The Bodyguard System

Chapter 3: Jaden's Personal Life

[Currtly, the host can only access a single mission. That mission is simple, the host is required to join a bodyguard association or group. The host will be able to gain missions that will able him to level up in order to become stronger.]

Jad remained silt for a while. This was all too overwhelming for him. Although he had learned how to adapt quite easily, he still found the matter concerning the system quite difficult to accept.

The system did not tell him about its origin as well as its real aim. However, he was informed that the system did not come with ill inttions. Although he was unsure, Jad figured that there was nothing that he could do about it. So, he decided to put the matter to the back of his head and observe whether what it had informed him about was actually true or not.

He first decided that he was never stepping foot into 'Dynamic Nightclub' again, with what had happed yesterday. He took a deep breath and resolutely wt back to his place. He had already gott a system, and as long as the system was what it promised him, th it was going to be life-changing for Jad.

However, if the system did not work, he would have to go and look for another job. He would be targeted by that young master if he wt back to the club.

He was unsure about why the young master had decided that he was supposed to be beat up simply because he had refused to become his dog. So, he decided that it was better to avoid him for now. However, if he was ever giv an opportunity in the future, he would definitely make sure that the young master paid for what he had done to him today.

Just thinking of his fate, Jad could not help but clch his fists. It was as if the world was just against him, considering everything that he had gone through since childhood.

He had tasted the good life, but that life was tak away in a blink of an eye. Oh how cruel was fate, from a rich young master to suddly becoming a broke young man.

Jad lived quite close to where he was working. Although it was true that Faru City was quite big considering that it was a second-rate city, the area where Jad lived was definitely not that developed.

In any case, considering that he usually struggled financially after he was fired, it was definitely impossible for him to be able to live in a good place. After all, he could not afford the rt that was supposed to be paid in those developed areas.

Ev the place where he was living right now was simply due to the mercy of the landlord. Otherwise, he would have already be chased away from that place. He was supposed to be paying the rt after receiving his salary this month, but it seemed that it was going to be almost impossible considering the currt situation that he was in.

Jad was living in an apartmt that was located on Bizo Street. The street was kind of dirty considering that this was the part of the city that was mainly ignored by those holding high positions within the city.

Poor security is a byproduct of the poor developmt of Bizo Street.

Several hooligans would be found within this street, and it was not something new to find that people lose their items to those who would threat to kill a person for a dollar.

Since it was nighttime, it was clear that there was a high chance that the hooligans were operating. However, Jad was lucky ough to not counter any of them. Although unsure about the reason why they had suddly disappeared, he gladly accepted that fact.

He usually worked during the night, so he did not need to deal with those gangsters. During the day, it was kind of secure, though those who were unlucky to counter those extremely hungry or greedy gangsters would definitely suffer.

Jad lived on the 3rd floor of a four-storied apartmt. After arriving at the shabby apartmt that was in real need of repainting, Jad did not waste his time and tered the apartmt.

There was no elevator prest in the building. So, Jad took the stairs. After a while, he finally managed to reach the third floor. There, on the third floor, were six bedsitters, and Jad lived in room number 6.

Upon tering the room, one could see that there was nothing fancy within that room. There was a small bed that would definitely not be able to accommodate two people, with a worn-out mattress.

There was an area that Jad had set aside for a kitch where all the cooking appliances and utsils were located. As for his clothes, they were located in one corner of the room. In short, the room was well organized despite being in shabby condition.

Jad did not care much about the room. He had already gott used to staying in this place considering that he had be here for over a year already.

After locking the door, he removed his shoes and the blood-stained clothes that he was wearing and laid on his bed. At the same time, he decided to put the matter of the system aside. After all he had be through he needed right now was a good rest.

If he woke up and found out that the system was still prest, he would definitely use it to the maximum. But if it were false, he would have to go out and look for another job.

Without ev knowing, Jad fell into the embrace of sleep. It was a dreamless sleep, in which ev Jad did not know how much time had elapsed by the time that he woke up.

He was wok up by a knock on the door, and the rumbling of his stomach that demanded non-existt food.

With a small frown etched on his face, Jad got up from the bed. He th put on a simple shirt and a pair of grey sweatpants and headed towards the door.

Wh he oped it, he realized that there was an old man prest. He was wearing a plain shirt that was currtly having several of its top buttons op, exposing his old chest. On his head, there was grey hair that indicated that he was extremely old, without ev considering the bt posture that the old man was in.

This old man was Jad's landlord, and at the same time, he was living in the same apartmt building, just opposite Jad's room. The apartmt was arranged in such a way that there were three rooms on each side of the floor, with their doors directly opposite from each other.

In the old man's hand, there was a plate that was full of steaming rice. The rice was plain-looking, however just looking at it, one could not help but agree that it was well-cooked.

"Here you go Jad, I'm pretty sure that you are hungry. I heard you coming back yesterday, but you switched off the lights the momt that you got into the room. I'm pretty sure that you did not eat last night, right?" The old man stated as he handed over the plate of steaming rice.

Looking at the food in front of him, Jad could not help but swallow his saliva. It was true that he was currtly hungry. But, he was not willing to take the food. After all, the old man in front of him was his landlord, and he felt incredibly indebted to him.

It was good ough that the landlord had already allowed him to stay here, after missing two months of rt. This was definitely not the first time that this old man was giving him food.

Shaking his head, Jad responded, "Thank you for your kindness grandpa. But I already ate during the time that I was about to come over. So, I did not need to cook anything."

Of course, there was no way that Jad could lie to the expericed old man. So, without responding to him, he simply shoved the plate of rice into Jad's hand, immediately turning a to leave.

Jad was completely helpless. Nevertheless, looking at the plate of food that he was holding in his hand, he decided to eat it anyway. At the same time, he vowed in his heart that he was going to repay the kind old man if he ever got a chance.

With determination in his heart, he was about to go into the room and eat before making preparations on what to do next wh suddly, a prompt appeared in front of him.

[Reminder from the system. The host only has one day to join a bodyguard association or group. Otherwise, the host will be punished by having the system tak away from him.]

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