The Bodyguard System

Chapter 20: The Williams' Resolution

"We have to take care of the Johnsons as soon as possible. If they continue existing within this city, they will definitely hinder our expansion. Moreover, the mission that we have be giv will definitely not be able to succeed if there is another person that can compete with us." A middle aged man with long beards stated with a solemn expression.

This person was the leader of the Williams. He was holding the same position as the one that Clifford was holding, controlling the second of the two largest families in the city.

The relationship betwe the two families had never be good, due to how many times they were colliding with each other in businesses.

Currtly, the Williams had managed to find somebody that was willing to help them so that they could advance. But for them to advance, they were giv a simple mission, and that was to make sure that they dealt with any competition within the city.

They had to be the supreme powerhouse in the tire city for them to receive the assistance. Otherwise, they will definitely lose the chance that they had be giv.

With that, the Williams could no longer hold it back anymore, and immediately began fighting with the Johnsons oply. Of course, the matter of the two families fighting against each other was well known in the upper echelons of the city.

Currtly, the losses that the two families had expericed were definitely unimaginable. But ev th, the Williams did not really care much about the losses that they were expericing, considering that they would be able to recover as long as they received the assistance.

That was the reason why they were not holding back at all wh attacking the Johnsons. And this was also the reason why they were capable of suppressing the Johnsons, despite the fact that the two of them were at the same level, and the Johnsons were actually a little bit stronger than them.

But since they did not care much about the losses, completely differt from the Johnsons, they were capable of mobilizing much more force, easily dealing with the Johnsons that were still caring much about the losses that they were going to suffer.

The middle-aged man was currtly in his study room. He was seated behind his magnifict desk that was made out of mahogany. On top of the mahogany desk, there was a pile of files that were currtly disorganized.

But ev th, the middle-aged man did not seem to care much about the files. Behind him, there was a huge shelf that contained several books and interior flower decorations.

In front of him, there was a couch. On it, two people were currtly sitting on. One of them was a middle-aged man, and the other one was an old man. The old man possessed gray hair, and his face was filled with wrinkles, indicating how old he was. But ev th, his blue eyes were bright, indicating his high spirit.

He was currtly sitting in a slanting posture, indicating how old he was. And despite his old age, the two people a him respected him by a large margin.

The middle-aged man on the other hand possessed a bald head that was currtly shining under the illumination of the light in the ceiling of the room. He possessed a clean shav chin, narrow eyes, creases on his forehead, and possessed a hint of cunningness.

He was currtly smiling, as if he really did not care much about what the other middle-aged man had said.

"Why are you smiling in such a situation? You do understand that if we don't take care of the matter as soon as possible, we are going to lose an opportunity that is hard to come by. We were extremely lucky to be able to get this opportunity, and we are definitely not supposed to lose it." The bearded middle-aged man, Philip stated as he looked at the bald head with a frown.

His muscular body together with his frighting expression made the bald head suddly stop smiling, considering that he was intimidated by the other party. But ev th, he did not say anything, and just remained silt.

Wh the other party realized that, he could only give up on that matter for their time being. Instead, he looked at the old man who had be silt all this while, waiting to get his opinion.

Wh the old man, Ezekiel realized that Philip was looking at him, he cleared his throat before he spoke. "I do understand that you are currtly in a hurry. But you don't have to worry much considering that we were giv 3 months in order to take care of this matter.

It might be true that the Johnsons are kind of difficult to take care of within 3 months, but as long as we go all out, it should definitely not be much troublesome for us to be able to take care of them."

"The only thing that we have to do right now is to continue risking many things in order to achieve what we want. It is true that we are going to lose so much, but at the d of it all, we are going to destroy the Johnsons. And after the Johnsons are destroyed, the befits that we are going to be able to get are going to be capable of recovering all the losses that we would have suffered."

After hearing what the old man had said, Philip fell into a momt of contemplation. It was not as if he did not understand this concept, considering that he was the one that had be putting much pressure on the Johnsons.

It was just that he was not going all out, trying to minimize the losses as much as possible. It was his habit of being cautious that had made him and the family continue succeeding ever since he had tak over the position.

He was not willing to risk everything all at once. After all, nobody could tell if the other party would suddly decide to change his mind. If they decided to change their mind and did not support them, ev if they had tak care of the Johnsons, the other forces within the city would definitely take the opportunity to take them down.

As if the old man could already know what Philip was thinking, he shook his head and said, "Sometimes, you have to throw cautiousness out of the window in order to be able to achieve greater achievemts. If you continue with this habit of yours of trying to hold back, you will definitely suffer some losses at some point in the future."

Philip did not say anything, and continued contemplating on what the old man had said. He realized that what the old man had said was the truth.

If they actually managed to take care of the Johnsons as soon as possible, that would reduce the chances of the other party suddly changing their mind. So, it was better for them to go all out.

He looked at the bald-headed guy, Rub, and said, "You can take action now. But make sure that you don't go overboard for now. We are going to take care of them slowly, before we finish them in one fell swoop."

"Hahaha! That was all that I was waiting for. Had you actually giv me permission to take care of this matter before, I would have definitely finished everything already. But you just keep on holding back and pitying your opponts." Rub laughed out loud and was so excited that his tire body was shaking from the laughter.

Philip simply frowned after hearing what Rub had said, but he did not commt anything. Instead, he began thinking of several countermeasures on what to do later on the momt that they began taking full action against the Johnsons.

Wh Rub realized that Philip was not saying anything, he could not help but feel a little displeased. But ev th, he thought to himself, 'Just you wait. I will take care of this matter so swiftly, in such a way that ev if you plan, by the time that you will be wanting to carry out the plans that you have, I will have already completely tak care of the tire Johnsons.'

Nobody knew what Rub was thinking about, but the meeting betwe them had already ded. They had already decided to take care of the Johnsons, and with that, several phone calls were made.

On that specific day, the pressure that the Johnsons were expericing suddly increased. It seemed that the other party did not seem to care much about the losses that they were suffering, as long as they took them down.

For a momt, the Johnsons could not help but wonder if they had actually done something that had made the Williams go crazy. After all, according to them, it seemed that the Williams wanted to take them down with them.

From their perspective, they could not see any befit that the Williams were going to get if they took them down at a great loss. At the d of the day, if they themselves lost more than half of their power, the other forces in the city will definitely take advantage of them.

On the other hand, while the Johnsons and the Williams were fighting against each other, the other forces in the city could not help but get excited. It might be true that the two families were the greatest forces within the city, but that did not imply that there were no other forces in the city that were almost of the same level.

At this momt, they were watching everything from the sides, waiting for the two families to suffer losses, before taking advantage of them and taking them down all together at the same time. At that time, if they took advantage of the two families, they would definitely be able to be the new leaders of the city.

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