giv to her by Scarlet. But wh she thought much about it, this was just a temporary solution. Unless she dealt with the mastermind, it was impossible for her to be able to deal with the gangsters being stationed out of this building.

In fact, the role of those gangsters was not just to stay a this building, but instead, they were also monitoring her movemts and those that she was interacting with.

Upon hearing that, Scarlet could only shrug her shoulder. At the d of it all, it was not her business at all. The only reason why they were involved with the gangsters was simply because they were competing with each other.

But from today's results, it was definitely not a good way of competing with each other. So, they would have to look for another method of competing. Still, if there was a chance, and she found out that there was something that gangsters were doing like human trafficking, she would definitely not hesitate to get involved in that matter. She possessed quite a sse of righteousness after all.

But ev th, she knew her own limits.

Jad did not speak all the time that they were inside here, and left the two ladies to communicate with each other. And since they had already come to an agreemt, Jad and the rest of the group decided to leave.

Wh they reached the door, they heard the voice of the lady once again. "In case you have any business that you would like to discuss with me that is related to the club, you can find me here. My name is Ruby."

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