The Ancients World

Chapter 157: The Holy City IV

Chapter 157: The Holy City IV

This is the first time I've seen Sally this scared. She has dealt with the people I saw today for her entire life. I couldn't imagine living the life she has, over 100 years of this torment from people. It's absolutely ridiculous. "I know you aren't going to be getting much sleep tonight. I wouldn't either if I were you. If you need me to get you anything or help with something, let me know." She doesn't say anything in response. We just lay on the bed in silence.

I leave my eyes closed and take a small breath. This quest will be difficult to complete, with so many racists making it hard. I'm going to have to be extra diligent. Some people are violent and will try to remove her forcefully. "Can we get a hood for me tomorrow... If people didn't see my ears, they wouldn't tell the difference. I don't want to walk around being stared at and ridiculed all day..." I can easily fulfill that request.

I take a small breath preparing my answer. "We can do that. Some stores won't serve us, and the rest will overcharge us for a hood. We'll go to a more affordable district and get the best deal possible. I also don't want you feeling bad because of your status. You have every bit of right to live a happy and normal life as they do." I feel her arm tighten around me, and she curls up slightly into my back. I'll do my best to make changes for her.

No one should have to live a life like this. As someone with a lot of power, I can make a change. It's getting over my own greed of not wanting to be revealed. "If you want, Sally, I can reveal myself and make your life here and everywhere easier... Just say the word." She doesn't say anything, and I feel her flick the back of my head. It doesn't hurt. "I'll take that as a no." I don't think there is anything left to talk about tonight.

I focus on trying to sleep, and I eventually do. I dream of nothing, and after the night passes, I feel the sun and its heat hitting my face. I lean up, and since Sally is still attached to me, she follows me up. It wakes her up in the process, and she lets go. I clean the gunk out of my eyes, and so does Sally. "Let's get out of this place and get you a hood." I stand up and make my way to the door. I notice Sally hasn't moved yet and is curled up in a ball with her face in her knees.

I walk over to her and sit on the bed. "I'm not leaving you here alone, Sally. I don't trust anyone down in that bar, and if they see me leave without you, they might try something. Come on, let's get out of this inn and look for a store that isn't racist." She looks up at me and starts to get up. I lift myself off the bed and make my way towards the door. Sally is staying very close on my tail. We both slept in our clothes.

We exit the room and make our way downstairs. The loud conversations quiet down as we descend. Many turn their gazes at us just like last night. This time I can see many adventurers that weren't here last night. We make our way to the exit, but two fatter men block it. Sally grabs the bottom of my chest piece and holds on in fear. "You look like you don't have much money, but laying down 20 gold like you did last night proves different. You know what you've done, don't you?" This is going to lead to a confrontation inevitably.

Killing NPC's in cities is a big risk. If they aren't criminals, you become one. Players killing each other is different, but it has some punishment, not like killing an NPC, though. "I'm only going to say this once. If any of you try anything, I'll kill everyone in this inn." I'm 100% serious too. If there are no witnesses to report the crime, I won't get in trouble. Many laugh at my words, and the man who spoke earlier stands up and walks over towards us.

Sally is my main concern right now. She is probably scared shitless. "Those are big words coming from a deadman. I'll tell you what if you hand this pretty little thing over than my men, and I will let you go." She reaches out to touch Sally. "I'm going to hav-! AAAHHHH!!!!" I instantly draw The Witness and chop off his arm. I get notifications, but I ignore them. "YOU SON OF A BI-!!" I take his head off his shoulders before he can keep talking.

I turn to the two fat men guarding the door and slash horizontally at their waists. I cut both of them in half. I turn around to the rest of the bar and see the scared faces of everyone. "Don't worry. It'll be quick and almost painless. More than any of you deserve." Many try to rush at me to get to the exit. Other's run for windows and rooms. I toggle my wings on so that I can kill these guys faster. I rush 5 and cleave them in multiple pieces with my wings.

I dash around the room faster than anyone can react to or getaway. I use The Witness and my wings to tear everyone witness apart. After 20 seconds, everyone in the inn except Sally and I is now a pile of limbs and organs. The amount of blood will cause any non-veteran puke. I look to see Sally doing said vomiting. I toggle my wings off and sheath The Witness. I walk over to her and stand by her side until she is done.

Every time she looks up and around, she goes back to puking. She'll eventually be able to do these things. Once her stats and gear are good enough, it'll be easy. I even got a level up from that. I make sure the front door is locked, so no one walks in. Until Sally is ready to go, I'll wait patiently. I open my player interface and see my new level.

+4% level exp

[Slayer (Zern) Lvl.82]

[Exp: 1/100%]

[Title: The Son of Arch-Angel Michael (Hidden),+3 more]


[Strength - 2095][Endurance - 2045][Dexterity - 2125][Speed - 2240][Focus - 14,660]

[Health: 16,560/16,560][Mana: 146600/146600]

[Stat Points: 10][Armor rating: 500]


[Passive Perks]

[Inheritor of the Sword] [Son of Heaven] [Slayer of Evil] [Holy Willow Trees Savior] [Finder of Legends] [The Divine who has Legend] [Destined for Greatness] [Dungeon Diver] [An Overachiever]

[Active Skills]

[Heavens light Lvl.9 325/900] [Protected by Heaven Lvl.9 225/900] [Slash Lvl.22 4600/13000] [Parry Lvl.3 80/300] [Double Strike N/A] [Kingslayer N/A] [Raging Machine N/A] [Winged Glory] [Angelic Flight]

I'm not sitting at zero stat points anymore, which is nice. I'm 1 percent into level 82 as well. "I didn't actually think you'd do it..." I hear Sally say something as I look at my stats. I turn my head to look at her and see her face. She looks at me in sadness. "You killed them like they were nothing... I'm grateful you protected me, but you shouldn't kill people so quickly... You're an angel. Won't you get punished?" I shake my head no. She gives me a confused look.

After a couple of seconds, she looks at me to explain. "I don't know why I don't get in trouble. It could be because I'm a new person. What I think causes me not to get into trouble is my other half." She gives me a strange look after hearing those words. "I'm still half-human Sally. I'm the first half-human and half-angel ever to exist. There are no specific rules I have to follow. I have the free will of a human and the power and authority of an angel." She looks at me in slight fear.

I could have worded that better. "What I'm trying to say is I'm free to do whatever I wish. At least I think so..." She stands up and wipes some of the saliva off her chin. She heads for the door and opens it. I follow her out and quickly close the door behind me, so no one sees or smells the mess in there. It'll probably be discovered in a couple of hours. They pissed and shit themselves before dying.

I look at my clothes and see a problem. I'm covered in a lot of blood. It's early still, so not many are outside yet. I unequip my chest piece, so it doesn't look so bad. We take a few steps down the road, and I look behind me to see my bloody shoe prints. "Hopefully, they have a policy where I can enter stores without shoes and a shirt." I unequip my shoes, and I hear Sally giggles slightly. In a way, it's funny. Take away the reason I'm like this, and I can see what it's laughable.

We walk down the streets looking for a shop that's open already. "I'm sorry you had to do that for me..." Sally speaks out of nowhere and apologizes.

I take a sigh and relax. My defined muscles un-tense, and some of my body pops. "I promised to protect you, and I don't break my promises." She smiles and looks down with rosy cheeks. I might need to get new clothes after that mess.

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