The Bodyguard System

Chapter 5: Job Offer

"Young man, wait a momt. I have a good offer for you." Suddly, a tired voice reached Jad's ears.

Jad stopped his movemt and turned to see who it was that was speaking to him. The momt that he turned a, he realized that the person who was speaking to him was actually a middle-aged man who was currtly looking so worn out.

Jad could not help but raise his brows a little as he observed the man in front of him. The man possessed short black hair that was currtly in an unkempt condition, grey eyes that looked at him with hope, and he was currtly wearing a black suit that was not ev properly arranged, with the tie not tight a the neck.

Jad was not sure about the backg of this person, but it seemed that he actually held quite a high position considering that Jad could tell that although the suit was not in a good condition right now, but at least, the material that were utilize in making that suit were definitely of a high quality.

The middle aged man was immediately relieved the momt that Jad stopped. Th, he stretched his hand forward for a greeting, and Jad immediately received it.

"Hello, my name is Alex Santos, and I am the currt boss of assured bodyguard association." Alex immediately introduced himself.

Jad was once again surprised. Although it was true that this Bodyguard Association was small as compared to others, but ev th, the world that this association possessed was definitely not low.

So, to have the boss of such a company coming directly to him like this, it was quite strange. But th again, thinking about the situation that the company was currtly in, it was definitely not that much weird that Alex was behaving in such a way.

And of course, since Alex had come over towards Jad, he had already attracted the atttion of the people a. So, all of them were focusing on both Alex and Jad, wondering what it was that Alex was trying to play here.

"Hello Mr. Alex, my name is Jad, nice to meet you." Jad introduced himself back as a form of courtesy.

Alex was immediately pleased by Jad. So, he wt ahead and cleared his throat as he released Jad's hand. Th, he said, "As I had said it before, I really have an offer for you. Do you mind having a chat with me in private?"

Jad looked at Alex, and he could see that Alex was sincere in what he was saying. But ev th, Jad could not help but think about what offer it was that Alex was actually intding to give him.

This was the first time that the two of them were meeting each other, so, it was definitely impossible that Alex was offering him something because he knew him. And why would Alex ev go ahead to give him an offer wh they did not ev know each other that well?

But ev th, looking at the gazes that he was receiving from the suring crowd, Jad immediately agreed to accompany Alex into a secluded area.

The momt that the two of them left the place, the crowd began murmuring to each other.

"Poor young man. He doesn't know that he is going to be tricked."

"That's right. I do believe that Alex has the inttion of making that young man join his Bodyguard association. With all the other employees that he possessed before deciding to quit their jobs right now, he definitely is in a tight spot, especially due to the fact that there are several contracts that he had signed before."

"Well, that is to be expected. I don't really think that this company is going to have much of a future.

After all, it has be targeted by a big family, and according to the way that things are going, it seems that ev the other people that signed a contract with this company would definitely come knocking on their doors considering that several bodyguards have already left the jobs that they had gone to."

"What about that young man? Should we tell him not to accept joining Alex? If he decides to join them, he is definitely going to be in a tight spot. After all, since he is going to be in the company, he is also going to be targeted by the emies of the company."

"Why do you ev care about him wh you don't ev know him? It is not as if he is an idiot, or is he? Anyway, it doesn't matter. It is going to be his decision on whether he is going to join or not."

"Yeah, you are right. If he can see that the company is not in a good situation right now, he will definitely not agree to join. But if he does, it is his own decision, and he Is going to pay for it in the future."

"What future are you talking about? I'm pretty sure that it will not be long before he is targeted the momt that he is going to join the company. After all, all the others did not quit their jobs simply because they thought that the company was going to collapse, but instead, they must have be giv a better offer somewhere."

Jad and Alex both heard the conversation of the crowd because they were not that far away from them. But ev th, Jad did not really care about what they said, because he was quite curious about what Alex had to offer.

Jad looked at Alex who was walking beside him, and realized that although there was an angry expression on his face, he did not say anything, and neither did he try to refute what the crowd was saying.

The two of them wt ahead and tered into the company building. The momt that they got into the building, Jad suddly realized that almost everything within this building was a mess.

It seemed that there was a person that had come into this company to make trouble. But ev th, Jad still focused on Alex who looked a little embarrassed.

"Forgive me for this embarrassing situation in the company." Alex coughed to cover his embarrassmt, before he pointed towards a couch that was still standing.

The two of them wt ahead and sat on it. Immediately after that, Jad looked at Alex, waiting for him to speak.

Alex took a deep breath before he finally spoke. "The offer that I want to give you is for you to join my company."

Jad did not say anything, considering that he had already expected that the offer that Alex was talking about was somehow related to his bodyguard company.

Looking at Jad's expression that did not change at all, Alex decided to continue. "Of course I do understand that the currt situation of the company is definitely not that good. But ev th, I do hope that you join my company. And if you join, believe me, you are going to get a good income. It should range about $,000 per month."

Jad could not help but raise his brows as he looked at Alex. Of course he did not believe what Alex had said. $,000 per month? That amount of money was definitely not something that a small bodyguard of a small company could be paid.

Alex immediately saw the expression that was on Jad's face, and immediately understood that Jad did not believe what he had said. But ev th, he still continued with a calm expression on his face.

"Of course the job that you are going to receive after joining this company is not going to be simple. I'm not really sure about much of the details considering that this mission came abruptly."

"But ev th, the one who has giv the job is definitely a person who holds a high position within this city. So, if you think that $,000 a month is so much for a bodyguard, th you are wrong. To him, $,000 a month is definitely nothing."

"Additionally, there's something that I will not like to hide from you, as long as you agree to do this job, you are going to experice a lot of difficulties because you will be targeted by several people with high ranking positions."

Alex was quite sincere wh giving the information about the job that he was offering to Jad. Of course he understood that if he tried to lie to Jad, and Jad found out, he was definitely not going to agree.

It was not as if Jad was the first person that Alex had talked to so far. It was just that whoever it was that he talked to before, of them could agree. They both refused the momt that they heard what he said, thinking that he was just bluffing, as his company was going to collapse soon.

Where was he actually going to get such a luxurious job, wh there are actually other bodyguard companies prest within the city that could perform better than this, with each possessing better reputation?

Jad contemplated. Of course he also thought that what Alex was saying was just a bluff. But ev th, he looked at Alex, and saw that the guy was extremely serious in what he was saying.

If this guy was lying, th he actually deserved an Oscar award for acting. After all, with all the experices that Jad had gott during the past years ever since he lost his parts, he was quite good at reading people. And right now, he could tell that Alex was actually telling the truth.

"Do you mind telling me what you get after I join your company, and go on the job?" Jad asked after a momt of contemplation.

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