Tale of a Hedonistic wizard

Chapter 91: Dead skeleton in the cave

Jaegar remained undeterred by its piteous plight, his atttion shifting to his surings. He was not one to rest on his laurels, and he looked at the limbs of the creature, examining them. It was something he hadn't se before.

Yet, as the tsion ebbed and the seconds ticked by, an ominous disturbance rippled through the vironmt. Emerging from the very earth itself, a colossal reptilian form unfurled its presce with an earth-shaking roar.

The g trembled beath Jaegar's feet as he stared in awe at the massive creature before him. Its scales glisted in the sunlight, reflecting its immse power and dominance. Jaegar's heart raced with excitemt, and he started to feel the rush in his body. It has be a while since he felt like this.

This new arrival stood as a stark reminder that challges in this untamed domain were far from over.

"Let's get this fucking party started." He said it out loud, grinning ear to ear.

Unknown to him, his image was being displayed on the crystal scre, which st them to Isle. It was showing all the images of the other twelve studts.

Almost everyone had started fighting those distinct creatures and wild beasts.

On the east side of the isles, there was one more who was effortlessly killing the wild beasts, and he had summoned his familiar, a giant wolf. They were both killing their way through the horde of beasts.

It was Ivar Hustad; he was like a natural killer with fire dancing at his fingertips.

As he was done with them, he saw Veronica, who was coming towards him. After walking for several minutes, she ded up here.

While some of them froze in the place where they landed and were stuck in an illusion, others managed to break free and continue their rampage.

Lorcan, in the far west of the isle, hadn't found any beasts or creatures, so he kept on walking ahead. With him, Parkar was there; they had met while wandering in the forest.

The roars of the beasts and a deafing sound resonated throughout the isles as the fights were started by all the studts. The chaos and mayhem grew as the battles intsified, with spells and curses being hurled in every direction.

Back to the place where Jaegar was; he was tangled in a fight with the reptile creature. As he was fighting it, his main elemt circled his palms as he dodged its tail and big blades like claws.

In that momt, Jaegar heard someone calling him. A distant, crisp voice resounded in his head. He glanced a to see who it was, but there was no one. The reptile launched its attacks as he dodged them, trying to find the source of the voice.

The voice th said, "Jaegar!"

He heard a voice but couldn't quite conctrate on who it belonged to as the giant creature was attacking him.

As the reptile bore down upon him, its immse power exerted with an intsity that demanded his full focus, Jaegar's instincts ignited. Lightning crackled and swirled a him, a tempestuous shield of ergy that embodied his command over elemtal forces.

In a calculated manoeuvre, he pressed his hand against the reptile's scaled form, channelling the latt ergy within him to temporarily disable the creature. The writhing force that had be aimed at him was hushed, ev as the storm of lightning danced and thrummed a them.

Yet, amidst the fading echoes of the reptile's attack, Jaegar's sses were drawn back to something far more igmatic. A haunting voice seemed to drift through the air, beckoning him towards an unknown destination.

"Now, what is it?"

Intrigued and wary, he vtured forth, following the spectral whispers that seemed to tug at his very being. The terrain shifted as he traversed the path, leading him towards a small valley veloped by an air of mystery.

Outside, on the crystal scre, the image of Jaegar suddly turned blank.

Ashfield, who sat in a chair, suddly stood up. "What happed?"

Everyone was also surprised to see it. This sort of incidt has never happed before. While everyone was trying to guess what happed, he wt into the valley.

The narrowing path evtually unveiled a cavern of prodigious proportions, its yawning trance marked by rocky spikes and remnants of long-gone beings. The atmosphere within was palpably heavy, lad with an aura of ancit secrets.

As he vtured deeper into the cave's depths, his footsteps echoing softly, his gaze settled upon a chilling discovery. Resting against the cave's wall lay a human-like, tall skeleton, about two meters in height, adorned in the remnants of garmts that spoke of sophistication, now mired by the passage of time.

Yet, the eeriness of the cave was not confined to relics of the past. A spectral light radiated from within, its ethereal glow beckoning him to draw nearer.

However, the instant he stepped into the luminesct embrace, the world a him spiralled into disarray. His sses became unmoored, and his physical form seemed untethered from the tangible world. The ssation was akin to being trapped within a tempestuous void, his very existce hanging in an uncertain balance.

Struggling against the gulfing tide, he grappled to regain control, his consciousness clawing for a semblance of order.

An intrusion into this surreal state emerged, the presce of an old man shattering the bounds of his mind's confines.

As soon as the old man tered, the darkness that had once veloped the mtal space was consumed by a searing crimson that was suffocating and reltless.

He fought to resist, to assert his will, but the pressure was overwhelming, his own consciousness buckling beath the ali force. The old man's voice echoed through the chaos, commanding him to surrder and submit to the power that held him captive.

But there was something, a source of power within Jaegar, that didn't let him have his way.

It whispered to him, giving him strgth to resist the old man's control. Jaegar's determination grew, fueled by this inner force, as he summoned every ounce of his remaining willpower to break free from the suffocating old man's grip.

The old man couldn't take the storm; he was being gulfed by the crimson radiance, so he retreated.

Emerging from this psychic turmoil, Jaegar was granted a rewed clarity, yet the lingering traces of the old man's influce clung to his awaress.

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