The Bodyguard System

Chapter 24: Change of Plans

Jad did not say anything and remained silt. Finally, after a momt of hesitation, he asked, "Where's the person that you were talking about meeting with?"

Scarlet simply frowned after hearing the question from Jad. But she did not respond. She herself did not know what was going on, and why the heck Lucas was not here by now. But ev th, he took out her phone, preparing to make a call.

But it was at this time that suddly, she suddly realized that there was a figure that was coming over. It was other than Lucas. The guy was completely surprised wh he realized that there was a group of people that was lying on the g in the alleyway where they had agreed to meet previously.

He could see that each and every one of them had suffered an injury of a certain magnitude. Although the interest that they had suffered was nothing fatal, but ev th, it was definitely not something that could be underestimated.

He looked further away from the three that were lying on the g, and realized that Scarlet was looking towards him. And behind her, there was a young man who looked almost the same age as himself, whom he presumed to be the bodyguard.

He could not help but frown wh he looked at Jad. He did not like having another guy being beside Scarlet at all. And it seemed that this was the person that Scarlet's parts had arranged for him to be her bodyguard.

And by just looking at the area, she realized that somehow, Scarlet had be attacked. And those that had attacked was definitely this group that was on the g.

Without hesitation, he immediately rushed forward and arrived where Scarlet was. He immediately looked at her, trying to see if there was any injury on her. He was immediately relieved wh he realized that there was no injury that Scarlet had suffered.

Immediately after he was done scrutinizing Scarlet, he looked at her, anticipating the question that was to come. As for the matter of Jad, he completely ignored the guy. It might be true that this guy was kind of capable, but he did not believe that he was the one that who had tak care of this group of gangsters.

Anyway, this was just an assumption that he had made due to the information that he had be giv by Scarlet. Scarlet had previously informed him that Jad was kind of capable, but she had definitely not informed him that he was strong ough to be able to deal with her. So, at this momt, Lucas believed that it was Scarlet who had dealt with this group of gangsters.

"Why are you so late?" Scarlet asked. Of course, she was completely irritated. Had it not be for the fact that Lucas was late, they would have definitely not countered this situation.

If Lucas was here, that implied that he would have already noticed the presce of those gangsters. It would have not be impossible for him to be able to deal with them, though not personally.

By the time that she would have arrived here, there would definitely be no gangster that would have launched a sneak attack on her. And no matter how much she did not want to admit it, he understood that it was due to the presce of Jad that she had managed to get out of this situation unscathed.

But of course, that did not imply that Jad escaped the blame as well. After all, had it not be for the fact that Jad was her bodyguard, she would have not be planning to come here all along in order to deal with him. Instead, she would have gone directly to the university, and nobody would have attacked her in this alleyway.

"I was kind of caught up with matters related to the family. For some reason, there was somebody that was trying to target my family. And for that reason, I had no choice but to deal with other matters before coming over. I'm sorry for the inconvice that I caused." Lucas immediately explained with a forced smile on his face.

In any case, he really did not want to have Scarlet suffering anything like this at all. But the situation that he was countering back at home was something that he could not simply ignore. In the d, he arrived late, and something like this happed.

Of course, although he did not say it loud, he was definitely going to make investigations of his own. The momt that he knew who it was that was behind this matter, he would immediately take care of them.

To a person like him, he really did not care if the person that had st this group of gangsters to attack Scarlet was backed by the Williams or not. In any case, he would definitely deal with them wh the time comes.

Scarlet did not say anything after hearing Lucas's explanation. In any case, it was not as if she did not understand the situation that Lucas was expericing. In case his father actually asked this guy to remain at home, there was no way that this guy was going to resist at all.

In the d, since it had already come to this, Scarlet was no longer in the mood to deal with Jad at the momt. Instead, she decided that it was better for her to go into campus first. After all, she could not tell if another group of gangsters would suddly charge over to attack them again.

"Let's go. We will deal with the other matters later on. But for now, we have to focus on that group. We have to deal with them as soon as possible." Scarlet stated as she led the way out of the alley.

Lucas was a little surprised wh he realized that Scarlet did not seem to have the inttion of dealing with Jad anymore. He looked at Jad with a cold gaze, but the guy seemed to be ignoring him.

This was something that displeased him ev more about this guy. But there was nothing that he could do for now. Of course, he understood the reason why Scarlet had decided not to deal with this guy for now. With her countering this situation where she was attacked, it was definitely not the right opportunity for them to gage with another group of gangsters.

Ev though Scarlet had decided that she was no longer going to deal with Jad for now, that did not imply that Lucas was going to do the same. Instead, with a sinister smile on his face, he planned secretly in his mind, as he followed behind Scarlet.

Jad had already detected that this new guy who had arrived here was definitely having some inttions towards him, and they were definitely not the best. But ev th, there was nothing that he could do for now.

He had already anticipated that there might be something that Scarlet was planning before, but it seemed that the arrival of those gangsters that had be st by the Williams had disrupted the plan that she was having before.

Nevertheless, he followed the two of them, while making sure that they would be no any other sneak attack on Scarlet. He was her bodyguard after all, and he had to sure her security.

It did not take that long for them to be able to get back to the area where Scarlet had left the vehicle. Scarlet immediately got into the car, and Jad did not waste time and immediately tered into the passger seat of the Ferrari f8 spider.

This was something that completely irritated both Lucas and Scarlet. But ev th, there was nothing that Scarlet could do for the time being. In any case, she was supposed to be together with Jad, considering that he was kind of skilled, and he was her bodyguard. So, it was only right for him to go with her.

As for Lucas, he wanted to go ahead and pull Jad out of the car, but wh he looked at the eyes that Scarlet was looking at him, he understood her inttion. It seemed that she had no choice but to have this guy accompany her.

As much as he was unwilling to have another man inside Scarlet's car, Lucas could only let it be. But of course, the rage within his heart had increased by a great margin. He himself had never tered into Scarlet's car, and he was thinking that perhaps this was a chance for him to be able to ter.

But this guy just had to ter, destroying the opportunity that would definitely be difficult for him to be able to get again.

Through his gritted teeth, he could only subdue the anger that he was feeling at the momt, while watching the two of them tering into the campus.

Immediately after the two of them left, he took out his phone and made a call. A few momts later, somebody else received the call, and without waiting for the other party to say anything, Lucas immediately gave his instructions.

"We have changed the plans. The issue is not going to be tak care of right now. But within today, you have to find an opportunity in order to deal with that guy in the most cruel way possible. Make sure that he leaves after today, otherwise, you know what will happ." Lucas barked the orders with anger in his eyes, before ding the call and striding towards the trance of the campus.

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