The Billionaire's Kept Woman

Chapter 300 - Intruders

Chapter 300 - Intruders

Viper was relaxing after a few moments when suddenly, his phone was alarmed. He quickly checked and he nearly fell from his swivel chair. It comes from Maxine's house and when he checked around people were hiding from the bushes and from the thought of it they looked like people who wanted to rob a big house that doesn't have physical security.

He quickly called the police and then he called Maxine. It took a long time before she answered since she's currently cooking late dinner and Kal was crying. She answered the telephone.

"Hey, Max. It's Viper."

"Hey, what's up?" She asked.

"Your dogs are howling."

"Uhuh, they are. I was about to call but Terrence isn't picking up."

"Okay, good. I locked all possible entrances in the house and there were people in the bushes."

"What?" She quickly turned off the stove as she picked up Kal.

"I called the police and the team. They are on their way and act normal. Ready to go to the panic room and hush the dogs."

"Okay," She whistled and shortly the dogs came.

"Good, good." Viper checks it and they have guns, pipes, and anything that might kill her.

Shortly, she prepared Kal's milk and gave it to him. It shut him up as she walked around and grabbed the tablet.

"I'm going to the panic room." She whispered. Then, she stopped. "But I can't leave the dogs out here."

"I know that you love them but they are the guards of the house. Now, go to the panic room."

She took Kal to the secret basement which is also known as the control room. Then, she locked it. Since it is soundproof, no one would be able to hear.

"I'm so sorry that dinner has been spoiled, baby." She said to Kal who was pouting and pushing the half drink of milk. "Baby please,"

He started crying and she wiped his tears.

Somehow, Viper who was watching it made his heart shattered.

"How can Kal have that kind of impact? He's so adorable." He grumbled and then he momentarily shook his head. He then called Violet who took a few rings before answering.


"Are you still with Victor?"

"I am. Good that you called. It's already night."

He frowned after hearing smooches from her husband.

"Vi, I called because Max and Kal are in danger. But currently, they are safe and in the panic room."

"What?!" She exclaimed. "Where's Ian?"

"He's already on his way there in his chopper."

"Fuck!" She screamed. "Give me details."

There was a rustling sound and he guessed that she's already getting ready.

"Don't worry. They are fine and in the panic room. The house is like a fortress and it was already shut down."

"Who dares to enter the property?"

"Well, there are armed people, one or two have guns and pipes… I think they plan to steal something in the house."

"I'm gonna kill those people."

"I think they were just usual thieves." Viper said.

"My baby and Max should be safe! Or else you know what will happen!"

Viper looked at the camera as Maxine rummaged through the fridge while Kal was crying and throwing tantrums. She's panicking about not giving him dinner. But then, she found a baby cereal. Then, she poured hot water on it and stirred it.

"Okay, here's your food. But it is still hot." She stirred it and then looked at the monitor as they started breaking through the windows and doors.

The dogs were growling as they fired the guns on the glasses but none of it shattered.

"I am opening the door." Viper said and shortly, the police came, and not just the police but also Ian and Harvey who arrived. "Good lord."

They ran off and since they ran out of bullets. However, they were captured easily and Harvey went to the door.

"Viper came over," Harvey said as he pressed the earpiece on his left ear.

"Yes, boss!"

"Situation of Lucky Charm and Baby Charm."

"Both are in good condition, sound and safe." Viper answered.


"Go inside," Ian said as Harvey quickly pressed the keys, and then he went inside.

Ian quickly spoke to the police as he nearly smacked each of them. He already had lawyers ready for the police station.

"I have to know why they are here." Ian insisted to the police as the chief nodded.

She grabbed the man who was holding a gun.

"Tell me! Why did you do that?"

The dogs came out and surrounded everyone with their fangs out growling. He whistled to stop them but they didn't. They were ready to attack until Maxine came and whistled. The dogs stopped.

Kal was crying and currently in Harvey's arms.

"Here boys," Maxine called the dogs and they rushed to her, surrounded her and Harvey protectively.

The police were stunned to see them and Ian nearly hit each of the assholes but then, he told them to make sure that none of them would ever leave the jail or even bailout.

He approached Maxine and hugged her.

"Are you alright?" He asked.

"Yes, I'm fine. A little bit shaky."

Ian nodded as he looked at Kal who stopped crying and he tried to reach Maxine. Harvey carefully gave the crying baby to Maxine.

"Damn, I will facilitate around and have the dogs," Harvey said. "Ian go after them."

"Yeah, I will." He waved at Maxine and then he kissed Kal. He rode his motorbike and drove after the police cars.

Harvey walked around as the dogs sniffled. On the other hand, Maxine went back to the kitchen and put Kal on his seat.

"Alright, I will prepare your dinner. Don't cry, love." She said softly.

Kal was pouting and he pointed at his bowl. Then, he cried dramatically. Shortly, Harve came and sighed.

"I'm sorry," He said.

"What are you sorry about?" She asked as she took out the warm soup and put it in Kal's bowl. He giggled and smiled up with squinted eyes.

Harvey was stunned by Kal's excitement.

"Food is ready." Maxine giggled.

"Max, I'm sorry that I have Terrence back to HO. We needed him badly."

"Yes, he had said it." She said as she checked the temperature of the soup.

"We will take care of this matter," Harvey said.

Maxine nodded her head.

"You are still shaking." Harvey noticed as he went to the fridge to take out some cold drink. "Juice?"

"Yes, please."

He opened the cap and gave it to her. She quickly drank it. She realized that she's been dehydrated and only cares about Kal.

"Okay, relax." He patted her back. "I will feed him."

"You sure?" She asked.

He sat down in front of Kal as he took a spare spoon and tested the soup. Then, he stirred it and fed him. He smiled beautifully and opened his mouth. He fed him again.

"He wanted to be fed continuously." She said with a smile. "I will just prepare dinner."

"You have a big appetite for a baby," Harvey told him and fed him again. "Your smile is so beautiful, Kal. No wonder why your mom was crazy."

Back at Viper's room. He was currently hugging the plushie while watching Kal eat from his monitor. Despite a hard time, the baby can still smile beautifully. He realized that he had to call Violet who answered shortly.

"Hey, Kal and Max are safe. Harvey is with them while Ian is taking care of the intruders."

Violet sighed.

"I just dropped off my husband. I am on my way back."

"Sure. Take your time. I assured you. They are safe. The house is like a fortress too."

"Whatever." Violet hung up.

"Cranky mommy." Viper put away his phone and smiled at the adorable Kal who was eating and smiling at Harvey. "Dang, I need a woman now and start making babies." He grumbled as he looked away from afar so he could adjust his farsightedness. "Okay, I'm gonna go out for a drink in the mini-bar and hook up on the sexy agents." He snapped his fingers.

He waited for the time and when his phone was alarmed, he got up from his swivel chair stretches and started doing push-ups. Then, he ran to his treadmill. It takes like thirty minutes.

After sweating a lot, he removed his shirt and checked his trimmed muscles. He nodded his head. Then, he went to the bathroom to take a shower. But before taking a bath, he drank water first and he couldn't keep his eyes off his abdomen. He grinned and quickly took a bath. Then, he dressed up and drove to the bar where all of the agents were gathered. The bar was only inside the big Head Quarters that became Harvey's real estate.

He hopped out as the valet came and he thanked him, giving him a big tip. Then, he went inside to find that woman with a voluptuous body that he kept seeing. She's known as one of the company's executives. She's alone again and drinking. He grinned as he approached her and leaned on the countertop.

"Hey, darling." He grinned and looked at the bartender. "Everything she drinks is on me." He said.

"I have money." She said coldly.

"No. It's all in me. I hate seeing you lonely." He said as he went to the boys who were playing pool. He glanced at the beautiful woman in glasses and winked at her. She rolled her eyes and sipped on her martini.. His main goal was to have her tonight and to other nights.

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