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7 months ago
Upon reincarnating in a world where chaos was rampant, Shen Changqing became a member of the Great... Read more Upon reincarnating in a world where chaos was rampant, Shen Changqing became a member of the Great Qin Demon Suppression Division. Kill monsters and upgrade [Thirteen Cross Practice] to perfection! Kill powerful demons and break the limits of Martial Arts! KILL ––Several years later, Shen Changqing became the Guardian of the human race. All of the monsters and demons bow down before him! “As long as I am here, the human race will never be destroyed!” Collapse Ancient China, Calm Protagonist, Cautious Protagonist, Cold Protagonist, Cultivation, Demons, Dolls or Puppets, Fantasy Creatures, Fantasy World, Fast Cultivation, Game Elements, Ghosts, Gore, Hunters, Level System, Male Protagonist, Monsters, Murders, Possession, Reincarnated in Another World, Ruthless Protagonist, Sword Wielder, Transmigration, Weak to Strong Why did it stop uploading? It is definitely worth a read. If you like Way of the devil then this novel is definitely for you.It is a enjoyable read and has a ruthless mc no emotional struggle or some other bs. It is just about getting stronger and fighting demons that threat the human race. Cultivation realms-Body forging realm Qi circulation realmInnate realmGrandmaster realm Ch-31 In chapter 2 [Thirteen Cross Practice] is suppose to have 9 levels. In chapter 5 it suddenly has 13 levels. The author could not even remember what they wrote 3 chapters later. His system upgraded it above its max rank I wouldn’t say this novel is particularly bad in most aspects compared to most novels on here but it’s really just overwhelmingly bland and uninteresting. Nothing it’s doing is catching the reader’s attention and after reading 70+ chapters I still feel bored and not invested in the MC at all. Honestly, I’m struggling to see how anyone could be at this point. The premise is there, the world is a little lacking but that’s fixable, but the cardboard-cutout of a main character with no clear motivation or personality coupled with the lack of any other important or likable characters is what really drags this down. This novel is a 1.5/5 at best and somehow manages to make every chapter feel like filler. It’s sad that I can’t disagree with this one bit. Really just goes to show that an intriguing premise means nothing without proper execution. Closest thing I’ve read to this that was actually much better written (though still lacking somewhat) was Way of the Devil. It wasn’t perfect, but it had the perfect balance between power fantasy and world/character development that kept things interesting and refreshing for quite sometime. I really enjoy martial arts novels like these where the MC is perfectly human, but he manages to transcend human limitations and stand up to entities which humans have no business opposing. With the catch that his cheat only allows him to accumulate far more martial arts than possibly allowed in one or ten lifetimes for that matter. Take away the absurd power escalations introduced later on in this genre and I couldn’t ask for anything more. If the definition of ''mid'' was a novel, but a little worse Just read comments and started delving into this but this is extremely meh...... Dropping it now :( Above average novels. Atleast better then most of the trash novels. Quote: HemisphereIts decent if you turn off your brain while readingEdit: It might not even be bearable to read with your brain turned offCrlh kkkkkkk Pesado Br? Its decent if you turn off your brain while readingEdit: It might not even be bearable to read with your brain turned off