The Bodyguard System

Chapter 23: Suspicions

Th without giving Scarlet a chance of doing anything, he pushed her to the g.

Scarlet was not expecting that Jad was going to push her down. But since he had done so, he had managed to able her to evade some of the stones that had come her way.

It was a good thing that the alley that they were currtly in was kind of big. Otherwise, had it be any smaller, it would have definitely be quite a trouble for Jad to be able to dodge the stones that were being thrown their way.

The momt that he pushed Scarlet onto the g, he managed to pick one of the stones that had rolled not far away from where he was. Th as he got back to his feet, he used his full strgth to throw the stone towards one of the gangsters.


The stone cut through the air as it approached the gangster. The gangster had just stood up from picking another rock from the box on the g wh he suddly realized that there was a rock heading his way. He wanted to dodge it, but although the mind was fast, the body could not respond at all.


The stone landed on his shoulder. Immediately, the gangster cried out in pain as he fell onto the g, grabbing onto the area that had be hit by the stone.

The other gangsters were immediately dumbfounded after realizing that their partner was wailing on the g. For a momt, they stopped what they were doing, and observed the guy on the g. Of course, that only applied to the two gangsters on the same side as the one that had be hit.

As for the other three, although they were also surprised by what had happed, they did not stop at all, and immediately continued attacking. To them, they had to make sure that they dealt with Scarlet as soon as possible before other people arrived in this area. Otherwise, it was definitely going to be a little troublesome for them to be able to deal with Scarlet.

The momt that Jad managed to hit one of the gangsters, he immediately prepared himself to attack once again. It was th that he was surprised that Scarlet who had be pushed to the g before had already managed to get back on her feet.

At the same time, she was already holding a rock in her hand. Th without hesitation, she threw it towards one of the gangsters.



The gangster was hit directly on the head, and just like the previous gangster, he fell onto the g wailing in pain. It could be said that Scarlet's marksmanship wasn't that bad.

But nevertheless, Jad could not help but worry a little. After all, hitting a person on the head with a stone using incredible force was definitely quite dangerous. If it actually managed to hit the wrong place, it was definitely going to lead to the death of the person that would have be hit.

If this situation was tak to court, the one that had killed would definitely be punished, ev if it was just a matter of self-defse. That was the reason why he had targeted the shoulder of one of the gangsters that he had attacked.

With his currt combat capabilities, it was kind of easy for him to be able to know the trajectory of the movemt of the gangsters after observing them for a while.

Of course, he could not be so sure about it, and that was the reason why he had be making sure that he did not target the head. Otherwise, he might d up killing somebody, and completely differt from Scarlet, he definitely did not possess ough influce to be able to evade killing a person.

Although he was surprised, Jad continued moving. It was not as if the gangsters had stopped attacking ev after their comrades were tak down.

It was a good thing that he did not have to care that much about Scarlet. With her combat ability, it was quite easy for her to be able to evade the stones that were being thrown from a distance away.

But nevertheless, he made sure that he maintained a close distance from her, to make sure that he would be able to react in case Scarlet was in trouble.

At the same time, he managed to pick another rock from the g, before throwing it towards the gangster in the opposite direction that he was facing. He had thrown that rock by simply shifting the direction that he was facing abruptly, catching the gangster off-guard.

Another gangster was tak down just like that. Scarlet also managed to get another rock and threw it towards the gangsters, but the gangsters managed to evade it. Nevertheless, the two of them continued using the rocks that were being used to attack them to attack back.

Finally, after about an tire minute, Jad managed to take down all the remaining gangsters. Currtly, all of them were already lying on to the g, crying in pain.

At the same time that Jad managed to take down the last gangster, a prompt appeared in front of him.

[Congratulations on completing the mission. You have be rewarded with intermediate level combat skills.]

Jad did not pay much atttion to the prompt for now. Right now, they had to take care of this group of gangsters first. He would look at the prompt later on. It was good that the system did not inject the information about intermediate level combat skills directly to him, and it seemed that he would be able to claim them later on.

Of course, of the attacks that Jad had launched was something that they could handle. In fact, wherever it was that they were hit by the rocks, the bones in that area would have definitely received several fractures.

But ev th, Jad had managed to regulate his strgth, making sure that of them was fatally injured. After taking the six down, Jad approached one of them and pulled him from the g by the collar of his shirt.

"Who was it that st you guys here?" Jad asked coldly. Although he was kind of sure that this was the work of the Williams, at least he had to know what was going on and be sure that it was actually the Williams that had st these goons.

The gangster on the other hand was completely frighted. They had be previously giv the job, and were told that no matter what, they would be protected. Initially, they had never thought that they would actually d up being beat up.

According to them, the only thing that they could suffer from was definitely being arrested. And ev if they were arrested, the one who had giv them the job had already promised that he would be able to take them out. They did not doubt that at all, considering that the other party definitely possessed ough wealth to be able to pay them so luxuriously.

And now, facing Jad's question, he really did not know what to say. In the d, afraid that Jad would hit him, he responded, "We don't know who it was that gave us the job. This was the first time that we ever met him, as we have never se him before. He came and told us to do this job, and we would be paid after we complete the task."

At this momt, the gangster was during the pain that he was facing after having a stone smashing directly on his right chest. It was good that Jad managed to control the strgth of his attacks. Otherwise, had the bones managed to break and damage the lungs, it would have definitely be the d of this guy if he was not tak to hospital on time.

Jad frowned, before looking at the others on the g. Those guys were currtly crying out, as if they had actually gott several of their limbs cut off.

Of course, Jad understood that this was just a tactic that they were using in order to make sure that Jad did not question them about the issue. But nevertheless, Jad wt ahead and questioned each and every one of them, but the response was still the same.

Jad th looked at Scarlet who was standing behind him. At this momt, Scarlet's expression was completely cold. She really did not expect to counter a situation like this. But nevertheless, since she had already countered it, she had to take care of it.

"Do you perhaps have any clue on who it is that might have st these guys to you?" Jad asked as he dropped the gangster that he was holding onto the g, while approaching Scarlet.

Scarlet remained silt for a momt before she suddly snorted. "Who else can it be other than the Williams? They are definitely the ones that possess the arrogance of attacking me in this city. Other than them, I definitely don't think that there's anybody else that possesses the guts to attack me, a member of the Johnsons."

Jad had already anticipated that. But ev th, it might be true that they thought that it was the Williams that had st this group here, but nevertheless, it was not as if they could do anything to the Williams. At the d of the day, there was no evidce about it.

Had it be that this group of people had actually confessed that it was the Williams that had st them, th it would have definitely not be trouble for them to be able to deal with the Williams, at least give them a little blow.

But from the looks of it, that was definitely impossible. After all, this group said that it was a person that they did not know that gave them the mission, and not the Williams.

Jad did not say anything and remained silt. Finally, after a momt of hesitation, he asked, "Where's the person that you were talking about meeting with?"

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