The Beast's Virgin Claim

Chapter 25 - Moje - Part【1】

"Luna Theia." A faint delicate voice calls me with a softness drawing me out of my peaceless slumber as I promptly awaken to the soothing sound of the female.

Frowning with perplexity that bounds me I take in my surrounding, I am not in the same place I achingly slept in last night by the frigid corner of the tent rather I am nestled upon the feather mattress embraced warmly beneath the velvet blanket and the fur quilt. How did I get here? Had I crawled here amid my sleep seeking heat?

"I trust you rested well considering it was your first night away from home." The female who kneels by my right addresses gathering back my attention to her as I gaze up at the red-haired beauty.

"Yes, thank you. Your name is Moira yes?"

Her eyes widen with awe as though she is pleased that I remembered her name. "Yes, Luna." She answers bowing lowly with reverence as I sit up screening my breasts with the blanket.

"It is nice to meet you, Phobos mentioned you once to me when I was a pup." I smile politely at her whilst she beams up at me with delight. I do not know if she is content by the fact that I recalled he mentioned her or the fact that he conversed with me about her itself.

"Would you like to come for breakfast?"

"Yes, of course. But I wish to have a change of clothes and cleanse myself first." I murmur whilst gradually arising from the mattress and she stands with me.

"I shall lead you to the hut that you were purified in last night, Krlovna." She mutters as I follow her out the tent, it is kind of her to come to check up on me.

Purified? Why does she sound as though I was saturated by sin prior to it? Is this what they all think of me? I regard the pieces of my dress that my male shred last night are missing but I do not wish to question her about it.

My orbs are naturally drawn to Moira's red hair that sways with a feather-like fleetness to her every movement, which is truly bewitching. No female possesses such a radiant colour thick locks back home or upon these lands. Her male must be so proud of what she beholds.

"Argus is truly adorable. Your moon blessed must have his hands full," I whisper as I recollect the little pup boldly bounding towards my male last night.

"He seems cute indeed but that is not the case for, in reality, he is profoundly roguish and does not listen to me. And I do not possess a moon blessed, well I did once. "

"I do not understand."

"The moon summoned him two years ago, it is just Argus and me most of the time, Luna." She responds as she glimpses up at the gloomy sky, her eyes reveal to me her distress. Her wounds are still fresh, I see it. Goddess, she must be a strong female to be breathing and thriving whilst sensing the agonizing damage of her mate bond each day. How does she persevere?

"I apologize, I shouldn't have asked. I-"

"Not at all, Luna. I am happy you spoke of him." She turns back speedily to meet my regretful globes with her cool glorious ones. "The water has been warmed merely a few minutes ago, I shall ask one of the juveniles to come aid you. Phobos already...I-I mean Alpha Phobos had already picked the fabric for your clothes and they were stitched by one of our best before your arrival, I shall ask her to fetch you one of them."

"Thank you, that would be wonderful," I say whilst entering the void hut and closing the door behind me. Allowing the blanket to slump by my feet and uncover my flesh, I submerge my body into the tub the water splashing to my sudden entrance.

Chewing on my lower lip, an abrupt flash of memory of my mate's sensual ravaging mouth on my right nipple has me shudder and crimson to it. I glimpse down at my cunt beneath the water, his bulky hardened cock was on it last night rubbing over it as he sought pleasure. The feeling of it was truly immaculate, it set me aflame that I could not help but submit to his dominance. I was glad for he grew hot to the sight of my quivering bare flesh.

Yet Phobos's evil words to me last night still linger freshly in the abyss of my mind overpowering our minutes of passion with malice. How could he even deem me that way, that I would freely give myself to many others when I had wasted most of my juvenile years' yearning and dreaming of him.

I wish to discourse with him about it today, I wish to confront him of this. This ridiculousness he possesses. How would he even know if I had opened my legs for other males, he was never once by my side was he? That monstrous male not once sought for me all those years and he presumably thinks I shall let this matter slip away.

Then he is mistaken for I will not this glide past my fingers whatsoever, I will not be treated this way by him. After everything I have been through because of him, I do not deserve such ruthlessness from that beast.

"Luna?" A juvenile's voice peeks through the closed door as she shoves it open with irritation and saunters in without my permission whilst I instantly immerse my flesh deeper into the water. Do they not ask prior before entering? Do these females know nothing of privacy, even Moira had entered my tent without permission.

"What is it?"

"I have brought you one of your outfits to wear for today's ceremony." She says setting the neatly folded garment out by the edge of the tub.

"Ceremony what do you mean?" I inquire lowering at her with confusion, did we not end it last night? What else is there to it?

"Yes, today is the second day. Several Alphas and Luna's who are close with our pack shall arrive to greet you after sunset."

Goddess, I am too exhausted for this. Is it just this that I must part take in today or is there more to it?

"Can you clarify this for me?" I ask but she does not pay heed to my request.

"I do not know much of it, the older females shall aid you with this. Please hurry with your bath, our wolves are not patient. Next time you must bring your clothes, I do not wish to be removed from the breakfast table for this, Luna." She grumbles a blatant flatness to her tone, as she departs without another word as I stare at her retreating back dumbfounded.

Wolves do not assist their Alpha and Luna much here I suppose, I mustn't ask their assistance again. I shall learn to observe their ways more closer.

With a dull sigh of fatigue, I rise to wear the clothes she brought for me. It is a simple dress not as extravagant as what I wore back home. It is flimsy and very light in weight yet it is a little too sheer for my liking. I do not like to expose my flesh too much for I despise receiving unwanted attention. Is this what Phobos wishes me to wear, like the other females of his pack?

I wonder if these females see no shame in this, my pack teaches to bare your flesh only for your moon blessed yet here there is not even one who seems to cover herself. Raising my hands I draw down the loose tunic that settles above my knees. It feels comfortable to be in it but I feel too exposed for my liking.

Leaving the safety of the hut, I trudge forward seeking their packhouse. Do they not possess one for I seem to be lost on his lands for all I see are numerous tents and small wooden houses and huts. It is so distinct from home, it baffles me. There is no wolf in sight and I commence to hunt for a source of life.

I remarked they do neither own nor use any shoes, I am provided with none either. I must tour their soil bare feet, is this why Phobos motivated me to do so when I was a pup claiming it was a way to be wild and free?

Conceding that all I have been doing is treading in circles around the same place, I determine to seek his scent for his is the only one I truly know and recognize. If I find him, I shall discover where they have all assembled. I understand I am to be offered no aid from him or his wolves, I am on my own.

Boosting my nose into the air inhaling the atmosphere I follow the magnetic waves of his scent that wafts aromatically around me. It is truly such a fascinating scent for he emanates the smell of the dampened soil after a thunderstorm. His scent is of nature that uplifts me from within.

He invites me to an obscure place located beneath the sombre shade of dense trees, a large ebony wood table is placed amid the crisp grass and all his wolves are seated next to each other upon cut tree barks used as chairs. They are clangorous in their chatter, too rambunctious I would say.

The females are loud-mouthed more than the males, not as faint and refined as one would encounter back home. It is as though they are taught to be so here, to be 'unfeminine' as mother would say. There are more candid, wilder.

Rich ocean blues pierce my flesh with a raw intenseness drinking me in with a bodily thirst from the tips of my toes to the strands of my dishevelled locks, he is examining how the design of the dress he chose fits me. He savours it for I see the shift in his eyes, they turn more immoral more amatory.

But I do not regard him assembling my strength to not succumb to our galvanizing bond, my temper with him for his words last night still seethes beneath.

My eyes spot the wooden throne to his right barren, that must be my seat for dining. I trudge towards it with a heavy silence not smiling at the wolves on the way or saying my morning wishes as I would back home.

It has been a mere day and I already feel acute loneliness confining me, I never would have thought that I would feel so rejected and isolated with Phobos by my side. It was always the opposite growing up, he brought forth such laughter and fun for me.. He was in a way another home for me.

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