The Beast's Virgin Claim

Chapter 156 - My Theia - Part【6】

"Try me." Lumina openly defies him very knowing the consequences she could face for such disobedience and he finally turns those dark haunting eyes to peer down at her. He is a large male both in mass and height and an Alpha at that. His silent intimidation does not work on her and she gives him her warrior smile in return continuing to oppose him.

"Is that a challenge?" Phobos snarls as his claws elongate preparing to take a strike and Lumina extracts two sharpened knives from a hidden spot underneath her shirt equipped to fight him.

The tension between the both of them has me shake my head in refusal as I cry out. This is not members of a close-knit family should face each other. Before he could lunge for her throat I screech out in terror, "No! Stop it Phobos!"

Deimos is swift to scamper up the stairs and arrest Lumina dragging her away from my male's path only to crush her to his panting chest with widened eyes his wolf surging forward demanding control in a need to protect what is his even from his own brother. He loves her that much. "Come here." He grits out towing her behind him taking her farther away from us as she tenaciously fights his hold.

"Do not touch her unless you sincerely apologize, you stupid male! Let me go Deimos!" Lumina's words hurled forth to Phobos do not make him waver from what he had initially planned to do. He speechlessly takes a step forward and I take one back my head raised so my eyes can meet with his. He uncompromisingly stalks me until I am cornered with my back against the door of the mansion.

He lifts his right palm to tenderly cradle my face in his and I melt to his touch closing my eyes sobbing as a breath of relief passes my lips. I close my eyes and relish in the warmth he provides me with. This...this is what I had painfully yearned for these past months. Seizing my wrist he hoists it to brush his moist lips over my pulse a grunt of solace escaping his mouth as though he has finally found peace. As though he is finally home. What do I say? What must I say, I do not know?

"My moonlight." He whispers breathlessly whilst he leans down to set his forehead upon mine.

There is a stinging silence that envelopes us but it is not a comfortable one to be in. I sense the conflict in his heart he is fighting himself just like I am. In a way, you and I are alike when it comes to dealing with each other Phobos.

"I cannot believe it. No matter what our wolves said to me or what Deimos revealed just now. It is just us this moment so tell me it is not true so the bleeding of my heart can cease, Theia."

"W-What?" I ask shakily my voice cracking as I peer up at him with blurred vision. Tears continue to tumble down my cheeks and he shakes his head wiping them with his fingers as though pleading with me to not cry anymore.

"Forced or...intentional?" My eyes widen to his question and I clench my mouth shut and look away unable to meet his probing despairing gaze. "Do not look away from me. Forced or intentional, that is all I wish to know." He wants to know if me coming to Italy and remaining here for ten months was forced upon me or that I had done so out of my own free will.

"I was going to return I promise I just liked it here-" I attempt to take breaths in between my crying and speaking. This is truly arduous. Phobos simply snatches my jaw and forces me to meet his blues.

"I did not ask for your explanation, it is just a one-word answer." His boring eyes that seem to hold the ability to read even my soul has me shiver in fear of who stands before me. I can lie to him but he will sense it as soon as I say the word. It will cause even more chaos and more lives will be lost. The moon will condemn me for it.

So I gather my faltering courage continue to meet his eyes. "In...Intentional." I whisper and his hold on me slackens almost immediately. He takes a step back away from my being as though he has been burnt and stares down at me with an unreadable expression, he gives nothing away he will not allow me to see into his soul any more I will be like the rest no one special or important that would make him want to bare himself to.

"So I was wrong indeed." He declares to himself and I shake my head in denial for I discern the high walls of his heart that took me two years to tear down waking from the base to shield what assists him to breathe, to live. To safeguard it from me.

"It is not what you think I just wanted peace. I just wanted to heal and give myself time to-" I catch my breath and stand still as a statue not making a single move as Phobos sets his palm upon my belly with a scowl on his face as though he has discovered that something is different about me. As though he feels like something has changed. With a vociferous reverberant growl of outrage, he yanks me to him by my slender wrist and thrusts his nose toward my neck inhaling my scent as though he cannot believe what he smells.

"Whose scent is this mingled with yours? Your belly why is it-" Before he could conclude his questions a newborn's shrill wail has all of us stiffen in our spots. Lumina's eyes enlarge with surprise along with mine and so does Deimos's as he looks down at his female sceptically.

Phobos straightens his mask once more secured to disguise his feelings from me, he struggles to breathe just like me as his eyes are firmly affixed upon the door. The only barrier between him and his male. Tadeas is not calling for me but for his father for he senses that there is someone exactly like him close by. Someone who would be able to understand him much better than any other.. My little beast was waiting all this time to meet his father.

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