The Bodyguard System

Chapter 18: Sylvia

[Congratulations to the host for completing the optional mission by surviving for minutes under the attacks of Scarlet. The host has be rewarded with beginner level combat skills.]

Jad did not pay that much atttion to the prompt that appeared in front of him together with the voice. Instead, he simply paid atttion to the changes that were happing all over his body, together with the load of information that was being poured into his mind.

He felt that his muscles were kind of itchy, as muscle memory was being injected into his body. Additionally, the information that was being poured into his body was related to combat.

And as he was going through the information, Jad could not help but be surprised by the contt of the information. The information was extremely detailed, that ev Jad wondered if it was actually about beginner level combat skills.

Scarlet on the other hand did not know what was going on with Jad. After this guy managed to dodge an attack from her, his movemts suddly stopped. It was as if he was stunned by something.

Despite not understanding the reason why Jad was reacting in such a way, she did not stop her attack at all. Instead, she launched an attack towards his face.

She had already gott frustrated that she had not managed to touch this guy the way that she wanted. And since this was her chance, she was definitely not going to waste it.


Her fist connected with Jad's face. Immediately, Jad's nose was injured, and blood began coming from it. The punch that Scarlet had launched was with her full strgth, and was not holding back.

Scarlet herself was not weak at all, and so, wh she attacked, the momt that they attack landed on Jad, Jad was immediately brought back to the reality.

Wh he felt the pain on his nose, he could not help but curse the system. Why the heck would the system distribute the rewards to him in a critical momt like the one that he was expericing at the momt?

After all, he was slightly distracted wh he was in a fight, and Scarlet used that opportunity to injure him. And more than that, Jad could see that Scarlet was attacking again. Despite the fact that she had already managed to injure him, she had not stopped at all!

Jad did not hesitate and made a move, dodging the attack perfectly. This time, it was not just him, but ev Scarlet was completely flabbergasted by the move that Jad had made, dodging the attack that she had launched easily.

[The host is currtly in a difficult situation. So, the reward of the mission will be useful to the host in the currt situation that the host is facing. For that reason, the reward was immediately distributed the momt that the host completed the mission.]

At the same time as Jad was surprised by how he had managed to easily dodge the attack from Scarlet, prompt appeared in front of him.

Of course, Jad did not really care about the prompt, but instead, he simply focused on the fact that he had dodged the attack that was supposed to hit him due to his late reaction.

Scarlet on the other hand, although she was also surprised by the fact that Jad had managed to dodge the attack, she just thought that this guy was really lucky. So, she did not stop attacking, and launched a kick towards him.

This time, Jad did not dare to focus on the system at all. Instead, he decided to focus on the fight first, before communicating with the system later on.

The momt that Scarlet attacked, Jad felt like her movemts had suddly slowed down. It might be true that it was not very slow, but ev th, he felt like Scarlet was slower than before.

Thinking that it was because she was tired, he did not think much about it, and easily managed to move to the side, dodging the attack.

At this momt, he had realized that the itching of his muscles had already stopped. Additionally, the way that he was capable of dodging the attacks was so natural to him, as if he had done it many times already. So, he was not having much difficulty in dealing with the attacks that Scarlet was launching.

Scarlet did not give up despite the fact that Jad managed to dodge the attack. She just continued attacking, and the intsity of the attacks that she was launching kept on increasing.

But the thing that frustrated her the most was the fact that despite the fact that she was using her full strgth, she realized that she was not capable of dealing with Jad at all.

In fact, ever since she had managed to land a hit on him, she had not gott a chance of getting closer to hitting him anymore. Every time, he would be able to dodge her attacks as if he had already be anticipating her attack.

She pursed her lips in frustration. She could feel that she was already getting exhausted considering that she had be attacking continuously for more than minutes without stopping, but ev th, she was not willing.

Currtly, she was already sweating. The red tracksuit that she was wearing was already soaked in sweat and some of her promint features such as her figure, were outlined.

Jad on the other hand, was excited. He had never thought that the beginner level combat skills were actually this overpowered. With the beginner level skills, he was actually capable of dealing with the attack that he was having difficulty in dealing with.

Additionally, he felt that if he wanted to deal with Scarlet, it would just be a matter of about five moves before he eliminated her. But in any case, he just continued dodging the attacks, making Scarlet ev more frustrated.

Just like before, he was not willing to attack her, despite being tempted. After all, he was not sure if he was going to lose his job if he attacked her and injured her.

Scarlet looked at Jad who was dodging her attacks with ease. The blood that was coming from his nose had already stopped, but ev th, the nose was kind of bloodied.

Looking at his calm expression, Scarlet felt like this guy was actually provoking her. After all, he was capable of dodging her attacks easily, but he was not attacking her at all. In fact, he had stopped blocking her attacks, making her hit air time and time again as she attacked.

Just as Scarlet was about to continue attacking, a voice suddly reached her ears.

"Scarlet, it's better if you stop now. You are definitely not capable of dealing with him." The feminine voice stated firmly. The voice was kind of authoritative, making Scarlet immediately stop her movemts.

Although she stopped attacking Jad, she turned a and looked towards the person who had spok. It was other than the lady that was prest within the gym and was previously training.

She possessed blonde hair and blue eyes. She possessed a stern expression on her attractive face as she looked at Scarlet. She looked like a person who was in her late 0s. She possessed a good figure, most probably due to training.

"What is it Sylvia? I am trying to spar with my bodyguard. Is there any problem with that?" Scarlet asked in a displeased voice.

Sylvia shook her head as she responded, "It is not as if there is a problem here with you sparring with your bodyguard. But this is definitely not going to be beficial to you. First of all, you are the only one attacking, so, you are not going to gain ough in this sparring match."

Without giving Scarlet a chance of saying anything, Sylvia continued, "In a sparring match that is beficial to you, you are supposed to be attacked so that you can know how to defd yourself. But if you only know how to attack, how will you defd in case you meet an emy that is going to attack you? That is going to be completely useless."

Sylvia shifted her gaze and looked at Jad who was standing in a corner of the ring without saying anything. He was just observing the two ladies in front of him, while at the same time paying atttion to the prompts from the system about the reward that he had received.

Noticing that Jad was not saying anything, Sylvia continued. "Additionally, from the looks of it, you are definitely not capable of dealing with him. So, you are so frustrated because you are attacks are not landing on the target. Why don't you spar with me instead? I promise that I will not use my full strgth to allow you to gain more experice."

Wh Scarlet heard what Sylvia said, she could not help but tremble subconsciously. She knew the terror that Sylvia possessed. This lady was a maniac, ev more than she herself.

Every time that the two of them fought, she was the one that was losing. Additionally, she would d up beat by the other party that she would have to beg for mercy. But ev after begging, Sylvia would continue beating her up, until she was satisfied.

"Forget about it. I'm already tired, and I'm definitely not going to fight against you." Scarlet rejected immediately. She was definitely not going to fight against this battle maniac.

Sylvia had already expected that Scarlet was not going to agree. So, she turned her atttion and looked at Jad. "Do you want to spar with me?" She asked with a hint of expectation in her eyes.

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