The Ancients World

Chapter 187: The Heist of Bellvia XII

Chapter 187: The Heist of Bellvia XII

{I'm going to be starting up a new story that I've had a lot of ideas for, I'll release the first chapter for it on June 6th at 9 am. I already have the first 8 chapters written for it. I have a feeling you guys will like it.}

As Sally excitedly looks at dresses and clothes in general, I look at the three quests I have here in Bellvia. These three quests are my bane right now. All will be completed in due time. I'll have new quests to find after these, and with the completion of these quests, I'll probably not have much to do aside from heading to Avalon. As I'm thinking about where all this is going, a thought crosses my mind. How is my real family doing? Hailey and Marcus got their legendary classes, and they will have no problems in terms of getting what they want. That leaves mom and dad. I haven't heard anything regarding them in the world announcements. I take one last look at the three quests I have to do while they are still in front of me on my quest panel.

[Quest: The False One]

[Description: You have found the truth about Bellvia and their involvement with the Dryads, and you have found out about the curse and who made it. You will have a choice to make. Only one of the following objectives can be completed.]

[Objective 1: Expose the Kingdom of Bellvia and have them pay for their crimes.]

[Objective 2: Find the weakness of the curse and use it to free the Dryads and return them to Ancients World.]

[Objective 3: Now that you are in Bellvia, finding the right person to talk to is important. How you do this is up to you.]

[Quality: Legendary]

[Rewards: Hidden]

[Quest: An Abomination]

[Description: Find the research and notes of Ulma Runa on her development of the curse.]

[Objective 1: Find Ulma Runa's lab in Bellvia's capital and bring the notes and research papers back to Flint.]

[Objective 2: Hidden]

[Quality: Epic]

[Heist of Bellvia's treasure vault]

[Description: Break into Bellvia's treasure vaults and retrieve The Dice of Wayland.]

[Objective 1: Once in Bellvia, find a group that can help you pull off the heist.]

[Objective 2: Once you have The Dice of Wayland, keep them until the right time to use them.]

[Difficulty: Legendary]

[Rewards: Anything you can take from the vaults other than The Dice of Wayland.]

These are quests I would've never gotten in my old future. All these fantastic quests are thanks to my class. Blue Chaos was treated with the same quality of quests. "We have a perfect match for your current armor set. Let me know when you are ready to purchase. Your girlfriend seems to be having fun." My thoughts are broken as the Cashier comes out from the backroom and speaks to me. I almost correct her about that girlfriend comment, but it's not really that important. "I'll be in the back for a little bit. When you are ready to order and ring the bell." She points at the bell sitting on the counter, and I nod my head. She walks into the back room again, leaving the hood on the counter. I turn and see Sally heading to a dressing room with several different clothes.

She won't get many chances to have fun like this, so I see no reason to cut any of her fun short. We still have a lot to do today, but we can spare some time. I hear the door to the shop open, and several wealthy-looking women come in. All are late 20's and early 30's. They also have personal guards and butlers waiting on them. The guards are waiting outside while the butlers stay with the women. The lady comes out the back, and I get out of the way as they approach the counter. "How are the Holten Sister today?" The cashier speaks with kindness and formality. I mind my own business looking at the formal attire for men. I'd rather not hear anything from that conversation but to my displeasure. They are loud and rambunctious.

What seems to be the ring leader of these Holten Sisters begins to speak. They all have matching blonde hair with varying eye colors. "It's nice to see you, Jessy. I hope that you are stocked on inventory cause daddy has allowed us a big limit today." Deffinently rich nobility or daughters of rich merchants. They chat back and forth about things that have come in since the last time they were here. I turn my gaze at them, wondering if I can deduce anything. Who knows, I might find something to help with my missions. They are wearing slim, elegant dresses, the ones that are the perfect length and width to walk around unimpeded. "Daddy said that we have to spend this money. Something about maintaining budgets." Their father definitely holds a position of power.

I make my way over to the dressing room and get out of range to hear their conversation. I can hear shuffling and bumps coming from the other side of the door. Sally must be shooting dresses and clothes on and off like crazy. "Are you okay in there, Sally?" I hear her eep in slight surprise. I hear quick shuffling and louder bumps this time around. She must be rushing to get herself decent so she can speak. "Don't rush, Sally. I was checking on you. Some high-society people walked in and are going to go on a huge spending spree. I would be cautious if I were you. If they come asking for the clothes in there." The shuffling slows down to a halt, and the door clicks open. A blushing Sally shows her face, and that's all she is showing me.

I'll admit she is cute. Very cute, long blonde hair, blue-green eyes, and a light blush gracing her gentle features. "Okay, now give me some privacy, alright... It's embarrassing talking to you while I'm trying on clothes I've never worn before..." I look at her in confusion. I don't see sense in that. She puffs her cheeks ever so slightly. "I'm scared you won't think they look good on me... All you've ever seen me in is the combat gear..." Ahh, I get it now. While I'm intelligent and rather perceptive, I still lack a good working knowledge of women. Sally's behavior really helps me see the differences that I didn't know about. I knew that women are picky with what they wear, but I had no idea who they're with effects that. I know why Hailey had so many different clothes now. I don't know how we didn't go broke with her spending habits, another reason to be proud of dad.

I smile down at her and nod my head in understanding. She closes the door, and I stand guard. I watch the three sisters and the cashier from a distance. I can't make out what they are saying, but it's probably something that only happens in their social groups. After watching for a few minutes, they finally stop talking and begin to shop. The three split up and go to different parts of the store. There are many eyes on me from outside the shop. The guards are doing their jobs, and I can respect that. However, the glare from the butlers isn't very nice. The oldest male walks over to me and looks me up and down. "I've never seen you in this shop before... This your first time buying from here?" I chuckle slightly and nod my head.

He fixes his monocle and squints his eyes. "I could have sworn I've seen you before... I just can't place it... Ahh, forget it, I'm probably just going senile in my old age." At least he isn't rude. She looks at the door behind me and sees the shadow moving in it under the small crack at the bottom of the door. "You must be shopping with your significant other. I apologize for interrupting you. Duke Holten insisted his daughters leave the estate for the day. As you probably heard, they are quite loud." I look at the butler and see a small glint in his eye as if he is testing me. They are daughters of a Duke, which means they have a lot of money. Their father is most likely a criminal embezzling from the state, but that isn't my job to stop.

I stand up straight and stop leaning on the way. I'm 6 inches taller than this butler. "Just when I thought that you were actually nice, I really don't give a damn who their father is. I have more important things to worry and think about than some corrupt Duke." I see the butlers face ever so slightly twitch as I call him out on his subtle attempt at intimidation. "I suggest you and your wards stay on that side of the store. We don't want to make a mess of all these beautiful dresses, now do we." He straightens out and adjusts his monocle. He is about to speak, but I assume the youngest of the sisters turns a corner and sees us talking. She walks up with a joyful and innocent smile on her face. She looks around 27.

She stops at the side of her butler, and I never break eye contact with him. I'm the alpha here, not him or any of his guards. "Sorry if Truman was bothering you. He is rather overprotective of my sisters and me. He has been taking care of us since we were born. You are very attractive for a fighter, with looks like yours I'd assume you'd steal a noble girl's heart and live a life of luxury." As she utters those words there is a slight bang behind the door I'm guarding. "Unless you already found one." She gives a genuine smile and I hear Sally making more noise. Probably getting dressed in her original clothes to come out and stop this obvious flirting. "We are having a party at our estate in a few days, you and your partner should drop by. C'mon Truman." The noise behind the door gets even louder, and as she leaves with the butler. The door flies open with a flustered Sally. I think that was jealousy, I've never had anyone be jealous. What a strange feeling. She looks at me for an explanation and I sigh slightly. Time to learn some more.

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