Terra Nova Online: Rise of The Strongest Player

Chapter 586: Short TimeSkip (3)

Chapter 586: Short TimeSkip (3)

Chapter 586: Short TimeSkip (3)

(PinkLotus’s Recap)

In Cervantez’s previous timeline, PinkLotus had only reached the realm of a master around the fourth evaluation mark, as she lacked the drive to become truly powerful.

However, in this timeline, driven by a sense of rivalry with ‘TheBoss,’ whose growing dominance left her feeling overshadowed, PinkLotus pushed herself relentlessly to match his achievements.

Already close to the threshold, she needed only minor adjustments to reach the master rank and after the conclusion of the second rankers’ event, it took her just 10 days to meet the final requirements and officially ascend to the realm of a master.

[ Global Announcement : Congratulations to player ‘PinkLotus’ for becoming the second player in the game to reach the realm of a ‘Master’ warrior. ]

A world-wide notification spread the news of PinkLotus’s achievement, and while most players welcomed it as a natural progression, others, like Cervantez, found it hard to accept.

For the majority, PinkLotus had become a symbol of strength, especially after her impressive showing in the second rankers event, making her rise to mastery seem inevitable. Yet, Cervantez was uneasy, sensing that the events were unfolding too quickly, and the timeline itself felt increasingly unstable.

With PinkLotus reaching the realm of a master a full year ahead of when she was supposed to, Cervantez felt a pang of disheartenment. He had already resolved in his heart to attain the rank of master within that same timeframe, planning to enter the exclusive VIP sector alongside PinkLotus. But with her early achievement, his vision felt shattered—he could no longer follow the same path at his own pace.

Adding to the fact that ‘TheBoss’ and Luke were already in the VIP sector and would likely become PinkLotus’s neighbors, Cervantez’s frustrations grew even more as it fuelled his desire to improve as fast as possible.


Just as Cervantez had feared, after ascending to the realm of a ‘Master,’ PinkLotus had her ankle monitor removed and was promptly approached by Captain Kid and other arc ship officials.

She was offered a residence in the exclusive VIP sector and immediately relocated to her new home.

Along with this, she received a sponsored meditation manual as a gift, under the same conditions given to ‘TheBoss.’

The terms required her to give priority to the clan sponsoring the manual when the time came for her to make her alliances and PinkLotus accepted this condition graciously.

For a moment, she was stunned to discover the true nature of Terra Nova Online. However, after reflecting more deeply, PinkLotus realized it was only natural that the aliens had a hidden agenda behind forcing all players to participate in the game.

In hindsight, she chastised herself for being too naive, having never questioned the deeper purpose behind it before, however, having been enlightened now she felt a greater clarity on what she needed to achieve before they arrived on their destination planet.

“Also Miss Alia, please note that ‘TheBoss’ and his family will be your neighbors during your stay in the VIP sector, and although the manor areas here are huge and demarcated properly using treelines.

It’s still technically possible for them to barge into your land unsupervised as unlike the lower sectors there is no ankle monitor authorized gated entry here–” her dedicated elf groundsman informed her as he warned PinkLotus to not be too surprised if she ever saw someone else loitering in her property, although it was highly unlikely that such a scenario ever happened.

However, instead of being surprised by such a scenario, PinkLotus felt excited instead as she asked her elf groundsman if she could do the same and enter his property unannounced, which made the elf groundsman extremely uncomfortable.

PinkLotus had always wanted to spar against ‘TheBoss’, and now that she was a master that curious desire only increased significantly.

She understood very well that she could not force ‘TheBoss’ to fight against her in the game world, since it was next to impossible to pin him down there and make him fight her if he was unwilling, however, doing so in real life was still very much possible, especially if he was her neighbor.

“Miss Alia, please don’t barge into his territory…. Around this time Sir Leo comes out to practice with his training dummies. Please I beg you… stop now” her elf groundsman pleaded, however, on her very first day at the VIP sector, PinkLotus disregarded the groundsman’s advice and marched straight into Leo’s territory.




Even from a distance, PinkLotus could hear the unmistakable sounds of training—each strike echoed with force, a clear testament to the power behind them.

Her heartbeat quickened as the sharp thuds and occasional crunch of shattered dummies reached her ears, as driven by curiosity and a deep desire to finally meet ‘TheBoss,’ she picked up her pace, her excitement mounting with each step.

The elf groundsman’s warnings faded into the background as she rushed toward the source of the sounds.

At this point she couldn’t shake the feeling that this was her chance—a rare opportunity to see ‘TheBoss’ up close, perhaps even spar with him if the moment allowed. After all, they were equals now, both having reached the realm of master warriors.

As she approached the courtyard, she felt her breath being caught in her throat.

There, in the midst of shattered training dummies and scattered debris, was Leo—without his signature mask and black robes. He stood tall, his movements fluid and precise as he struck again, a burst of power radiating from him. PinkLotus froze, her eyes widening in disbelief. This was him—the elusive, almost mythical figure of ‘TheBoss’—and he was nothing like she had imagined.

Gone was the intimidating, shadowy figure she had pictured. Instead, before her was a young man, strikingly handsome, his face unmarred by the wear and tear she expected from someone with such battle prowess. His sharp jawline and intense gaze contrasted with the calmness of his form, making him appear both youthful and deadly. She couldn’t help but stare, momentarily forgetting her purpose as she took in the reality of who ‘TheBoss’ truly was.

Her heart raced, and without thinking, she stepped forward. update Ƀy N0vᶒl1st.c0M.”I—I’m sorry to interrupt!” she called out, her voice breaking through the stillness of his courtyard.

Leo stopped mid-strike, his body tensing at the intrusion. He turned sharply, his dark eyes locking onto hers with a flash of anger. His brows furrowed as he took in the sight of her, clearly confused and irritated by the presence of an uninvited guest on his land.

“Who are you?” His voice was low, each word dripping with controlled hostility as he sized her up, clearly displeased.

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