Chapter 76: Golden Root [Bonus Chapter]


After crushing the fiery fist, the aura mace rushed forward and hit Mika, who instantly fell to the g.

"Fat King won the dual, advancing to the next ." After announcing the result, Master Ch called the next pair of opponts.

As the fights wt on, Kt felt bored and walked outside the ara to feed the Fire Kirin. Also, he can't store Fire Kirin inside the bracelet for more than one hour.

On the other side, elder Sinara and Zumi, began getting impatit while watching the weak childish spells, play on the ara gs.

Just as Kt came out, Fatty B stopped what he was doing and hurriedly came out of the stall to greet Kt. The disciples who came to bet on the running matches stood in wait, while Fatty happily ran towards Kt.

"Young master Kt, please stop." Fatty ran behind Kt with an excited face. Kt turned a after hearing the hysteric cries of Fatty.

"Thank you… Thank you so much, young master Kt." Fatty bowed, bding his waist, and spoke in an earnest tone.

Kt stared with a confused look as he observed Fatty, who is bowing like a servant. "Why are you bowing to me?" Kt asked while commanding out the Fire Kirin from his bracelet.

"Hahaha… It seems you didn't receive the news. I chose you as my candidate in this tournamt. Because of your win against Arul, I won 333 gold coins in gambling. I really wish, you continue to win further and become the champion." Fatty said with a grinning face, and his cheeks covered his small eyes.

Kt finally realized the reason for Fatty's humble behavior. "So, finally, your loading gun theory, fired big. Congratulations." Kt replied, recalling the nonsse theory Fatty said wh they first met in the Idol Plaza, where Kt bought clothes (check chapter 6).

"Hahaha… It's just a stupid theory. Don't embarrass me, young master. Also, if you allow me, please accept my treat after the tournamt. I really earned a lot because of you." Fatty asked in a modest tone while walking beside Kt like an earnest follower.

"You don't need to treat me, B. You earned that money with your wit and luck. Also, you might be the only one who guessed my victory and took the risk. So, don't think of repaying anything to me." Kt said while placing food before Fire Kirin.

"Young master, please don't say that. At least treat me as your frid and accept my invitation as a fridly gesture. Ev though I'm not a powerful magus, I will be a loyal frid and help you gather information or do any minor tasks." Fatty spoke with an anticipated gaze.

Kt stopped what he was doing and turned a to see Fatty's face. "There seems to be a plot behind your words. By any chance, is this part of your loading gun theory?" Kt asked in a serious tone, feeling suspicious of Fatty's words.

Fatty's awkward smile faded as he stared at the serious face of Kt. "Young master, it is true that I have a little selfish reason behind my request. But I never meant to harm you. I just want to become a gold root." Fatty B replied in a humble tone while staring at Kt with an honest look.

"What the hell is Gold Root? Also, what do you mean by harm? Are you planning to poison me by calling for a food treat?" Kt asked while taking a back step from Fatty, holding onto the back of Fire Kirin.

"No… nooo… Young master, you are misunderstanding me. Don't you know the gold root theory? The gold root attaches to the biggest tree in the forest and grows along with it.

Like Gold Root, I want to follow you in future and chose you as my candidate in every combat. Thereby, I will earn big and become a sev-star gambling god in the Fortune Hunter syndicate." Fatty explained in a hurried tone while speaking ambitiously with a proud look.

Kt did not understand whether to laugh or cry after hearing Fatty's ambitious plan. "Definitely, his fat brain is working on a differt level." Kt muttered, staring at the giggling B.

"Master, why are you not saying anything? Do you accept my proposal? If you think I'm not a worthy person, I promise on my gold rat that I will forever be loyal to you and serve you wholeheartedly." B said in a serious tone while stretching his hand forward to pledge his loyalty.

Kt felt little awkward as many disciples were staring at them with confused gazes. Kt tried to dy his request for the time being, as he felt Fatty was thinking too much.

Just as he prepared to speak, elder Cha came running towards him while shouting his name from afar.

"Kt, master Ch is calling for you. There is a change in the schedule. Come fast." Elder Cha said while gasping for air.

Taking the chance, Kt skipped answering Fatty and hurriedly walked inside, and the Fire Kirin followed him, ignoring the delicious food before it. Ev Fatty ran behind Kt to see what was going on.

By the time Kt reached the ara, sev fighters who had won their first matches—Mia Snow, Master Ch, and the Patriarch—were standing at the cter of the ara. But that is not what surprised Kt.

Elder Sinara of the Autumn Wind sect, along with her disciple Zumi, stood beside the patriarch. With a confused gaze, Kt hurriedly reached the cter of the ara, and beside him, the Fire Kirin and Fatty B came to stop.

Ev though Master Ch glared at Fatty, he didn't ask him to leave. Zumi observed the Fire Kirin beside Kt in close distance with a wondering gaze. Soon her focus shifted to Kt, who is drawing her atttion from a closer distance.

All the disciples were suring the ara, waiting to see what is happing as no one understood why the competition suddly stopped. But most of their gazes were fixed on Elder Sinara, who came to pick a disciple for her Autumn Wind sect.

Adjusting her throat, Elder Sinara took a step forward and spoke, "To speak the truth, I actually came for Mia Snow. As my time is precious, I don't want to waste it by watching this child play.

So, among the eight of you, decided which one wanted to fight against Mia. Don't be stubborn and waste my time by posing yourself as a great magus. If you think you are weaker than others, just walk away from here."

Elder Sinara explained the reason without beating a the bush. Her voice resounded throughout the tire ara through the Aurora glass. All the disciples oped their mouths wide in surprise. No one expected this twist in the competition.

Ev though it is shameful to the Sky family who is conducting the competition, they couldn't go against Tier Autumn Wind Sect.


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