The Beautiful Monster

Chapter 186 - Darkness Coming

"What day is that?" Elias asked pointedly.

His mother moved to stand in front of the group, leading her husband along with her.

"Elias, please. Just hear us out," she said gently.

Elias looked over at Melina.

"So, it's true. She's my twin sister that you never thought to tell me about," he said, his voice growing sharper by the second. 

He could feel shock and frustration clash, making his volume heighten uncontrollably. He didn't want to believe this.

"Watch your tone around your mother," his father replied sternly. His shoulders then dropped slightly. "Yes, Melina is your sister."

"Got any proof?" Elias asked, figuring he should ask for that before rolling with this ridiculous scenario that was his life. 

After more than twenty years, he was just now finding out that he shared a womb with someone that he hadn't met until now.

His mother nodded quietly before approaching a wooden cabinet near the television stand. She opened the doors and reached inside to pull out a dusty scrapbook.

She wiped the dust off before opening it and handing it over to Elias.

Elias looked down at the pictures, feeling his heart stop. There were pictures of two babies in his parents' arms.

They looked exactly the same, and their names were written under the pictures: Elias and Melina.

 At around age two, there was only one baby left that was him. He closed the scrapbook and handed it back quietly.

"I only came to him because I'm starting to get nervous. A bad feeling keeps following me," Melina told Nora and Daniel.

Nora looked at her daughter and nodded.

"I feared as much. I feel something dark too," she replied.

Elias put his face in his hands briefly, trying to soak all of this information in without exploding. He had a twin sister. His parents lied to him for years. 

Something bad was coming. He could feel Alyssa's hand on his back, but it didn't help comfort him. Nothing helped.

"You all lied to me," he said before standing up abruptly. He glared at his parents. "How could you do that to me?"

"It was for your own protection. People would've hurt the two of you for being so powerful, so different," Nora said with a sad look on her face.

"Who is more powerful alone? We could've protected each other!" Elias replied, unable to keep himself from snapping.

"You could've been kidnapped! Killed! Separating the two of you was the hardest decision of our lives!" 

Daniel shouted at his son as he stepped close. He grabbed Elias' shoulders firmly. "We did what we had to do to protect you."

Elias gritted his teeth, feeling anger rush through him.

"You sent your own daughter away. You lied to me my entire life. You were just being selfish," he spat before stepping away from his father.

They could've revealed the truth to him when he turned eighteen. He was an adult. He could handle news like this, but they still kept him in the dark.

"Elias, it's okay," Melina said as she stood up. She stepped toward him, but he matched her movement by stepping back. She froze in place with a frown. "I'm not mad at them. You shouldn't be either."

"Don't tell me how to feel," Elias replied, his voice bordering on a growl. "I don't even know who I am, or who my own family is."

"There is a lot you don't know, but we're willing to tell you if you just sit down and listen," Daniel told him, giving him a pointed look.

Elias glared at his father, wondering if he should listen or not. He felt like he was just going to get more upset, but he was already mad. 

He might as well sit through this too. He moved to sit back down, keeping his jaw clenched.

Nora took her husband's arm, using him for stability.

"You know your grandfather is the devil and I'm a hybrid, half human, half demon. When I gave birth to you, we realized you and sister were powerful together Elias. 

People fear the unknown and they would have haunted you guys for the rest of your life. 

We had to change our whole identity, even fake our deaths because we wanted to protect you.

Also, my father has many children who want to rule the underworld and create chaos on earth. Even though you're half human you're still more powerful than some of them. With your sister by your side you will be unstoppable.

They see you as a threat and they won't stop until they have eradicated you and your sister.

Elias felt his heartbeat pause briefly as he stared at his mother in shock. That meant that he was involved in a war he had no idea about. He didn't feel evil, but there was darkness flowing through him.

"That's insane," he managed to breathe out.

"That's the truth, Elias.Your sister's power is a threat to evil forces. You and her are the last surviving member of our family who possesses this power and they won't stop until both of you are dead. 

That's why your grandfather created the vampires to protect us. Once the war starts, we will summoned them and they will be under your command"

Daniel said as he looked between Elias and Melina.

"What the hell?" Elias sighed as he shook his head. He was finding out too much. It was too much right now.

Alyssa rubbed his back.

"Maybe we can continue this conversation tomorrow. We should sleep on this," she suggested, noticing that even Melina looked shocked at the new information.

"You two can take the bedroom you had last time," Nora said before turning to Scott, who had been surprisingly quiet. "You need to pay your mother a visit. She's worried sick."

Scott grumbled but nodded.

"I'll go see her," he said before glancing at Elias. "Don't have a mental break."

"Just go, Scott," Melina sighed, sounding agitated. "Leave him alone."

Scott scoffed and walked out of the living room, shutting the front door behind him as he exited.

Elias glanced at Melina, but he didn't say anything. Maybe they were family, but he didn't know her.

She was still a stranger to him. He took Alyssa's hand, letting her lead him to his old bedroom away from everyone. He didn't even know what to say to her.

Alyssa shut the bedroom door behind them, turning to watch him collapse on his bed.

"Are you okay?" she asked him as she moved to lay beside him, placing her hand on his chest and riding out the slow lifts and falls.

"I haven't been okay since Melina showed up," Elias admitted. His world had been flipped completely upside down, and he had no idea how to level himself out.

"At least she's nice. She could be some sort of monster," Alyssa pointed out, trying to expose the silver lining.

"Evidently, we are monsters since our grandfather is the Devil," Elias muttered. He felt tainted now, like he was infected with evil. It made his skin crawl. 

Maybe that was why his parents kept such a close eye on him.. They feared that he would act like his grandfather and wreak havoc and chaos.

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