Supreme BeastTamer: I Can Copy and Upgrade Skills 10x!

Chapter 29: Enter The Unknown

Item: [Dimensional Key(???)]

Description: [Enter the unknown. Unlock random dimensions teeming with monsters and treasures. Cooldown: 3 days. Note: When used, the user will only be able to exit the dimension after 2 hours.]

"Does this mean I can enter this dimension at random, without using the portal?" Nox's eyes widened. The description was succinct yet held possibilities far greater than its few words suggested.

"From Grandpa, I finally understood the importance of these dimensional rifts. They were the reason Kron was so determined—even to the point of targeting children. And now, you're saying I can enter this dimension randomly every three days?"

According to Grandpa Nathan, these dimensions were a blessing, filled with unique monsters compared to the ones that roamed outside.

While the beasts in the dimensions could drop valuable items and skill scrolls like in videogames, those outside only dropped their beast cores upon death, with rare exceptions of skills dropping. Additionally, these dimensions had ruins and tombs from past civilizations, filled with treasures and magical items. Rare natural resources could also be harvested there!

After learning all this, Nox understood Kron's actions. The lure of wealth was strong—who wouldn't be tempted? But understanding didn't equate to forgiveness.

"Good thing Grandpa already claimed ownership of the dimensional rift. Now, the Barony won't rely solely on farming." Nox returned to the present, looking at the key in his hands with excitement swirling in his eyes.

"However, there are only so many resources in one dimension, and besides, I doubt Grandpa would let me wander into a dimensional rift alone."

"But this changes everything." Nox was tempted to use it immediately. He pressed his lips together, resisting the urge to rub the key, which would instantly activate it.

Since his parents wouldn't let him hunt at his age, this was the next best alternative. Although risky, Nox knew that to grow strong in this world, he had to take risks; he was certain his grandfather understood this too.

Little did he know, this was why Grandpa Nathan let him venture into the Luminari Forest that night to awaken his class—he believed that taking risks was the only path to strength.

"Still, 'random' means I could stumble into a high-level dimensional rift. According to Grandpa, there are six levels of dimensional rifts; the silver-colored one was actually the weakest, which was why we had such an easy time. What if I accidentally stumble upon the highest level?"

The answer was simple… he would be shredded to pieces.

"Well, I'll just return if the monsters are too strong… but to do that, I'd have to survive two hours."

With great difficulty, Nox reined in his excitement and stowed the key in his inventory. As he did, he noticed the holographic boxes were filled with something else.

"Ah, the loot!" Nox's eyes shot wide open. "I almost forgot about the loot I risked my life for; let's see."

There were two items. Nox quickly grabbed the first one, a dagger with an intricate sea serpent design that glowed faintly blue.

Item: [Kraken's Fang (Basic Tier)]

Description: [A good dagger that deals +2 damage and has a 20% chance to poison enemies. Can return to its owner.]

"This will come in handy; now I won't have to fight barehanded anymore."

After making a couple of clumsy show-offs, he stowed the dagger in his inventory and reached for the next item. It was a shield with a similar design to the dagger but without the glow.

Item: [Kraken's Shell (Basic Tier)]

Description: [A shield that provides +5 defense and has a 10% chance to reflect projectiles. Made from the Kraken's shell, it grants the wielder resistance to bludgeoning damage.]

"If I were to sell this shield and dagger, I wonder how many gold coins I could get."

Fortunately, Nox didn't need money right now, so he put that thought aside. Besides, the items' descriptions were too good to give them away.

With the shield and dagger, fighting beasts would be much easier. As time passed, he began to understand why these dimensional rifts were so important and could make anyone rich overnight.

"The best part is I don't even need to own this dimension. With the key, I can level up faster and get more cool items." Nox clenched his fist, making plans for his future.

"Unlike Earth, where I was a follower of the rules and didn't set my expectations high, in this world, I'll become the maker of the very laws." An ambitious glint passed through his midnight eyes.



Name: Nox Aegis Cromwell

Title: Fisherman

HP: 40/40

Exp: /225

MP: 140/140

Stamina: (100/100%)

Strength: 14

Agility: 14

Intelligence: 24

Talents: Mimicry, 10x upgrade

『Beast Slot: 2/3』

Tame (Active)

Telepathy (Passive)

Bestow/Teach (Active)

Analyze (Passive)

『Copied Skills: (2/3)』

Shadow Oblivion (Ultimate Skill): Unleashes an apocalyptic blast of dark energy, dealing annihilation damage to all enemies within a massive radius, stunning them for 10 seconds, and absorbing their life force. Consumes 80 mana points per use.

[Shop (Locked)] [Quest]

(AN: level up grants +2 to each stat. Nox has leveled up twice, so that's +4 to each attribute: Strength, Agility, and Intelligence.)

Feeling a surge of strength, Nox punched the nearest wall. It resounded with a loud bang and left a small dent.

"Every single one of those four points really increased my strength."

Before, Nox couldn't perform this feat; he would have ended up with a broken hand. But the additional points had increased his strength.

"If only I could test my agility too... well, I'll do it tomorrow."

That night, accompanied by his pets, Nox drifted into a peaceful sleep with a smile.

"Naughty boy, always forgetting to use the blanket." Aina entered the room a moment later, gently covering him with the thick cotton blanket and planting a kiss on his forehead.

Before she left, she turned to look at the panda and Fluffington. A few days ago, Nox and Nathan had told her about the beast taming class, so she wasn't surprised to see him sleeping with the panda.

What made her pause, however, was her son's physique.

"He's growing taller and losing his chubbiness… is this because of his new class?" Aina wondered, unaware it was the effect of using [Shadow Oblivion].

After using Shadow Oblivion twice, Nox's physique had developed; his bones were sturdier, his skin firmer, and even his height had slightly increased.

Of course, many wouldn't notice these minor changes, but as a mother, she didn't miss them.

"Whatever it is, it doesn't seem harmful," she mused, closing the door behind her.

Outside, to the north, at her usual spot, she found Nathan staring thoughtfully into the distance.

"Father-in-law, care for some tea?" she asked. She wasn't feeling sleepy either, so they decided to share a tea while Nathan told her tales of her husband's embarrassing childhood.

That night, Aina's pleasing laughter filled the Barony.

While they slept peacefully, the Luminari River continued to flow through the Vermilion Kingdom with a loud rushing sound. A thirsty stray mountain lion ambled to the river and drank from it.

As it drank, something peculiar happened. The creature's black eyes darkened, and a pale, milky glow pulsed with power, enveloping its body. It writhed in blinding pain and roared through the night, but when it ended...

A single horn had grown from its head, and its aura had changed drastically.

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