Taming A Billionaire

Chapter 643 - Six Hundred And Forty-Three: Kindness Was An Infection To Her Blood.

Chapter 643 - Six Hundred And Forty-Three: Kindness Was An Infection To Her Blood.

The third point of view:

"Alright, you're having a healthy baby. Nothing seems to be wrong so far," The ultrasound technician said to Isabella who rolled down her shirt and got up from the bed.

Today, she had an ultrasound to make sure the baby was alright. Her child would be a shocker to the whole family and of course, a great gift to Pedro.

A smile crossed her lips at the thought of releasing the news to Pedro on their wedding night. He would be delirious with joy.

"By the way," Isabella began, "Can you tell the sex of the baby?" She was curious.

Isabella was not prejudiced against any sex, but then she hated guesses and wanted to be sure. She loved orderliness and wanted to be prepared for any situation. Raising a baby was a huge job and she would take it seriously, there was no room for mistakes.

"Well," The technician went through the scan saying, "I'd say it's impossible to tell accurately since you're just six weeks into the pregnancy. The earliest time we can assess the baby's sex is at twelve weeks gestation by assessing the direction of the nub. Most babies look very similar, and I may not be able to tell accurately if you are carrying a boy or a girl, "

"Oh," Isabella nodded," Is that so?"

"Why? Is anything wrong?" The woman asked out of concern. She had attended a lot of women and most were pressured into finding the sex of the baby by family members because they preferred a male child. She hoped Isabella was not going through the same situation.

But then, it wouldn't be surprising if that was the case since she hadn't seen Isabella with the father of the baby. Didn't the news say that she was engaged and about to get married or something?

"By the way?" She asked Isabella, "Do you feel any discomfort in your body?"

"Discomfort?" Isabella asked back.

She went ahead to explain, "Pregnancy brings a lot of changes to the body and some of them can be uncomfortable,"

"Well, aside from my messed up taste bud, I'm good and I'm sure I've got the other symptoms in control," Isabella replied when she remembered something, "Also..."

"Also?" The technician was curious.

Isabella pursed her lips, then said, "I think I'm changing,"

"Huh?" The woman was confused.

"People look more attractive to me nowadays,"


"I hate people," Isabella saw the furrow on the woman's face and added immediately, "I mean unnecessary people. I find friendship and social circle unnecessary, it's a waste of time and emotions on people who only end up stabbing you in the back afterward. However, lately, I find myself craving mundane companionship. Is this the pregnancy thing doing this to me? '' She was curious as hell because lately, it was almost as if she underwent a personality transplant. To say it's not shocking was an understatement, it frightened her. She wanted to go back to being the white witch.

Everybody feared and honored the white witch and wouldn't dare to cross her. But this warm witch? It would only bring nothing but troubles to her doorstep. Kindness was an infection to her blood.

"Well, it's a yes and no," The technician answered.

"Yes and a no?"

"Yes, it's true that during pregnancy, hormones are produced and take over the important job of providing your baby with essential nutrients. It does a number on one's state of emotional health. Now, these mood swings and emotions might inevitably influence your decision-making and character.

"Many mothers have testified of a total character change during or after pregnancy. You may love holding, touching, watching, smelling, and playing with other people's babies or certain people you never thought to establish a relationship with. You may choose peace instead of violence and during one of your medications, you might even go over your life choices.

"However, even without the pregnancy hormone and all, there comes a point in one's life when they just want calm in their life. Humans are social animals and in one way or the other, you would surely need people's help at a point in life. You can't live in a cave forever, "

A moment of silence washed over them as Isabella comprehended the technician's words. She would desire people's companionship one day?

"I'll go with your first opinion, then, " Isabella chose to believe that this was the hormone's work and not her mundane need for acquaintanceship. She had Pedro and her family members, the others were unnecessary.

"Thanks for your time and you should know by now that I don't need to remind you that our meeting is confidential," she called to mind their agreement.

"Of course," The woman answered without a second thought.

"Have a nice day then," Isabella took hold of her bag, put on her glasses, and found her way out of the room.

Jean was waiting for her at the entrance and tried to take her bag from her but Isabella refused him.

"I'm not fragile," She told him, "Just because I'm having a baby doesn't mean I'm breaking down at any moment. I'm not glass,"

Aside from Anabelle, Jean was the only person with the memory of her pregnancy. Although it's been years, Jean had refused to budge from her side and remained her shadow guard ever since despite his age.

Jean refused to get married and lived his life for his niece who was now happily married with her own family. However, Jean was more of a father than a guard to Isabella and that irritated her greatly.

"Pregnancy is not an easy job, I saw what happened with your mother, Reina. Your father almost died from anxiety," he reminded her.

"In case you forget, my mother had triplets, I'm having just one. Moreover, that was in her ninth month, I'm barely in my second month and the baby is not even the size of a potato. So stop nagging me, I'm the pregnant one, not you," Isabella was still scolding him when a figure crossed the corner of vision and she halted in her step at once.

Shit, what was he doing here?


Bless this shameless author with your golden ticket ????

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