The Beast's Virgin Claim

Chapter 21 - Impure - Part【1】

Eighteen days. Eighteen days of sheer absolute torture I endured travelling from Deimos's pack to my moon blessed's.

The first few evenings, I persevered with faith and heart yet what came after made me wish to suffocate myself in deep waters. It was my first time journeying far from home and what truly tested me was that I was the sole female in a galactic group of burly males.

No, not one dared to look at me inappropriately that was not the issue rather I possessed no choice but to wear the same sweater and skirt I left with for the entirety of those days. When I had questioned Drakho, he frowned with bemusement and said it was natural for them to not change clothes during travel and therefore was not directed to take any from my room for my departure.

But I am a female and I despise being unclean. Therefore, I was compelled to scrub my clothes by the most proximal river to each location we were stationed as I perched upon a rock concealing my bare flesh with the sheepskin blanket trembling fiercely whilst waiting for my sweater, skirt and undergarments to dry.

It was dolorously embarrassing for I had never been in such a situation as that before. Their ways baffled me to an extent where I found them to be nothing but beasts without a sense of cleanliness or mortal emotions.

In those eighteen days, my male kept to himself. Not once would he speak with me or offer me a private glimpse of acknowledgement. No, I did not acquire any hostility from him rather I was unable to decipher any emotion emitting from him though I were travelling with a ghost.

Everything of those days discouraged me down to the pit of my belly. The uncertainty of my future, the way Phobos withheld from me as though I were the predator and he the prey and the way his warriors gawked at me with confused orbs as though they found my antics to be unusual.

I had kept silent as well not conversing much sitting by myself confined in my own world or with my nose rooted deep in the books I borrowed from Deimos's library. At times I would feel his impassioned impetuous blues caressing my flesh but when I would raise my own to meet his he would promptly look away branding me with a further wonderment of him.

He would lead the hunt with his elected group of males every morning way before I would awaken and when daylight slipped through the minute slits of my tent and I would maroon its warmth, wild hares, fresh descaled gutted fish or frogs would be grilling upon the fire. He made sure I never slept with an empty stomach, I was fed first before others. I was made their precedence and it pleased me to feel prioritized.

The lonesome nights were the most arduous, I was provided with my own tent which was large enough to fit two yet I slept alone during freezing twilights clutching onto my flesh for the warmth it could give me.

We couldn't afford the luxury of lighting a fire at night for the thunderstorms were unyielding and it truly frightened me as the sound of it was deafening as though I was resting close to the sky. It made me miss home so much that I sobbed inaudibly beneath my sheets.

But what poisoned me was the severe pitiless enticement of the mate bond, it was as though serpents were unleashed to inject my body with their venom of desire as they slithered up my naked flesh, tempting me to touch myself to him and I succumbed to its lure. I am weak against him.

I sensed and keenly listened to the way he inhaled and exhaled with a tortuous slowness as sleep took him in his tent firmly installed next to mine, I envisioned those plump lips meeting my aching ones with a barbarity as he revealed his need of me. I dreamt how it would be like to be gorged by him in that tent under that storm, the potentially ignited passion between us stirred me to my ecstasy as I circled my swelled clit and strived hard to stifle my moans.

The only barrier between us was the flimsy material of our tents and I knew he would have been able to get to me with ease, one claw of his was more than enough for him to strike down the hindrances and he could have had his way with me. But those very midnights he would flee hastily groaning and grunting as though he were in critical pain and was being tortured. Phobos would not return until it was time for him to lead the hunt. I never truly understood why.

"Luna Theia. We are close, we shall arrive in a few minutes." Drakho informs me from the driver's seat peering at me through the rearview mirror.

I descry how isolated and obscure his pack is, it is completely cut off from the world located in the middle of nowhere. So unwelcoming and sombre. The more we drive further in the dimmer it gets for it is a pack submerged amid a wilderness.

Dense trees engulf the area, a newcomer would not survive on these lands as the paths are not clear and I am alarmingly aware of the other creatures with teeth that prowl around seeking to capture its next meal. It brings forth a sense of dread within me for I knew I would be utterly caged by Phobos with no escape.

The road is unsteady and it plays with my frail flesh as though I were a toy throwing me up and about smoothly making me nauseous. I had enough of travelling, my body is weary from it. I need rest. An unexpected swerve of the truck has me panic and lose my balance as I brutally collide with the heat of his hulking muscular being.

My chest heaves as I swallow audibly taking a minute to examine our position. My breasts are thrust against his side, my palm laying contentedly upon his hammering heart. Our mate bond fires to life sizzling excitedly as we sit skin to skin.

A jolt of desire is keen to strike down to my core whilst I gasp at the immediate emotions that inundate my being. Oh, this feeling is unlike any other far better than alcohol. It is as though I am sinking into him. It is like a drug and I ache to be an addict.

Gathering courage I meekly gaze up at him from beneath my lashes whilst my orbs widen as it meets his blazing blues that regard me calmly.

"I-I..." Stuttering shall be a new habit of mine I suppose for I do this only with him. He makes me so nervous with those intimidating orbs and that rugged face of his. The goddess has blessed him with the features I am drawn to, she knew exactly how to bound me.

His eyes shift audaciously to ravish my exposed thighs for my skirt had raised amid our collision. I watch the way he swallows deliberately to what he discerns, a sudden hunger irks him this I see with clarity as my cheeks flare to the sudden flame I lit in his avid globes.

"Sorry," I whisper moving away from him whilst pulling down my skirt covering myself from his searching globes. My heart beats at a rapidity not permitting me to offer any air to my deprived lungs.

"We have arrived," Drakho announces parking by an open field with no installed front gates. As he exits the warmness of the car so does Phobos without a second glance at me.

I am so dithery, I cannot breathe. My palms are moistened with my sweat as I profusely wipe them down against the fabric of my skirt. I cannot detect anything, there are no lights or any illumination of some sort. It is as though I am entering hell's den.

This pack had been the source of my nightmares for years after Phobos's truth when I turned eighteen. Unworthy to Phobos I know I am but how will they receive me. Has he spoken to them of me? Of my upbringing and background? That I am nothing like the savage beasts they are.

Phobos stretches his limbs as he slackens his muscles eyes neutral and vacant as always. How do you feel belatedly bringing me here? Are you pleased or are you upset with the moon's gift despite our past?

"Luna. This way please." Drakho escorts me as I smile faintly at his politeness and with a terse nod I follow him into the eerie darkness.

My feet are steady but my heart and mind are not, they are drowning in doubt of what is to come. Introducing your male or female to your pack is a joyous occasion but what I am given is not. It is horrifying.

I commence counting in my head at a slow pace, my way of pacifying myself. Each step I take towards his pack resembles a mighty ceremony as the vast skies welcome my presence with its rumbles of roaring thunder.

A storm is yet to come, but it does yield to my male. This time it speaks for me. Phobos is behind me his unavoidable heat providing me with boldness knowing he is with me gives me spirit.

The further we walk I heed numerous fire torches illuminating an uninterrupted path to an enormous crowd that awaits my presence. My eyes widen at what I witness, his pack is gigantic. I had not expected this, it is bigger than Deimos's or mine.

Drums beat at a rigour its loudness deluging the serenity of the place, males stomp their feet firmly upon the damp earth and pound their bare chests with their closed fists whilst the females howl and screech with a power that is earsplitting.

I freeze in my tracks unable to withstand their invincible aura that collides onto me with intensity. My flesh trembles to their overwhelming tradition. My mouth loosely open I take deep breaths closing my eyes to their arrows of curiosity.

The booming sound of the drums is thunderous and merciless as they pierce my ears with their vigour. Phobos's wolves are mostly uncovered, barely dressed wearing shaggy animal hides. The males are all bearded donning a smock-like garment that merely conceals their private parts made from the skin of other animals which is being held up by a shoulder strap on their right side. They carry large clubs conical in shape, spears they are.

The females wear loincloths to cover their mounds and strapless piece of fabric to mask their bosoms. Their legs are adorned by heavy bronze or silver anklets and their hair is braided and kept neat.

"Nae krlovna vstoupila na nai pdu!" They scream in unison their eyes glued to my flesh with reverence. Males begin to hoot and grunt whilst the females commence an ululation.. Mother had taught me about this, it is a performance of welcome.

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