The Beast's Virgin Claim

Chapter 23 - Impure - Part【3】

"It is as though I am holding a strand of gold." She chuckles as I smile at her words. I find their amazement quite adorable.

"Jak dobr je krsa? Mus to bt opravdov krlovna. Please remove your undergarments as well." The leader's eyes are narrowed with a sort of a reprimand sent to the female behind me whilst she instructs me again as my orbs broaden mildly to her words. Does she wish for me to be naked? No wolf has ever seen me bare, no even my mother after I became a juvenile.

(What good is beauty? She must be a true queen)

Yet before I could discourse of my unease the female who stands behind me unfastens my bra as I startle to her actions. I am not entitled to protest as my breasts and cunt are instantly bared to them. The female seizes my hand and leads me to the steaming tub as I stumble after her.

The water is warm soothing my cold skin, comforting my being. Palms placed upon my shoulders she drives me to submerge the entirety of my being in it. The tub smells so deliciously entrancing as they lay me down and the tension I held within me dissolves into tranquillity.

"Nech ns zat." The leader announces meeting the eyes of each wolf as they bow to her with respect.

(Let us begin)

They commence to sing a song a slow deep hum from the base of their throats whilst they wash me from head to toe with a peculiar looking soap, a different type of essence is used for my hair but their hands are in no way gentle.

The females are in a hustle, pulling at my skin and my locks attempting to finish it quickly so they can send me on my way to what seems to be the next step in their ceremony. But the way they sing is so beautiful so melodious, their voices in unison sound angelic.

My body is scrubbed clean the lukewarm water easing the burdens of my heart. As soon as they finish cleansing me they point towards a small room hidden within the hut where I am seated on a wooden chair and dried with a fur towel as though I were a pup. My waist-length hair is brushed neatly undoing all the knots where after they run their fingers through my hair as though they are experimenting with it. It does feel nice to be pampered this way.

"Please spread your legs." A female instructs softly from my side as I meekly do so with an embarrassment that cages me. She heats some floral oil in a metal container upon a candle flame to pour and rub some within her palms as though she is preparing it.

The female then squats down by my feet and begins to smear the thick oil starting from my inner things down to the heels of my feet. Her companions follow her actions each targeting a certain part of my body. My hands, my breasts, stomach and back.

It feels bizarre to be touched by several hands but my inquisitiveness of their ways has me ponder and overlook the uneasiness that confines me.

"Alpha may be rough with you tonight." A sudden voice shocks me as I take a peek at the leader frowning with confusion at her words. Rough with me? Rough how?

"I do not understand."

"He has never tasted another female, not even a breeder to satisfy his urges. He always stayed true to you, never once glanced at another female with want. So tonight we prepare you so he shall take his fill to satisfy his years of abstinence." She utters with a profound seriousness whilst raising my feet to fasten thin gold anklets around my ankles.

Truly? Not even once? I do not believe it. I hadn't expected him to remain chaste for me as I am for him. But the way she speaks of him with pride makes me feel immensely happy. Then I shall be his first just as he shall be mine. That truth of knowing I shall be possessing the fullness of his being is sinless euphoria.

Tonight, she said. My heart springs to beat with a fleetness of what she said, I shall be giving myself to him right after this.

"Pineste aty." She orders, her voice hushed and firm. It is as though they had all qualified for this day for years. It is a quick natural process done with utmost perfection.

(Bring the dress)

A translucent white long gown is brought forth and I am raised to swiftly wear it. "How can I wear this? It is as though I shall be bare." I utter feeling the delicate flimsy material with my fingertips. It covers nothing.

She does not say anything merely waiting patiently for me to don it. I am overpowered as my hands are pulled up and the shift is drawn down my naked quivering body, I am not let to bear any undergarments.

"May you birth many males who shall bring prosperity to our lands." The female whispers as I faintly gasp at her words. No, tonight is not about my mate bond rather it is for me to bear them an heir. This is not what I want. Is Phobos all right with this? Does he think this is the right way? How can we have a pup when we stand upon a broken bridge?

"W-Wait I-"

"Vezmi ji." The female has her hand gripped behind her back with authority as though she is a male her eyes narrowed at me whilst she nods her head which accompanies her command not paying heed to my hesitation.

(Take her)

The females giggle noisily seizing my forearms from either of my sides dragging me to another location. This is occurring too soon, I am not ready to give them what they want. How can they expect this from me, I have just arrived on their lands and my bond with my male has just stepped into the light.

Whispered chatter and gossip surround me as they gape at me and smile teasingly. I sense it, they speak of how I shall be devoured by their king.

In front of me lies a massive red enclosed tent to deliver the maximum of privacy. I am playfully shoved inside unhesitantly whilst I lose my balance and collapse upon the mattress placed over the earth, I surprisedly goggle up at them whilst they announce their farewell for the night.

"Krl shall arrive soon. Savour your night, Krlovna." That is all they say followed by their teasing cackles whilst they secure the flaps behind them, their silhouettes leaving me behind in the candlelit tent.

A low exhale of breath is released by me, everything happened so fleetly which merely led me to this situation. I take a gradual look around my surrounding, it is a dimly lit place with candles installed at every corner.

There is a small table at the other end holding a jar of water and some cups along with some freshly cut fruits, honey and ice. Two identical chairs are set by the table as well, if Phobos and I were close as before I would chat with him and spend time laughing at that spot.

I observe the mattress beneath my fingertips, I wonder if it is made out of goose feathers for it is very soft and bouncy. Upon the mattress lies a thin emerald green velvet blanket and the third layer over it rests a fur quilt. I wonder how they produce such comfort, it fascinates me how they do not trade with other packs for such rather make it by themselves by hand.

Lying down upon the bed I nestle against its warmth, my eyes heavy and weary from the journey as well as their ceremony. This fur is so distinct, I cannot identify from which animal it was created. I would ask my male but he bogarts me too much that all I can do is stutter like a dull-witted female.

I do not know how to converse with him rather the right way to do it. He finds it more effortless to speak with his wolves than me for he has not spoken a single word directly to me for almost a month from the day we met.

I yearn to speak with him, to laugh with him, to do all the things we did when we were young. He was my best friend and now he seems to be a stranger, a wolf I do not recognize. I possess so many questions for him, too many to count. Yet would he answer me? I am hesitant to ask about our past, I do not even know if he remembers.

My fingers hold onto the pendant of the necklace I wear and I stare at the leaf from our tree. I feel as though I was the only one who kept the promises forged between the both of us. I was the only one who stayed true to them.

Moreover, his actions show me his truth. He never did treasure me as much as I cherished him. Perhaps he merely thought I was a good amusement in his monotonous tiresome life. If that is so, how does he feel now when he looks at me? Has anything altered in his perception of me?

There is a sudden shift in my atmosphere a compelling aura emerges and I quickly rise sitting up with a gasp as the flaps of the tent are wrenched open and the beast appears from within the darkness. My heart does not bend to my wishes acting on its own as it thunders with a fierceness beneath my ribcage to his consuming presence.

"Phobos," I whisper my widened eyes meeting his tranquil ocean blues. His mighty chest is uncovered for my lascivious eyes to feast on, his tattoos irradiated by the candle flame and just like that, I am undoubtedly spellbound by him.

I immediately pick up the velvet blanket covering my flesh from my male, shyness defining the totality of me. This dress is useless for it protects nothing, it portrays me as a sexual lewd being which I am nothing like.

His steps are heavy and muffled as he saunters towards me with purpose. To eat, to consume and digest until all I am left with are my bones but I know him, he shall devour that too for that is what it means to be a barbarous beast. You gorge your prey until it is left with nothing.

There is an electrifying substance around us that awakens us and infuses our flesh with carnal arousal. I unknowingly quiver for an understanding of the circumstance descends within me, I am his prey.

Whilst his eagerness nears mine, his luscious scent is inhaled by me and it sinks into my every organ as I taste its sinful appeal on the tip of my tongue.

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