The 31st Piece Turns the Tables

Chapter 579

Episode 579

: The story of the Galaxy Army.

As Snowfall had just emerged from Kagon’s time vortex and humanity had joined him in his ascension, an unusual event occurred throughout the galaxy cluster of the universe to which Pandea belonged.

– Senpai, this is… right?

Janet after her last meeting with Snowfall and after absorbing Kodon’s vast information at the Star History Museum Akashic.

– Heart Oria.

She tried to work as if she was possessed by something.

– Senior…

– When I got to my current position, people around me said,

Janet is one of the three colossi that the Judge currently has.

– I was lucky. What do you think?

– Lucky is… good.

– Luck is absolutely good.


She answered with a grin.

– Luck… good. But that wasn’t everything. Flow… I see the flow.

– flow?

– What do you mean?

– I can see the battle. When should it be time to take a chance? If you’re betting on a winner, how much should you bet? What you can’t see is… who is sweeping the plate?

Oria answered.

– Then it’s useless! Because the most important thing is what you can’t see!

– Well… Hart, do you have the same thoughts as Oria?

– ….

Heart and Oria travel the universe as madness merchants like Janet. Normally, I would have smiled and asked what was important, but today I was silent.

– no.

– ….

– The important thing is… when to bet. I got it right, right?

– … that’s right.

Janet looked at the two with one open eye.

– Bet money on anything. Whether you lose or win, you compete. This is the path I have walked. So far… well, I was lucky enough to get them all.

– … senior.

– I really don’t know this time.


Janet flipping a gold coin.

– Where should I hang it?…

– What should I hang it on?

– It’s obvious.

A childlike laugh.

– entire.

– … Everything?

– Ah… yes.

– Do you have to walk?

– You know, it feels like someone is stepping on my head.

– ….

– Something I have felt throughout my life, ever since the planet I was born on was destroyed. Someone’s stepping on my head…

It speaks of domination.

– You are the same. They all have footprints on the top of their heads. It feels like a fruit that burst out after being suppressed a lot. Ha ha ha ha ha!

– … Are you planning on putting your feet up?

– I can’t do it alone. In order not to be trampled on, you have to become their equal. Do you think it’s possible?

– … no.

– That’s right, it’s impossible. I’m not that kind of person. Those guys are weird to begin with. So… I’m guessing.

– ….

– Among the hands that reached out to help me up… the hand that could really pull me with strength.

When Oria hesitated, Hart spoke frankly.

– Senior, those eyes… Is it because of the eyes?

– ….

– It has changed. What are those eyes looking at?

– Things you couldn’t see. It will be used for what I have to do.

– Why are you telling us all that?


– So, I’ll include you in a special way. On a big plate.

– ….

– ….

Oria and Hart exchanged a look.

Janet is dangerous.

It has become a dangerous entity.

It felt like my neck was going to fly off.

– If I refuse, will you kill me?

A heart that fights without backing down.

– huh.

– What if we’re wrong? Are you dying?

– You will suffer worse than death. Because you will be imprisoned in Heroing, an eternal prison.

– Heroing… Ha… Hahaha….

Heroing, the prison of eternity.

A notorious war criminal and political prison camp in space.

Unlike those who break the rules of the universe ruled by the Judge, it is a place where those who reject the rules themselves are accepted.

Anyone who sets foot here will be imprisoned indefinitely.

Endless darkness.

It artificially creates the darkness of a time when not even the stars were created, making us forget about time and ourselves.

– … treason!

Oria’s eyes opened wide and she uttered Janet’s intentions.

– It’s a revolution. Choose.

Hart said.

– I will do that.

– … why?

– You said you should?

– I didn’t know you could do it.

– If you fail, you’ll be left there alone. I can’t bring up my senior because he doesn’t have the will or ability to do so.

– ….

– So it’s better if we go together.

The point of view of the incident expands again to the area of the galaxy group.

Somewhere in the Judge’s universe.

An era in which civilization created by intelligent beings has finally arrived.

This is an era also called dystopia.

A planet without a single drop of faith now produces only madness.

“Hey idiot! “Have a good look!”


“Do you want to get a hole in your head?”

“… I’m sorry, I’ll pass.”


Lawless zone.

Highly developed civilization gave them light, but they eventually burned out in that light.

“… I’ll start, Senpai.”

Preliminary preparations have been completed.

Many secret people on Hart, Oria, and Janet’s side carry out the same operation simultaneously throughout the Judicator’s universe.



Take over the planet’s media channels.

Hacking of video and audio media, including electronic signs.

“What the hell!”

“Is it terrorism?”

A screen full of patterns appeared on the electronic display board.

‹Dwellers of the planet. Asking for help.›

Hart saw the response pouring in from the planetary community.

– What is it? Did you see what’s coming out now?

– Is this a pseudo-fake again? Haha. How many times this year? I’m so sick of it.

– The horse is so fucking long, so?

This was one of the planets where the last of Pandea was relayed.

Those who paid madness to those who were the gods of that place and witnessed the vivid struggle and death.

To put it briefly, Janet’s target is those who were once called viewers.

– Someone give me a 3-line summary.

– You stupid bastard. Where did you go to college? If you don’t understand this;

– A 3-line summary from the top comment.

The community was instantly swept up in a new spark.

– Hey, you’re hacking this? Isn’t this a channel owned by the Triview Gang? The hacking bastard is screwed, but really haha

– the world is still worth living in, even worrying about the hacker.

– It will likely be caught within 3 days.

In dystopia, there are no stars.

The dense dust here makes them forget about the stars.

– I’m already looking for him with a gun lol. Let’s go to Triview Dog Setup’s training.

– I think I’ll shoot at you first haha. If someone knocks on the door, write a will first.

– Yes, I should write that I am the closest friend to you.

– Oh please.

– When I die, you too will become a beehive haha Local honey gurgling~


In the video medium, the modulated voice continued to flow.

The general content is that a planet called Pandea has entered a supernova state and requests prayers to prevent the destruction of the planet.

That it will spark faith and with it we will fight against the corrupt gods.

– Oh, there’s nothing to do.

– Are you my alpha? Nowadays, even low-ranking bastards do hacking. Take care of your ruined life!

– Okay~ I’ll give you a hint of heroine

– Ugh, kids who are in the gutter of reality are definitely interested in things like that. Live in reality for a bit^^

“… senior.” –

Channel rights taken away

in accordance with Paragraphs 2 to 4 of the Galaxy Security Act violation .

– God and humans are both wrong lol

– ㅁㅈ They are both ㅂㅅ.

– Yang Fei-ron appears without fail lol

– Does it seem to me that the method is wrong?

– Even if your family is in that situation, say the same thing lol

– My family lives happily with the gods, right? You must fight with the gods haha. Didn’t we learn to get along when we were young?

Philosophy stops expanding.

Thought and reason are not divided into small pieces and produced, but only burn repeatedly.

The teeth of the opposite sex exist to bite off other people’s flaws, and the fingers also exist to tear away other people’s flaws.

“This place… no, this place… wasn’t.”

Others are just cynical.

“… There is not an ounce of faith here.”

Others are cynical and disparage something that rises in plain sight.

It does not come from domination.

It comes from fear.

I am afraid of something sticking out sharply.

They deny those who try to do what they themselves were unable to do.

That’s how faith disappears.

That’s how the universe is maintained.

* * *

Pandea again.


Waves of light push the coastline.

The long line of ships gradually changed into the shape of an arrowhead.

Snowfall is about to approach the end of the world.


Waves of light head towards the coastline.

Where snowfall’s gaze is directed is where the fleet will head.


“Prepare your guns!”

Bizarre monsters rose from the sea.


A sea giant with a cow’s head hanging on it.

Destroy the lead ship.



“Catch it…”

The disaster that occurred on the planet also affected the monsters living in silence in the deep sea.

This was also a process.


A process leading to the place where the horse’s ascension will take place.

“… I won’t be able to get over this easily.”

Ur says something.

The voyage continues.


Lightning struck and burned part of the fleet.

If it had been a small boat, it could have been avoided, but now it was moving like a huge whale, so it was impossible to avoid.


Great shamans, including Bronn, worked hard to calm the seaway.

Quasi profit-!


“Over there-!”


“… Ah.”


A huge wave rose up as if it would touch the sky.

The waves that started on the port side were uncontrollable.

The fleet will be stranded here.

There will be very few survivors, and humanity will eventually reach the end of its life.

From now on, every breath and word you will utter will be a will.

“… That’s it for now.”

Bronn grinned.

“It was very enjoyable.”


Trolls laughing like evil spirits.

Seolhong and Chiwoo laughed while looking at Snowfall.

“… I hope you make it.”

Seolhong fell into Kangseol’s arms.


Kang Seol stroked Seol Hong’s head and smiled at her.

It’s goodbye.



The light disappears.

The fleet is swallowed up by the current and returns to darkness once again.



Snowfall, Tansia and Ur.

All but three were gone with that.

Those who are not prepared and those who are not qualified will all disappear.

Snowfall also did not try to go against it.

Now it doesn’t matter anymore.

Everything I reached out and embraced was just a handful of water.

These are things that will scatter and disappear.

For them, it was impossible to miss something that was definitely not to be missed.

This too is a choice.


A huge monster opened its mouth towards the three people standing on the water.

Just enough to swallow in one bite.

At that moment

, wow!



A huge pillar sticking out of the sea.

The monster hit the pillar and flew away.

When I looked closely at the pillar, I saw something that looked like a sucker attached to it.

These are the legs of a creature.

[The powerful helper ‘Mature Pupu’ appears in this adventure.]

[The powerful helper ‘Mature Pupu’ joins your ally in this adventure.]

Something appeared beneath the water where Kangseol and the group were standing.


It had them on the deck in an instant.

I floated through the current.

The only ship left in the world now.

…Ho the great sea man!

【Pupu! You came!】

Bitan shouted at the Kraken that stuck its head out.

Monsters flocking towards Pupu.

Puppu now made a sound that was infinitely closer to that of a monster.

Poou Woo Woo Woo Woo Woo Woo …



still cool.

Grief cried and laughed.

【… Thank you!】


The Sea Man pushed toward the horizon.

A place where the sky and the sea meet.

To their destination.

Woooooooooo… Goodbye,



* * *

How far has it come?

The Sea Man reached land.

That is the end of the ship’s life.


A ship starting to sink.

Bitan looked back and said.

【You gave me strength!】

The three walked on the land in silence.

This is somewhere beyond the horizon.

A place whose location cannot be specified.

A place that only those who are qualified to challenge heaven can reach.

It’s the end of the world.

[We have reached the end of the world!]

[One step forward, great one.]

[Here you can take on the final adventure, ‘Ascension’.]

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