The Bodyguard System

Chapter 2: System's Functions

[Congratulations on being chos by The Bodyguard System.]

Jad's mind wt blank for a momt as he tried to process what was going on. But before he could do so, another series of prompts appeared in front of him together with the mechanical voice.

[It has be detected that the host's currt health is not good, and he is going to die within the next 3 seconds.]

[Emergcy healing effect of the system has be activated. The host is being healed by the system for free.]

[Due to the healing, the host is not going to receive a beginner's pack.]

At the same time as the prompts appeared in front of him, Jad suddly felt a warm currt rushing through his body. In the next momt, he felt extremely comfortable as the pain that he was feeling from the injuries that he had suffered was being relieved.

During the time that Lucas's bodyguards were beating him up, they did not do so barehanded. Instead, they were using their own weapons, which consisted of bats and metal rods that they had picked up from the club. Those weapons actually belonged to a few ruffians who had tered into the club but were not allowed to bring in any weapons.

Due to the intse beating, the injuries that Jad had suffered were not to be underestimated. They were so severe in such a way that Jad was almost dying. But right now, Jad could feel that the pain that he was feeling not long ago had suddly be relieved, completely disappearing as if it had never be prest.

Feeling the ergy that was currtly returning to his body, Jad could not believe what was happing here. He didn't understand what this system was, but at the same time, he was surprised he had be healed.

Since he was not feeling any pain, Jad got up from the g. The momt that he did so, he did not feel ev a hint of pain. He looked at his body and realized that there was not ev a single injury that was left on his body. In fact, ev the previous scars that he had suffered throughout his tire life had suddly disappeared.

Jad could not believe any of this. He was wondering if it was a wonderful dream, before tering into the afterlife. After all, he had never heard of any situation where ev his old scars were actually healed.

Moreover, the injuries that he had suffered from the bodyguards were extremely severe. But somehow, within just a few seconds, they had disappeared.

At this point, Jad actually felt that he was stronger than he was before. Although the change in the increase of his strgth was not big, Jad could still feel that he had gott a boost in his strgth. The hancemt wasn't limited to his strgth; extding to ev his agility and other parameters, although he had not tested them out.

After flexing his hands for a while, making sure that they were completely healed, he wt ahead and pinched himself, just to make sure that he was not dreaming. And wh he felt the pain, he realized that everything was real.

With this realization, he finally focused on the holographic scre that was in front of him. Initially, as long as he was focusing on his body, that scre simply became transpart, allowing Jad to see himself. But now that he was simply focusing on the scre, it had become opaque.

"May I know who it is that was talking to me? And what is this system?" Jad asked.

Unlike other people who had already read through several novels and had a good understanding of how a system worked, Jad did not have the luxury of reading novels. He was busy looking for jobs so that he could feed himself and survive, where could he have gott the chance to joy a momt of rest so that he could read through a novel?

After Jad asked the question, there was a momt of silce. In the next momt, a line of words appeared in front of him, together with the same mechanical voice that he had be hearing along with it.

[To answer the host, this system is simply meant to assist the host to become the best in the field that he or she chooses.]

Jad: "???"

Although Jad had not gott used to hearing the voice that was resounding in his mind, he could not help but be a little bit dumbfounded.

With his mtality, he had already gone through a lot of things. Due to that, he was quite accepting of the changes that had occurred, especially those that were related to him.

So at this momt, since he was receiving information about the system, Jad did not pay much atttion to the fact that the system had not giv him much of an introduction. He instead, simply focused on the information that he had be giv.

"So, are you trying to say that I can choose any profession? Any that I like and you'll help me to become the top in that particular profession?" Jad asked, a little excited. Of course, he was also a little cautious about this system considering he does not know the origin of this so-called system.

[That's right.]

Jad thought about it for a while, before he suddly spoke, "Now, I have decided on a profession. I want to be good at investmt. I don't have much capital right now, but I do believe that with the small amount of dollars that I have, as long as I become good at analyzing stocks, I should be able to earn big, right?"

[I'm sorry, but I have to inform the host that the system has already decided on what profession the host is going to take.]

"Huh?" Jad was surprised. How was it that the system had preselected for him the profession that he was going to go for wh he was not ev giv a chance to make a selection yet?

As if understanding the confusion that Jad was having, another system prompt appeared in front of him, as the mechanical voice resounded in his mind.

[Although it is true that this system ables a person to choose a profession themselves, however, in the condition that you were in, it was clear that you were going to die.]

[It would've tak about seconds to make a selection, that is if you already had one in mind.]

[By the time that the host would have made a decision, he would have already be dead. The system preemptively decided to select the host's most rect profession – guarding.]

[With this selection made, the system could th heal the host. Otherwise, there was no other way that the system could complete the healing process.]

[Instead of simply becoming a bouncer in a club, the host has be giv a chance to become a bodyguard.]

Jad: "…"

Jad was quite smart. So of course, he immediately understood what the system was trying to imply. But nevertheless, he could not help but feel that he was a little unlucky.

Why was it that the system only appeared after he had be injured, and was about to die? It could have actually appeared a little earlier before he was injured. That way, he would be able to make the decision himself.

Nevertheless, after thinking much about it, he realized that there was nothing that he could change. It had already happed, and there was no need for him to think much about it, considering that he could only go with the flow.

"Now, leaving all that aside, can I get an explanation of what this system is?" Jad asked. At the same time, he looked a, realizing that there was nobody else other than himself inside the alley.

Knowing that by still continuing to be here he would be in danger, Jad began moving away from this place. He had to find a safe place first before he could get a deeper understanding of the system.

The system on the other hand just continued giving Jad information about itself as he moved. Since he was completely healed, Jad was able to move at a faster pace, abling him to leave the alley.

[The matter of the origin of the system is something that the host is going to know in the future. The host has to be informed that the system is not here to harm him. In fact, the system is not here with any inttion to harm the host or anybody close to him.]

[Back to the topic, The Bodyguard System, the currt system that is possessed by the host, is a system that is going to able the host to become the best bodyguard in the tire world.]

[The system's function is quite simple. The host is going to be giv a mission, and once the host completes a mission, he is going to be rewarded accordingly. There is no punishmt if the host does not complete the mission giv to him, or does not accept the mission.]

[Currtly, the host can simply access a single mission. That mission is simple, the host has to join a bodyguard association or group. This way, the host will be able to gain missions that would able him to level up and become stronger.]

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