Temporal Pearls

Chapter 57: Staffivorous Plant

The world still values creativity and unusual things. Well, as long as one can capture the reader's atttion.

In Seth's mind, what does computer graphics have better than his hand-drawn graphics? Flexibility, That's it!

A single image can be manipulated several times in differt sces without repeated drawing and painting it. And they can easily be used to make short videos or Anime if needed.

But, in their stage right now. They don't need that. For that, his whole suggestion was that he can draw the characters, vironmts and other elemts under the guidance of Adamina, th scan them and upload them to the computer, after that, the other magic he and Adamina can learn to polish it.

"I understand your spirit! But novels turn to comics or Manga is like novels turn to movies. There is the aspect of pacing, storytelling, and angle of the image." Sam chimed in. He also explained some other aspects that eluded Seth.

Seth frowned but th he glanced at Adamina, "Adamina can do all that! She has be wanting to have her novel adapted but she has no chance. So she has be studying it for a long time now, right?" The whole atttion wt to Adamina.

She gulped down and looked down fiddling with her fingers. "I guess!" She whispered.

Seth knew her character as a perfectionist, she would be great at doing things she likes. And she has be daydreaming about that for a long time. He can still remember once announcing she will be an artist one day. However, she ds up joining her mother in their restaurant.

"Now that you said it, I have se her take free lessons that teach those things. And there were a lot of notes on screplays in her room. We can use this to convince the group to allow her to work with them." Adamina's father proclaimed.

"We are being lit. From the beginning, we should have made them work with them!" Sam asserted.

Seth slumped back, they were not taking his idea with seriousness and that upset him and that also made him tired and sleepy. Th Adamina snuggled her phone to him.

Reading through he sighed, the Director Anna called was well-known Class C Mangaka. This project is another way to link their newly ris Class C with him. That was why these old folks were insisting!

Seth isn't going to pretd he didn't understand his family's inttions but he hasn't comprehded the gravity of things, yet!

Based on what the Governmt issued, they are Class C but influce and acceptance by the other authorities will take time and… the crucial thing was, they can be demoted if they can't maintain their status.

So, no matter how big or small an opportunity was, they grabbed it and tried their luck.

The meeting ded with a plan but Seth and Adamina have other plans of their own.

Later, in the night, the two met and planned their own way. They may not care about the bigger picture but they know they can do a better job on their own.

They will be making their own comic. Thankfully, there was a contest ongoing, it might be close to an d but Seth has a good idea on how to tackle the problem.



Seth oped his eyes, he was still on the staff he resized!


[Staff Durability 5]

Seth stared at that in understanding. The staff was not in its normal size and he was loading over it. That was what made its durability plummet.

Seth looked down, the vines of the Red Rose have weaved a it, trying to reach him. The vines had thorns that seemed to crave to bite off the staff.


On closer inspection, there was a place where the staff was faintly coloured red. Not only that, close to that place was a Pale Red Rose with gravel lustre. The Red Rose has fed on his Staff.

"This…!" Seth was speechless. "Is troublesome but amazing!" He reckoned. That wasn't the case, he felt a bit healthier than usual. By checking his Health status he realized that nothing changed.

The effect was because he had slept for the whole day on the Staff that provided Elevated Health.

He took a deep breath and th gulped Soothing Water that ergized him. Th…

Size Reschedule!

The momt he stepped off the Staff, his body weakness returned albeit slowly. He dragged his body outside the Red Rose point of influce and sat.

He pulled out some jerky and chewed over with Sweat water from the Soothing gourd.

The main reason Seth was here was to find the cure. Based on his research he learned that natural poison has its own cure with them. Ev though some cures need a lot of work, most of them can be used directly.

Poison Beauty was a dangerous poison and to balance that macing nature, it must have a cure very close to it.

He was there observing the shrub, an Antelope came and grazed a it and th ran away. Seth trailed behind it, he found the animal slumped on the g, breathing hard. He observed it and found some red skin on its body.

Gradually, the animal rose again and walked away as if nothing happed. Seth, shook his head, all the things he was speculating to be the cure were reputed by other evidce.

He walked back to the Shrub and observed it more, he th plucked its fruits, leaves, bark and roots. He also took a few Red Rose and its vines.

Th he wt on a journey back to his cottage!

His Staff Durability was returning but it was not fast—that means he would be an idiot to use it as a bed again close to a Staffivorous Plant.

It took 4 hours of walking and rest to teach the clearing, but his mind didn't soothe at all because his cottage was brok.

Seth stood before it with a sigh and brok will. He fell down, almost crying. He already has a fragile body and he has poison in his system that made it worse and… now his place where he should have a good sleep was in shambles.

What upset him the most was that other players might be grinding level nonstop and here he was in the middle of nowhere and no future!

He sighed as he looked at the Bluesky, which was decorated with mild clouds. "This game is fucking hard!" He mumbled as he regained his Willpower.

"Fine! I will not be defeated by this!" He declared.

Instead of resting, Seth used his brain to good use and he came to a solution. The roof has brok into the cottage, and two of the wood walls have fall too.

Seth is weak, he can't take them and make another roof and wall because they are heavy. But he can take them away from that place.

Using careful planning and his staff Size Reschedule Aspect to move the heavy woods, he pushed away the roof and walls. And th he used long leaves and vines to sur the half cottage.

He took rest sparingly, still, that took the rest of game time añd a lot of drinking differt water from Soothing Gourd that ergized and kept his body moving forward.

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