Surviving a Harsh Fantasy with Cheat Items

Chapter 24

Devils Mountain rises northwest from the mountain City of Ox.

The Devils Mountain is a name that is too intact, but there is no choice but to call it so.

The vegetation is clearly different from the other mountains and the hard sharp black cedar is a surface to cover .

The black mountain itself seems to be a natural fortress. A lot of spears have spawned.

The Miasma Hole of Doom at the top of the mountain. Miasma is invisible to human eyes. It spurts it out and does not stop like lava.

Two hundred and forty years before of fact which sails up now.

From that Devils Mountain, there was a man who stopped the infinite blowing miasma.

Former Great Hero, Renz Albert.

The legendary Hero Renz who succeeded identifying and sealing the cause of activation of the monster, the Miasma Hole of Doom. He beats the demon king who monitors the monster.

As he sealed the Miasma Hole of Doom, the mass production of monsters ceased, people could live in this region of Silesie, and a country was eventually born.

The founder of the Kingdom of Silesie, Renz Silesie Albert I. He is that person.

For the seal problem to be solved, the army coming from the Royal Capital should be placed against the Devils Mountain.

Then, perform a pincer attack from from both side of the Royal Capital and the City of Ox which is another base from the foot of the Devils Mountain.

I think Founding King Renz made the City of Silesie and the fortress City of Ox to perform such.

It was same with the front.

Horse-riding Louise who finished the reconnaissance comes back to Ox s old castle and murmured a word.

Even though monsters are activated, there is no demon lord who oversee the monsters in the current Miasma Hole of Doom.

I understand the cause and coping method.

Compared to the era when the former hero sealed it the first time, the quest can be said much better.

However, there is only one problem.

This Devils Mountain is a stronghold of flying dragon wyvern.

It is a subspecies of the dragon. Wyvern is a small biped walker and less intelligent than the legendary dragon which is considered as the last boss of some RPG. Dragons uses four legs with high intelligence and high magic.

The difference in power is about adults and children.

Though being able to fly over the sky is troublesome, dragon knight keep and ride them.

When spanning kingdom chivalry, it is said that it isnt a difficult foe to knock down.

However, it is a story if there is no influence of the Miasma Hole of Doom.

Wyvern who lives just beside the hole is growing strong.

The scales are dyed in black, and they are changing to existence that can even be called black flying dragons.

That power seems to approach the superior kind of dragon.

Therefore, well try to split the flock of black wyvern of the Devils Mountain.

The tactics of the subjugation troop Louise led before is this; raid the Devils Mountain to pull them off the mountain, then fight the black wyvern.

Meanwhile, the saint goes on to seal the Miasma Hole of Doom.

No matter how much it grows, wyvern will not be smarter than dragon.

Though a simple feint, it can be said that the success rate of this strategy is high.

However, it failed.

The saint who tried to seal it couldnt fulfill his duty.

What kind of mistake was there in the sealing ceremony?

On the contrary, the seal was further opened. Monster activation has become catastrophic.

Most of the soldiers who tried to rescue the saint by fighting the miasma-enraged black dragons were killed in the battle.

I did not even know why I failed. I took command, so it cant be helped that they are blaming me for it.

Louise who looks back to a last war and murmurs in blank surprise.

Everyone surrounding the desk is silent.

Sister Lia raised her hand and said.

The saint who went with Louise was my master. A merciful saint of Silesie. She was a holy alchemist that can be considered number one or two in this country. I never thought that she will fail to seal it.

But actually .

The rebuttal of Louise, Lia continues to suppress it by the hand.

It would be in the state which isnt ordinary.

What do you mean

Louise glare with her dark red pupil fiercely.

Without fear, Lia continued.

The upper echelon of the Asama church has speculated that there was some sabotage work.

Who would do such a thing? Neighbors hostile to Silesie? Even other countries that the kingdom bordered are undergoing invasion of monsters that have been massively generated from the Miasma Hole of Doom.

There are no human beings that will gain anything by opening the lid of the hole.

I understand the desire to say that it is impossible.

Even Louise and the others, attacked it with great care by using a strategy that considers danger.

What if it is a knight that supposed to do that disturbing work? Master was the person who doesnt know how to doubt a person. For instance, to the person who believed the ally, Saint Wand Holy Paull that is used for the seal can be replaced by an imitation.

Thats impossible!

For the Louise, the Order of Knights and the soldier are both her subordinates and colleagues.

I really understand the feeling that want to believe.

Because there is no mean? I would like to say, how about General Gail who was a deputy head of the Kings Order? At that time, he was contesting Louise for the leaders seat.

The name of the other party who dislikes it most in this world is put out, Louise was blocked.

No, I certainly think that Gail is the worst man. For having a successful career, its okay to get in other people, but what I say is that the sealing of the Miasma Hole of Doom fails. How many people died

No, no, I do not want to think.

Louise shakes her burning red hair and has an expression of agonizing on her face.

Well, I will ask you, what is the movement of General Gail as commander of the Kings Subjugation Army? It is as if it is a mysterious movement that seems to believe that it is unnecessary to seal the Miasma Hole of Doom. However, opposition factions trying to save the people have been raided many times and are crushed.

Well, I guess that Gail is incompetent.

Thats impossible! The proud knight of this country. Moreover, the person who even became leader of imperial guards have interfered with sealing the Miasma Hole of Doom because of self-interest.

In terms of circumstances, it is certainly the case.

Its stupid! A knight betraying the country, it cant be. As a former knights, even if its Gail, let me say that it is impossible!

Louise is unusually rough.

Well, it is a story where you cant stay calm.

Lyle-sensei who was listening to Louise s story quietly inquired during the conflict maneuvering meeting.

Commander Louise, I dont want to say but, if its impossible, how is it done?

Such a thing, if the knight doesnt defend the people and the country, at that time, the ruin of this country already..

Somehow, the talk comes off from the main plot.

I also decided to intervene.

Internal conflict within the country, betrayal. It would be nice if someone would like to do it without permission.

It is now before my eyes.

Well, lets leave it once, how shall we seal the hole?

Because I intervened suddenly, Louise and others who were arguing look blank and looks at me.

Oh, sorry. Is it a serious scene that you should not disturb air?

Well, the basic strategy is the same as the punitive team led by Louise-san, separating Wyvern from the Devils mountain while Lia-san seals the Miasma Hole of Doom. I think that it is easy to do since we have cannons.

Lyle-sensei added after he made it for a while.

It is, without the interference of someone were talking about

Lyle-sensei absolutely does not believe Louises opinion that there are no obstacles.

I do not know how deep Lyle-senseis strategy is, but I can tell by looking at the face that was clear at first glance.

This is the scheming face of sensei.

Im sure he will make a secret strategy considering that there is obstruction.

We assume that the plan may have reflect.

I did not ask for a separately detailed strategy.

Sensei didnt say what he doesnt have to say and would inform me what I should know.

Has anyone imitated such a way as to interfere with the seal?

Rather than searching such a thing in a leisurely way, Ill prioritize sealing the Miasma Hole of Doom.

If we do not seal it as soon as possible, we will be sacrificed by revitalizing monsters.

However, until sensei thinks it is enough, Ill arrange the preparations accurately.

Because we dont want to match the damage.

Lyle-sensei is fortifying the City of Ox so to the point that it seems to be overkill.

Earthwork makes the town new by re-formed momentum.

The moat is deepened, the spire is repaired, and all of those for the purpose of making a fixed artillery.

I wonder what sensei is going to fight.

It seems that we are engaged in development and increase production of new type cannon in cooperation with Ye Mountain Range Mining Association. We are keeping in touch with Nattal in Losgow mine from behind.

We need to climb the mountain in front of me, and seal it up with me. I wonder if I need to be here.

When will the Miasma Hole of Doom be attacked?

However, there is actually a demand letter from the kingdom. Sensei crushed it.

Is it safe?

Oh dear, sensei does that so it might be significant.

Apart from the new canon, I also want a rifle.

Im sending many blueprints, so I beg you to ask the blacksmiths.

The volunteer soldier corps led by Louise could also do a quite complicated mobile practice now by senseis direction.

A group of monsters comes down regularly from the top of the mountain where the Miasma Hole of Doom is. Theyve become a good opponent for training.

Since we dont want to waste bullets, monsters were massacred with guns. We dont even use the cannon. Quick slaughter, overkill massacre.

As for me, Im acting as the watching general from the carriage.

Because Sharon and Sara are watching, it is not possible to go out to the battlefield.

I, who is looking at the progress of a battle, has come to gradually sympathize with the monsters.

I have become a hero. There is a sword of light. I still dont have a turn as usual.

With the hero thrown into the carriage for a long time, what cruel Dragon Quest?

***TN: I dont play Dragon Quest so Im not sure whats with the reference

Takeru, are you here?

Oh, Lia?

I feel sorry for Lia. After making me a hero, I seem to be a secret weapon that is reserved for the end.

Somehow, the eyes of Sharon and Sara who sees Lia are thorny.

It will be okay because this person is not aiming to be part of my personal guard corps.

It took me some time to know the character of Lia so it cant be helped to look at her with suspicious eyes.

In fact, her behavior is suspicious.

I heard Strategist Lyle. It seems that the date for attacking the Miasma Hole of Doom has been decided.

Ah, at last.

Senseis suggestion.

There is probably something. Probably the reason why you did not go quickly and saved it.

Im looking forward to what happens rather.

By all means when sealing it, there should be a hero with the saint.

Can you climb the Devils Mountain? I dont mind if sensei approves it.

While listening to the story, it seems unlikely that a light sword would be useful for sealing.

Because the one that sealed it up first is a hero, it is probably not needed in the ceremony.

Oh, I dont like that. Lias tone is infected.

The permission of the strategist, I certainly do not have it.

Dont laugh Lia.

Seriously, my master went to seal and disappeared. Even if you say that the black wyvern will be lured, wouldnt there still be danger?

Yeah, but I believe in the strategy so its okay.

Lias god is Asama.

The god of my strategy is Lyle-sensei. As long as the sensei says it, it is okay.

I do not feel afraid of enemies.

Takeru is religious.


Lia made her well-shaped mouth come unsewn suddenly.

Though it is hidden in the dazzling hood, I barely see her mouth.

So after coming here, Lia really does not take off the hood.

She never takes it off.

It might be a joke just to get rid of it.

Well, she keeps wearing hood but I think it is definitely something.

I will never say to show your face from here.

It isnt liked to pick an unnecessary thicket and take out a snake.

My preparation was also decided, so Ill prepare the Sacrament that gives the goddesss protection to the hero. Ill prepare and arrange it. Please take the time before the strategy begins.


It is a word that I cannot hear.

The Asama church; it is a ceremony of strict secret. By the blessing of the saint, the heros magic power and physical defense power are greatly improved.

I like quite a bit of that, but there might not be any compensation?

There is a disadvantage to a good story.

It is truly good to know.

I am doubtful if you do business and become skeptical.

Its a pattern.

There is a safe procedure in the sacrament too. However, as a hero, Takeru lacks magical power and fighting power as well. I am not a saint. Therefore, even if taking risks, I will try to raise each others power to the utmost limit by using a forbidden curse.

You clearly said that I am lacking in combat power.

Well, the point without reserve is the good part of Lia.

It is not a joke.

Forbidden curse is too dangerous to give a sacramental prohibition from the church. If Takerus spirit cant endure the ceremony, you will lose something important.

Im afraid. Im afraid for certain. But if you make such gesture, it cant be declined.

Even I have obstinacy, I am confident of perseverance alone.

If you do not want to die, you may try even by a painful trial.

At the time of ceremony failure, I will definitely lose the qualification as a sister. I got lost many times, but I have prepared for that.

Unnoticeably, Lia is serious.

Well, because you also have a high risk, is it natural?

Even if you fail in that ceremony, can you seal the Miasma Hole of Doom?

We have already completed the creation of the Saint Wand Holy Paul for the seal.

Well, Ill do it if Lia is good.

Have I already said that I decided to prepare?

Lia plays with the ankh that shines in white silver.

Its a good resolution.

Then, after I rest for a short while after this battle is over, this evening.

Well, definitely not.

When I became a hero there was no trial or emotion, and it was awful.

I feel like I finally arrived.

In order to obtain a strong power, there is a wall that must be overcome and it is natural.

Im a man. I am ready.

That is certainly not the case.

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