Tale of a Hedonistic wizard

Chapter 43: Darkness in self

Angelina's response was cryptic yet pressing, "You know, the power you are born with is not simple. I'll tell you more later. But right now, we don't have time. You need to become stronger and omnipotent."

Confusion and panic gnawed at Jaegar as he asked, "Time? What's happening?" The situation was only growing murkier with each passing moment.

In an attempt to provide clarity, Angelina approached him and pressed her index finger against the center of his forehead. A searing white light engulfed his mind, causing his brain to feel like it was exploding and stretching, as if something was being forcibly injected into him.

The sensation continued for what felt like an eternity, causing Jaegar's face to turn green, and he doubled over, overcome with nausea and disorientation, eventually vomiting.

The world around him spun as he struggled to regain his balance, his body and mind both reeling from the disoriented experience. He clutched his temples, trying to steady himself and make sense of what had just happened. Every thought felt muddled and fragmented, as if the white light had scrambled his cognitive abilities.

Desperately, Jaegar fought against the waves of dizziness, determined to regain control over his body and mind.

"Just now, I sent you the runes, which relate to the ancient history of magic and your family's magic.

Remember the time when you were brought to my house? When I was curing you from the curse, I found out that they not only placed a curse on you but even placed a seal suppressing your bloodline." Angelina's face turned serious, and the surroundings began to shake, under her growing pressure.

She sighed and continued, "Even I found it difficult to identify what those seals were or how to break them, and all these days I have been trying to find a way to break them."

Jaegar, still on the ground, felt like his brain was going to explode at any minute. All this information was overwhelming, draining him out and making his face pale. 'Just what did I do to face such things, and what sort of offense have I committed?' he thought.

As he struggled to process the weight of the situation, Jaegar couldn't help but feel a surge of anger and rage rise in him like a volcano ready to erupt. He clenched his fists, his knuckles turning white.

She then said, "Now, I have found a way to break the seal. At that time, I couldn't save your mother, but I am not going to let them take your life too," Angelina said, her face turning tender.

She added, "Remove your shirt."

Jaegar obeyed half-mindedly, still trying to process everything. His mind was a whirlwind of emotions, with anger and rage still simmering beneath the surface.

Angelina blew on his abdomen, and a mysterious rune appeared out of nowhere, covering his abdomen.

Jaegar looked down to see the black and red marked drawing on his body that he wasn't even aware of until now. He fell to the floor, staring at the sky, no longer able to think as he lay there.

Angelina could tell what was going through his mind. She caressed his face and reassured him, "Everything's going to be okay."

Then she took out an old paper, it was like a scripture, and unrolled it. She stood adjacent to him and started chanting while looking at the old paper.

Her voice became distorted and hoarse, and the dark clouds gathered more thickly above them. Jaegar felt a piercing pain in his abdomen, and the rune started to glow with crimson light.

The dark clouds rumbled, and red lightning streaked through them, wind gusts flowing from nowhere.

Angelina continued to read the ancient chant aloud, and with each passing moment, the rune on Jaegar's body started to crack, causing the red light to intensify. The pain coursing through Jaegar's body escalated, the cracks spreading like wildfire, and he found himself floating in the air, his voice echoing in agonizing screams.

His entire body was now covered with cracks of crimson light. The intensity of the red light grew stronger, illuminating the surrounding area with an eerie glow. Jaegar's screams reverberated through the stormy night, blending with the howling wind and thunderous rumbling.

Angelina finished the last part of the chant, and the seal on his body broke, enveloping him in thick crimson light. His scream sounded like some creature screaming from the depths of the void, and even Angelina stepped back, feeling the overwhelming force.

Jaegar's body was engulfed in a shimmering crimson light, causing his skin to appear charred with an eerie orange glow. A dark, red light seeped through the cracks, casting an ominous aura around him. His eyes blazed with a deep, blood-red hue, reflecting the surge of immense power that now resided within him. At the center of his forehead, a distinct blood-red rhombus shape manifested.

The place started to develop tremors as Jaegar roared hysterically. The ground beneath him cracked and split open, releasing tendrils of molten lava that snaked their way towards Jaegar's feet. The air grew heavy with the scent of sulfur, and the sound of crumbling stone echoed through the now chaotic surroundings.

As Jaegar's hysterical roars reverberated through the air , his body began to undergo a terrifying transformation. Muscles bulged and twisted, veins pulsated with an otherworldly energy, and his once-human features contorted into a monstrous visage.

The sheer intensity of his rage seemed to fuel the growing darkness within him, as if he were becoming something more than just a man possessed by power. Lightning struck the ground, and the land erupted, causing chaos and scattering bodies in its wake. Angelina attempted to protect herself with a barrier, but it shattered under the onslaught of Jaegar's power.

The intense crimson light surrounding Jaegar pulsated and flickered, emanating a low, guttural sound. And his roar resembled the ferocious roar of some powerful, untamed beast.

It was a primal, fearsome cry that seemed to resonate from deep within the core of his being, unleashing a force of nature that was both awe-inspiring and unsettling. The very air seemed to tremble in response to the sheer magnitude of power now coursing through Jaegar, as if the essence of some ancient and untamed creature had awakened within him.

Bodies scattered away under his force. Angelina again summoned a barrier, but her barrier broke away. Jaegar stopped screaming, and now he floated in the air.

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