Temporal Pearls

Chapter 16: War Beast!

After the players logged out, a massive shadow jumped over Vulcan Village and dropped, making a big crater.

It did not stop but continued moving. It moved fast, making its image blurry. In just three strides it was out of the Vulcan village by t kilometres. Reaching a dry cracked scorched land.


A roar emitted from behind the moving shadow. It chuckled before it increased its movemt speed. As if provoked, three more roars were heard.

A gale that carried heat and poison elemts washed over the moving shadow. The shadow just smirked.

As for the beasts that were pursuing it were...


Wh both parties understood they were far away from the Vulcan village. The Red Dragon swooped down with breath attacks. In a pillar of fire. But the Lion evades in time.

The other three move ahead to intercept it. The Lion quickly took another route. Its gaze landed on the horizon where the Sun was setting.

It was betting its time till nightfall!

The momt the Sunset, one of the Dragons breathed out its attack which was considered a Moonlight Blast.

Moon Dragon!

Wh the lion evades, the Moon Dragon's body glows and the blast follows the lion's movemt, almost touching it.


Lion Pride Roar!


The roar resounded in the whole Desolate Land. The Dragons become disorited and start falling. Except for one! In that second, the lion turned a, stood bipedal and jumped.


Creating a large crater as it aimed to bite the neck of the Moon Dragon. But one of the Dragons moved fast to the Moon Dragon side and released a Blast of Sound.

Sound Dragon!

That forced the lion to defd and the Moon Dragon flew away.

~This cat is strong!~

The Moon Dragon said in telepathy.

Before they initiated any further communication, the lion attacked again. Its speed increased, making them see a blur.

If not because it can not fly, they will have be caught off guard. Yet they defded by combining strategy.

The battle was almost at a stalemate. One lion and four Dragons.

'Fire, Sound, Moon and the last one hav't attacked, yet. Bunch of kids! That Moon should be my meal' The lion thought.

While the lion made its target, it stopped holding back. Its attacks became fast and destructive.

The g scorched due to a fire Dragon attack.

The earth shattered whever a Sound attack met it.

And th there is a Moonlight blast that has stunning effects. That was what the lion was wary of, it was stunned for a second before.

All that the lion evaded with little difficulty until it decided that the game was over.

It stood bipedal again, this time its claws extded and they reflected the moonlight in the sky.

~Stay away!~

The Dragon that hasn't used any attack, shouted in panic.

It was too late!

~Que Cheetah Speed!

The lion's speed was tfold, vanishing from their sight as it appeared right under the Moon Dragon!

It slashed with its glowing claws, gouging out a large piece of flesh from the neck of the Dragon to its abdom.

The lion only missed the neck because of the interferce of the Sound Dragon blast which was barely able to keep up with its speed.

That did not d, the lion wt for the Sound Dragon, being the receiving d of the attack. It used its full speed.


The Sound Dragon breaks the sound barrier appearing 40 kilometres away.

The momt it stopped thinking it created a safe distance, three Cresct Moon slashes flew at its neck. An attack from the lion by condsing moonlight to its claws.


The attack almost severed its neck. Its blood poured down and the Dragon was disorited. Falling to earth.


An in-posing voice sounded in their head. An order from a higher dragon.

Before they reacted to the order, the lion attacked the Fire Dragon. Thankfully the third Dragon stood with it and aided it to evade the attack.

~Lion King Roar!

The Sound Dragon wasn't in good condition to disrupt the roar this time and all the Dragons were stunned for three seconds.

But wh the lion wt for the kill against the Fire Dragon, a gale moved fast and stopped the lion's momtum in time.

That was ough for the fire Dragon to regain lucidity. The fourth Dragon flashed into its body and Fire Dragon Injury healed in the blink of an eye.

Th in quick succession, the fourth Dragon moved to the other Dragons that were severely injured.

They all get healed instantly.

'A new variant?' the lion thought.

Its claws glowed as it was about to release more Moonclaw blades wh a massive shadow was cast, blocking the moon.

And that disrupted its attack, giving the four Dragons a chance to all break the sound barrier. Running away





Que Cheetah Speed!


The lion matched them in speed on the g with little effort and made a leap reaching them in momts.

The large Dragon that blocked the moon attacked it with gale, but the lion tanks it without much injury.

It was th that the other dragon understood that the lion was playing with them all along.

The lion leap aimed at the fire dragon but th it made a sudd turn in midair and aimed at the Healing dragon.

But that Dragon just flashed away, evading.

Allowing the lion to crash on the Moon Dragon. The Dragon scales glowed and harded as the lion latched on to its body. But before it retaliates...

Mighty Jaguar Bite!


The Moon Dragon's body fell limp as its skull was crushed as if it was a biscuit. The remaining three Dragons were so shocked as they almost stopped moving.

~Keep moving, that was a Royal War Beast. We don't stand a chance!~

All along the Leading Dragon giv the orders did not descd below the altitude that the lion can leap up to.


The massive body of a dead silver-coloured scale Dragon crashed on the g and a small body of a lion landed beside it.

It gazed at the escaping dragon with pride. If only it captured the new variant Dragon it might know how its ability works.

It th gazed at the Moon Dragon's dead body which was t times its size before it started feasting.

The history that depicted Dragons wiping out the Pride Race was a lie! This War Beast isn't ev from the Pride Race but one of its branches.

While the lion was having a feast, the blood of the Dragon spilt was being absorbed by the dry land.

Deep underg, connected emaciated roots greedily absorbed it. Sding mystical ergy throughout their system.

Vulcan Forest suddly became alive.

The almost extinct beasts that were hunted by both players and villagers wt on heat. Animals that feed on grasses conceived fast and delivered offspring of their kind in a matter of hours. And th grudgingly eat grasses that keep growing. Repeating the process!

Their body emitted an aroma that attracted the carnivorous animals which hunt them. The carnivorous animal wt on heat and mate, producing more offspring.

By the time the players logged in. The forest was filled with beasts that the Vulcan villagers feared would be overrun by them


Seth was sitting at a table with two books before him. One he was reading while the other was being writt on.

All Seth was doing was touching the books. That allowed him to make the quill move on its own and write what Seth was reading.

Finishing the whole book without getting any EXP. Seth walked out to take in the fresh air.

The game was harder than people thought.

Almost all players are level . But no one knew how to proceed from there. But due to the constant fights against the beasts' horde, players were gaining a lot of unique loot.

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