The Bodyguard System

Chapter 44: A Plan

Lucas Smith had be waiting for good news, and finally, information about Jad came over. To say the truth, he was surprised. According to the information, Jad was well alive and kicking.

This was something that was not supposed to be so. After all, previously, after saying that his bodyguards should get rid of Jad, he expected that they were going to kill him. And ev wh he had asked the bodyguards to look for Jad, he believed that they would only find the body.

But in the d, they actually found that Jad was alive, and did not have any form of injuries at all. It seemed that he was ev in a better condition as compared to before.

This was something that made Lucas frown. After all, this was something that was completely inexplicable. How was it possible for Jad to be able to recover from the injuries that he had suffered in just a matter of a few days?

Additionally, ev if he had managed to recover, was it possible for him to be able to recover from brok bones? And if that was possible, if the injuries that he had suffered before had healed, he was supposed to be having several scars on him.

But the guy was as good as new, as if he had never be injured. That was something that Lucas could not explain, and neither could any of his subordinates explain that.

Lucas did not believe that they had not beat Jad up, considering that they would never lie to him. Since they could not understand or explain anything related to Jad, they decided not to take action for the time being.

They decided to continue observing Jad, to see if there was anything that they could find about him, that was related to his recovery. As for what they were here for, it was completely not related to Jad's recovery.

But still, Lucas could not help but think, 'If there is actually something that Jad possesses, and is capable of suring that a person can recover so quickly, th I would have made a killing. With this kind of contribution, it should not be difficult for me to be able to take the top position in the competition.'

With excitemt in his heart, Lucas ordered his subordinates to keep an eye on Jad. No matter what, they had to make sure that they knew each and everything that he was doing.


It had be two days ever since she had be confined within the residce. She was not allowed to leave at all, and no matter how many times she had attempted convincing her parts, of them worked.

In the d, for the past days, she had be working hard to train and become stronger. But of course, getting stronger was not something that could be done with just two days. But nevertheless, she believed that she had gott stronger after continuously training with Sylvia.

At this momt, Scarlet was looking forward to Jad coming back. At this momt, she had completely forgott about the fact that she had be trying to chase Jad away. She understood that if she wanted to go out, she would have to depd on Jad.

It seemed that her parts possessed much trust towards Jad, and so, if she wanted to freely vture outside, she would have to be with Jad. Nevertheless, she hoped that the guy would come as soon as possible, so that she could go out.

Due to the fact that she had not appeared for the past days, several phone calls had already be made, among them coming from Lucas. He was among the most anxious ones, considering that he had not se Scarlet for the past days.

In normal situations, they would always go out on weekds. But this time, due to the fact that Scarlet was not there, he did not go as well. After all, the only reason why he was involved in those activities was to stay close to Scarlet.

All in all, it could be said that the weekd had not be the best for Scarlet and her tire group. And now that the week had already began, it was time for them to meet up again.

So, early in the morning, Scarlet had already completed her preparation. Immediately, she wt to look for Jad. It was th that she was informed that Jad had not yet arrived. That was something that irked her the most.

"Why is it that he has yet to arrive? It is not as if he doesn't know that I usually leave home early in the morning." Scarlet grumbled as she sat within her vehicle, hoping that Jad would arrive soon.

After about 30 minutes, just wh Scarlet was getting impatit, finally, Jad arrived. Of course, he was not picked up, instead, he just took a taxi that brought him over.

Wh he arrived at the gate, since those in charge of security were familiar with him, they easily allowed him in after security check.

The momt that Jad got into the compound, he could not help but feel a fiery gaze directed at him. Jad immediately looked over, and realized that the source of the feeling of being looked at came from a vehicle.

It was clear that the one that was looking at him was inside the Ferrari f8 spider. Knowing who the owner of the vehicle was, Jad could not help but feel a little helpless. Of course, he did not know about the fact that Scarlet had not be allowed to go out since he was away.

Nevertheless, he decided not to pay atttion to Scarlet, and decided to go back to his residce. He wanted to change into another pair of clothes before going out with Scarlet.

But he had just tak a few steps past the car wh suddly, the door of the car oped. Th, Scarlet got out of the car, and stared at him with a chilling gaze.

"Where the heck are you going to? You know you are late. So, better get inside the car so that we can get out of here. I still have a lot of things that I need to handle." Scarlet stated angrily.

Jad was dumbfounded. He had just arrived, so what could he have done to make this lady angry at him?

Looking at Jad's dumbfounded gaze, Scarlet got ev more irritated. She wt ahead and said, "Because you left, I was confined within the residce. I was not allowed to go out. Now that you are back, you have to make sure that I go out. So, better hurry up so that we can go out."

Jad finally understood what was going on. It seemed that Clifford was more cautious. So, he had not allowed Scarlet to go out.

Nevertheless, Jad nodded his head. He said, "Give me 5 minutes and I'll be back."

Scarlet wanted to retort, but wh she looked at Jad's clothes, she finally realized that he wanted to change. After all, the clothes that Jad was currtly putting on were kind of worn out.

They might look good if he was outside, but within the Johnsons residce, he definitely looked no differt from a beggar. Thinking about walking a with Jad dressed in such a way following him a, Scarlet immediately repulsed the idea. So, she decided to allow him to change into another pair of clothes.

After Scarlet consted, Jad hurried to his assigned residce. It was not as if he did not want to purchase another pair of clothes, but he did not find it necessary to do so. After all, he had already be giv a few pairs of clothes within this residce.

So, having already gott used to being frugal, he decided not to waste the money on doing that instead, he decided to save it. So, he rushed to his room, put on another pair of clothes, before he finally left.

Wh he came back, he realized that Scarlet had already gott back in her car. Without hesitation, he oped the other door, and tered. Finally, after Jad got into the vehicle, Scarlet began driving.

It seemed that she was so impatit to get out of here that she drove madly. The speed at which she was leaving the residce with was extremely high, as if she was escaping something dangerous.

It was good that the gate was already oped by the time that they arrived there. Otherwise, Jad never doubted that Scarlet would have rammed into the gate with the car.

After leaving the residce, Scarlet began driving at an ev higher speed. The silce within the vehicle was maintained, as of the two spoke to the other.

Jad looked out of the window, observing the suring area. It was th that he realized that they were not using the same road that they had used before, and it seemed that they were heading in another direction.

Ev if they were using another road, Jad would have definitely noticed that, considering that they would be heading in the same direction despite using differt roads. Clearly, they were currtly not heading to Bodvill University.

Ev though he was curious about where they were going, Jad did not ask. Instead, he remained silt, hoping that wherever it was that Scarlet was going, there would be no problems arising.

Scarlet did not pay atttion to what Jad was doing, instead, she was simply focused on driving. And finally, after more than 40 minutes, they arrived at their destination.

The area that they had arrived made Jad raise his brows a little. After all, it seemed that the area was kind of abandoned. Scarlet did not say anything and immediately alighted. Jad did the same, and followed her as they headed towards an abandoned warehouse.

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