The Bodyguard System

Chapter 55: Lady Boss

The movemts of all the gangsters froze, as they shifted their stiff necks, to look behind them. Jad and the others also looked over, wondering who it was that had come over this time.

The momt that they looked over, they realized that there was a lady that was dressed in a black leather outfit, consisting of a tight leather pant, and a tight leather jacket.

There was a cold expression on her face as she looked over. It was clear that she was not pleased by what was happing here. And just by looking at the expressions of the gangsters, Jad and the rest of the group could immediately tell that they were afraid of this lady.

At this momt, Lucas and the others could not help but be both amazed and slightly frighted by the lady. Since she was capable of easily intimidating the others, the gangsters that never really cared about a person's backg, it was clear that her ability was definitely not to be underestimated.

The lady who possessed black hair that had be tied into a bun, with brown eyes that were filled with indifferce looked over towards Jad and the rest.

Jad and the rest of the group did not retreat at all. At this momt, they were here for Vinct and the others. So, it was clear that it was going to be impossible for them to retreat.

Nevertheless, if there was a chance, Jad did not want them to fight. Currtly, he had already completed the mission that had be assigned to him by the system. It was just that the rewards had not yet be distributed considering that the victory had yet to be approved.

So right now, he had to make sure that they completed these things as soon as possible, so that he could get to know what the system was going to reward him with.

"You guys can come over so that we can have a chat." The lady stated as she looked at Jad and the rest of the group. As for the gangsters, the momt that she said those words, they immediately retreated, not intding to cause trouble to Jad and the rest of the group.

Scarlet looked at Jad. Wh she realized that there was no change of expression on his face after hearing what the lady had said, she decided to go over. In any case, she had to sure that Vinct was rescued. She just hoped that nothing had happed to him. Otherwise, it was going to be troublesome.

With Scarlet leading the way, Jad immediately followed behind her. Lucas and the others also did the same thing. They already understood that Jad's ability was definitely not something that they could mess with.

So, ev Lucas was currtly reserved in the face of Jad. But of course, that did not imply that he had already giv in to Jad. If he was giv a chance, he would definitely make sure that he dealt with Jad. It was a good thing that he was not an idiot that did things rashly. Otherwise, by now, he would have already attacked Jad, and would have definitely ded up being beat up.

Still, there was one thing that he had noticed. That was the fact that Scarlet did not seem to be irritated by Jad anymore. In fact, it seemed that he acknowledged his presce, and she was no longer intding to chase him away.

But that was completely against his interests. How could he allow Jad to continue staying next to Scarlet. So, that was something that had to change at some point in time. For now, he could only allow Jad to continue being closer to Scarlet, as he investigated about him.

The momt that he came to know about his full capabilities, that was the time that he was going to act. At that time, he believed that Scarlet would not care much if he took care of Jad. After all, ev though Scarlet did not seem to care much about Jad's presce as of now, that did not imply that he liked him, right?

The lady led the way, and they tered a building. The building was located closer to other dilapidated buildings. Nevertheless, it could be se that this building was in a better condition as compared to the building that was owned by the previous gang that Jad and his group had tak care of.

The momt that they tered into the 8-storey building, Jad immediately realized that it was actually a small club. As compared to the dynamic nightclub, this one was definitely several notches smaller. But ev th, it was quite well organized, despite the fact that there were not a lot of customers prest.

But that was to be expected considering that it was currtly daytime, almost noon. So, it was clear that only a few people would come to the club at this time of the day. And looking at how spacious it was, Jad believed that it was always filled up with people during the late hours of the night.

The lady did not say anything, and immediately led the group towards the stairs. There was no elevator prest within this building, and the same was applied to the previous building that they had gone to deal with the gangsters.

Climbing a flurry of stairs, they managed to reach the top floor of the building. The momt that they got here, they realized that this place was completely differt from the rest of the floors that they had gone through.

The first three floors were part of the club, and going upwards, it was like a residce. It was used as a lodging area for the customers. It was just that the top floor was completely differt from the 5th, 4th and 3rd floors that were used for lodging.

According to Jad's observation, he could see that this top floor, the sixth floor seemed like a person's residce. Nevertheless, he did not commt, and simply followed the lady to ter one of the rooms.

Of course, ev though they had be invited over, that did not imply that he had dropped his guard. Instead, he was extremely cautious, especially of this lady in front of him. Ev though she looked quite frail as compared to the bulky gangsters out there, she was able to easily intimidate them.

Jad was not naïve to believe that she had intimidated them simply because of her relationship with somebody else, or the backg that she possessed. Instead, Jad believed that he had done that due to her own abilities.

Ev though he could not clearly see through her, he believed that he was definitely capable of fighting. Just from the movemts together with her stance as she walked, Jad could clearly tell that she was an expert wh it came to fighting.

As for the exact level, he could not tell unless he saw her taking action. Nevertheless, he believed that she was definitely skilled, and that was the reason why he was extremely cautious at this momt. After all, he had to sure both his security and that of Scarlet.

The group tered Into the room, and immediately realized that it was an office. Just like the office of the tattooed man that they had dealt with before, there was a desk and a chair behind it. But completely differt from the other office, this one was in possession of a shelf that was filled with several books.

Though, Jad could not tell the kind of books on the shelf at the momt, considering that he did not ev bother to read the titles at all.

In front of the desk, there were two chairs, obviously for guests or clits. And other than that, within this room, that was currtly well furnished as compared to the outward appearance of the tire building, there was a couch that could accommodate at least three people.

In simple terms, ev though this room was not luxuriously furnished, it was definitely better as compared to the outward appearance of the tire building and the office that belonged to the tattooed gangster.

The momt that the lady tered into the office, she immediately wt behind her desk and sat on the chair. She placed her elbows on top of the desk, before connecting her hands. She th looked at Jad and the rest with a scrutinizing gaze.

The momt that her gaze landed on Lucas and the others, they could not help but shiver a little. For a momt, they felt that this lady was more dangerous than Scarlet. As for Scarlet and Jad, the two of them were not intimidated at all.

For Jad, the reason behind that being simply because he had gott himself involved in many things, and so, he had expericed killing intt in many occasions. So, it could be said that he was already used to it.

On the other hand, Scarlet was not afraid of this lady. Not only due to the faith that she had in Jad, instead, it was also due to the fact that she had expericed the terror of Sylvia. So, according to her, this lady was definitely not compared to Sylvia.

After a momt of silce, the lady finally decided to speak. "I'm not really sure why you are here. But in case you are here to cause trouble like the previous group, th I would advise you to leave. But in case you have any business transaction that you would like to discuss with me, I'm all ears."

The lady's voice was both gtle and stern at the same time. Within it, there was a threat, indicating that in case Jad and the others were here to cause trouble, she would definitely deal with them.

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