The Beast's Virgin Claim

Chapter 154 - My Theia - Part【4】

Worry overwhelms me and I sink into myself whilst she shakes her head in objection sensing my emotions. "You need not worry about anything. His whole family possesses pure Alpha blood and power we can protect him from everything. He will be welcomed and embraced by my pack, by Cronus's and yours. He is family, Theia."

"I know. But I worry for his future, if wolves are pushing away from him just after he was born I do not want him to undergo that glaring rejection as he matures. Phobos had spoken about his past many times and he was right. They look at Tadeas like he is an abomination of the moon."

"And you as his mother will strike down each of them who looks at him that way. Do not let them respond to your male's essence that way either. You are a Luna, a queen. You can make them submit to you and teach them to protect your male instead of rebuking him."

"You are right. This is my duty."

"And your male is not all that bad. I mean look at his pouty lips and his bloated belly." She coos again in that high pitched tone whilst facing him and I laugh. She adores him already.

"I wish you could have brought Kal, I miss him."

"Oh please, I am quite happy to be free of him for a little while. He is the naughtiest male out there spoiled rotten by his father. He will turn three next week and goodness I am afraid of it. I am confident his mischievousness will only grow from there on."

"I cannot wait for the day our males shall play together."

"Of course, Deimos was talking about offering the east wing of the castle to Phobos and you. It would be your home whenever you come to visit."

"That is very thoughtful of you both."

"We are family, Theia. It is what we must do for each other and also Kal would be occupied with Tadeas's presence and I can finally get some time to myself. My two males are quite needy, if Kal is asleep Deimos wants me and if Deimos is asleep Kal wants me. And I just want myself!"

"You seem to have your hands full." I chuckle.

"I absolutely do but still...Deimos and I have been trying."

"Trying?" I frown with puzzlement at her words. Trying for what?

"For another pup." She mumbles as I gasp with surprise.

"Truly? Oh goddess I am so happy for you!" I bind my arms around her shoulders and give her a tight hug.

"It is not like we are thoroughly trying it is just that he has stopped using protection. So I suppose in a way we are." She says with a casual shrug.

"You will soon carry a pup I am sure of it, Deimos wants a female I suppose?"

"Yes, he does. It is what he has yearned after for a while. It has been almost three years since we had Kal and I think it is the right time for another."

"Have you had any symptoms yet?"

"Just mild nausea."

"That is a symptom. Do you want me to fetch you some pregnancy tests? You can check if you wish."

"No I will do it back at home with Deimos, he would get furious if I took that experience away from him."

"Of course." I nod.

"Now I wish to test a theory with Tadeas, you and me we shall head out the door and stay there for an hour minimum. If crying is not his way of communicating with you, there must be something else and we shall figure that out together. We will wait for him to call you." She says rising whilst propelling the crib closer to the front door as I stumble after her.

"I-I have not left him for that long."

"I understand your need to constantly hover around him as his mother as I once was just like you, still the same in a way. Trust me on this." She speaks as I lean down and pick up the coffee cup from the glass table. We are in Alpha Giovanni's living room he had told me to use his home freely since it would be empty for a few days.

Lumina walks out the front door as I kneel beside the crib and nuzzle into my male's neck inhaling his scent and sharing with him my own. "Mama is going out for just some time. I will be close by okay? I would like it if you can call out to me. A simple cry would do, I feel like you do not need me much for you are doing good on your own despite being a newborn. Please, Tadeas. Mama needs you to do this for me." I delicately kiss his cheek as he calmly peers up at me without making even the slightest of sounds.

Rising from the cold floor keeping my reluctant eyes on him I stumble out the entrance and once he is out fully of sight I noiselessly close the door behind me. With a muffled sigh, my upsetness of this situation climbing within I give myself a terse nod of encouragement. He will call out to me for sure, I know it.

Turning to the side I encounter Lumina who has her broadened eyes set firmly to the front her chest heaving as she swallows with a sense of uneasiness. I frown with confusion and divert my attention towards the front as well seeking the sight that has her immobilized.

There is an audible hitch to my breath that confines me as the mug in my hand slips from my tremoring fingers to plunge upon the marble steps and shatter into pieces the coffee spilling everywhere. The rhythms of my heart hasten to the point that I battle to breathe. I begin to hyperventilate at what greets me and take a wobbly step backwards a need to escape the scene overpowering my every rational thought and emotion. Fight or flee my body chooses the latter.

"Phobos," I choke out his name with disbelief and Lumina visibly stiffens beside me.. She strives to hide her apprehension but if I can see it so can the three males standing in front of us.

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