Tale of a Hedonistic wizard

Chapter 5: Forbidden

I decided to leave things to nature to set its course. A few more years passed, and I started to get used to this antique life in the black-and-white world.

I started school, and it was okay. I had nothing else to do here other than laze around.

Then one day, my aunt returned home, radiating happiness. Intrigued, I inquired about the cause of her joy, and she revealed that someone had asked her out on a date.

Truth be told, after hearing her, I didn't like the idea of seeing her smile like that, smiling for another man. Throughout my childhood, she had dedicated herself to me, never leaving my side.

She even asked for my opinion on whether it was alright for her to go. I chuckled inwardly, assuring her that it was her choice and that I had no concerns.

She went out with him two or three times. One day she came home crying, and as soon as she came home, she hugged me.

Through her tears, she revealed that he had proposed marriage to her.

Well, that was fast. (way to go, buddy)

Perhaps it was the way things were done in those times. Yet, I couldn't comprehend why she was crying.

Curiosity compelled me to inquire further, and she disclosed that he wanted me to be sent to an orphanage so that we wouldn't be an obstacle in their relationship.


I was angry, anxious and eager to hear her decision, I waited in anticipation.

Then I calmed down myself.

Reflecting on it, I realized she had no obligation to keep me or raise me for her convenience. She had her own life to live. She could find love, have her children, and grow old with them.

I actually had no idea what she wanted. I thought about it, maybe if she wanted a family of her own, I wouldn't stop her. After all, she had given more love than anyone I could imagine.

Maybe residing in an orphanage was the right path. Countless thoughts raced through my mind, as I remained clueless about her intentions and desires. All this time, I had lived leisurely, oblivious to these underlying complexities.

Then she said that she had slapped him and ran away from him.

And her next words made me tear up. She said that she wouldn't leave me, even if it meant giving up her life or anything. She said that I meant the world to her. She wouldn't leave me for anyone.

She hugged me tight, holding me in her warm embrace. I didn't know why, or, maybe it was because of the words she said. I started crying. I attempted to regain composure, but the tears flowed incessantly.

In my previous life, I couldn't recall my parents ever holding me like this or expressing their love even once. Clinging tightly to her, I wept uncontrollably. She believed that my tears stemmed from what she had shared.

That night, (sigh), I cannot forget it. It was so embarrassing for me to cry like that. It was normal for a child to cry.

After that incident, she was more affectionate towards me. She didn't go on dates and rejected the men who came to ask her out.

And just like high school was about to end, the discussion of prom popped out in my home. She asked if had any girl to go out with, but I didn't have any and I wasn't interested in going to the prom. It was never my thing.

Throughout my school years, I stayed less in contact with girls, maintaining my conservation to a minimum. I had a couple of friends but never close with anyone. Only Liam and I used to hang out outside of school.

She insisted that I go to prom and try asking girls in my class or something. She even went out of her way and bought me a suit.

She told me to not waste a special event at my high school. Saying that I would regret it. (No, I wouldn't) I wanted to talk to her but seeing her enthusiasm, I decided to go.

Then I asked a few girls I knew and they were already taken and after with the help of Liam, my true friend, helped me set up with a girl, named Stacey.

Chanel held the title of school beauty, while Stacey was known to be second in line. Among her peers, she was also highly regarded as a cool girl and she was friends with Liam from middle school. After he introduced me to her, she agreed to go with me.

We talked a bit and she seemed happy to go to prom with me.

Time flew by, and before I knew it, prom day had arrived.

Mom helped me prepare for my night out. She made reservations at a popular restaurant, and when she coached me on how to treat my date, I retorted, "I know I never had any girlfriends. I think I have a handle on how to act."

"Of course, dear," she replied, acknowledging her mistake. "I may have been a bit too enthusiastic. But I have faith in you, and I believe you'll do just fine. I have some work to do, so I'll leave you to it."

"Thanks," I replied, feeling bad about reprimanding her for caring too much. She walked into my bathroom, the door left open for convenience and continued to the adjacent room that was now her office. Sitting on my bed, I watched her sit and work on her papers. After a couple of minutes, I proceeded to retrieve the clothes I would wear.

When it was time to shower and dress, I closed both doors and noticed Mom had already left her office. Once I showered and dried off, I slid on my underwear and pants and sat on the bed, my mind racing with different scenarios on how the evening would proceed.

The sound of the doorbell broke me out of my trance.

I walked downstairs and opened the door to see Liam. He was all dressed up and seemed like he was ready to go. "What are you doing here, Liam?"

Liam then kept an apologetic face and said, "Sorry man, I want to tell you something."

"What is it?"

"Stacey said her boyfriend asked her and begged her to get back with him. And she was going with him."

He said, "I'm sorry. I didn't know this would happen, really sorry, mate."

'Fuck! Fuck!' he voiced inwardly. I know it was just for prom but she could have told me she had a boyfriend. And why did she say yes to him?

I looked at him, then sighed heavily. Putting my hand on Liam's shoulder I said, "It's fine. You should go on."

Liam looked at me, not wanting to leave me. I assured him, "It's fine, man. You don't want to disappoint your date."

He reluctantly left, saying they would party hard together for the next couple of days, and he would make up for it.

After he left, I held the door, and spit, "Fuck!"

This was the reason why I stayed away from girls and relationships, immature and selfish. They never really care about what you think. I know from my own experiences.

I closed the door and returned to my room, sitting on the bed.

A soft knock on the door interrupted my thoughts. "Jaegar?" Mom asked.

"Yes, but I'd rather you not come in," I replied and sighed when she opened the door and stepped in.

She began to speak but hesitated and fell silent, noticing my downcast expression.

Mom sat by me and wrapped her arm around me, holding me close. While her fingers dug into my ribs, she asked, "What's wrong? It's getting late. You'll need to leave soon."

"I'm not going," I replied, withholding the details.

"Why? Did something happen to Stacey?"

"No. She decided to go with someone else," I answered, avoiding her face to hide my face. I was angry. I didn't want to show it to her.

She hugged me tighter. "I apologize, Jaegar. I had no idea Stacey would behave this way."

"It's all right. Stacey was way out of my league. It was foolish of me to even consider the idea of her going out with me."

"That's utter nonsense," she retorted. "She doesn't have a clue what she missed out on. Put on your suit and meet me in the living room."

Diana's PoV:

Closing the door behind me, I leaned back on the door, remembering the look on my boy's face. Now I feel stupid for telling him to go to prom. I know he only agreed to go because I said so.

There is nothing weak or needy in him. He's been a rock to me ever since he was young. I wondered so many times. Even though he was a child, he knew exactly what to say. He seems so mature for his age.

Through the years, he had been nothing but a sweet boy.

I'd first noticed my son's attractiveness not long after I stopped dating.

After the last date, I thought about trying again, but the idea of leaving Jaegar made me never want to. All I needed was a boy, and me to him. It was all I needed.

Things were different with my son. His presence filled a void in my life that I didn't even know existed. He became my rock, my source of strength and happiness.

I will make his evening a memorable one.

Jaegar's POV:

I found myself unable to argue as she swiftly left the room. Confusion gnawed at me, questioning why I should bother completing my attire when I had no destination in mind. Could it be that she simply wished to witness me in the outfit she had selected? Despite my initial reservations, I begrudgingly resolved to finish dressing, aiming to fulfil her wishes.

Upon stepping out of my room, I came to an abrupt halt and fixated my gaze on my mother. She was clad in a sleeveless evening gown that boasted a captivating magenta sheen. The attire complemented her shoulder-length, chestnut hair perfectly. The snug fit accentuated her alluring figure, with the hem gracefully terminating at her mid-calves.

She greeted me with an expansive smile, evidently noticing my fervent admiration of her appearance.

It suddenly dawned on me what she was suggesting. "I'm sorry, but I can't attend the prom with my aunt. I can't give them a reason to laugh at me," I argued.

"I know. I'm not that dense," she replied, chuckling. "This is a great opportunity for me to recover some of my investments. It's not often I get the chance to have dinner with such a charming young man. The reservation is still open, so let's not waste it."

"Sure, I'm pretty hungry anyway," I replied. As I stepped towards the door, she stopped me and opened a small box, handing me a white rose flower.

Seeing my puzzled look, she explained, "It's a corsage I bought for you to give to Stacey. Attach it to my dress like you would have done for her."

Holding the corsage, I stared at her for a second. 'This woman is really special.' She can be very commanding.

Moving near her, I tried to pin it, but it kept sliding on the slick material. "Put your hand underneath and hold it steady," she instructed.

I helped her put the corsage.

"Perfect," Mom said, appraising the appearance of the corsage. "Only one thing left to do. We need a picture to commemorate your prom night."

"We will stop by the photo studio on our way to the restaurant," she said.

We walked out of the house, and I went to the car to open the door for her. It was an old sedan that she drove to work.

She smiled knowingly as I opened the car door for her.

On our way, we stopped by the studio. There was an old man in the studio with the camera.

As we entered the room, he told us to stand before the wall with a flowery background.

He said we looked really good together. I was feeling great and immensely happy inside. Mom was blushing a little, though she hid her face, I could see.

I stood by her. She pulled my arm around her, and when she gripped my waist, I did the same to her. I inhaled the captivating blend of her perfume and natural scent. The combination was a sensory delight that left me feeling entranced. The old man's camera flashed once and twice, and I wondered if my lustful grin would be captured.

"Time to eat. I'll be able to see firsthand whether you listened to my tips on how to treat your date," Mom said, grinning.

We thanked the old man for his time and told him we would come to pick up the photos later.

It wasn't long until we reached our destination, and I repeated the courtesy of assisting her exit. Approaching the restaurant hostess, I provided my name and waited as she checked the reservation list. "Ah, yes," she said with a smile. "We have your table ready and waiting.

I noticed on the card that it's for a prom date, so I've taken the liberty of selecting one of our most romantic tables for you."

"Well, it's..." I started to correct her when Mom blurted, "That sounds splendid. Thanks so much." She intertwined her arm with mine while we walked to the table. I knew she was only putting up the pretence so I wouldn't have to mention my date dumped me, and I had to take my mother instead, but it still warmed my heart.

I've never enjoyed a meal so much as that night.

As I looked into my mother's eyes, so warm and gentle, a wave of regret washed over me. I realized that I should have expressed my admiration for her earlier and that the harshness in my tone had been unnecessary. "I'm sorry for not mentioning it earlier, but you look gorgeous. That dress looks stunning on you. I don't think I've ever seen you wear it."

She blushed and sputtered, "Thanks, Jaegar. It was a gift for helping my boss. I haven't worn it since, and I was surprised it fit."

"Tabitha, my boss, used to babysit you when you were young. She is a very fine woman, you should meet her after she comes back."

She did mention her name before, but I don't recall any memory of her.

The meal neared its end, and I found myself reluctant to see our time together concluded. With grace, I stood and courteously pulled out my date's chair. Her appreciative smile warmed my heart as she took my hand firmly in hers. We exited the restaurant, savouring the last moments of our unforgettable evening.

Upon returning home, we both kicked off our shoes, and I went to head towards my room.

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